Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 40 again. Do this ten more times at least please.

Said to myself. :expressionless:


Checking in day 36. Really helps checking in here and knowing I am not alone. Wishing a beautiful sober day to all.


Thank you:) and no, but I did buy a nice cover for it. So that will help at least.


Day 84. Didnā€™t check in this morning, got done work early. Just had a day where we were on the computer doing competencies and now Iā€™m just home relaxing for a minute, going to go back to get some help with the insurance in a little bit. But yeah much love everyone



C h a p t e r . V
Z e r o . P o i n t . F i e l d


:point_down: Push to go back




Today I understood a lot of things. I donā€™t want really to explain anything anymore as that this the point indeed why I choosed to do my check -ins in quite of an akward way - because I wanted to leave this community. Just because of very few people support I stayed here ( I really apreaciate Your support - Thank You :blue_heart: )

It was painfulā€¦ I checked in, but I feel rejected from a lot of Youā€¦ And yes I do. Sometimes it feels like coming home to a comunity that you accept as a second family and some of you just ignores you, does not matter, like donā€™t even shake your handā€¦

I have no words for this feelingā€¦

So I donā€™t know why I am really bother writing thisā€¦

Probably because of those who really helped and stayed together in this Journey Together :heartpulse:

Thank You :blue_heart: againā€¦

Thatā€™s it from nowā€¦ It just got to be happenedā€¦ I wanted to say this and I wanted to say how IMPORTANT the SUPORT is ā€¦

I know there are some people who gonna do harsh comments on thisā€¦ Just pleaseā€¦


Donā€™t make this harder that this isā€¦


:heart_hands::black_heart::heart_hands: ā€¦ I always like the way you check in dailyā€¦ the mystery behind it always had me curious


I donā€™t want you to go Zzz. I donā€™t interact with you much, but I like you being here.

What do you get when you put several thousand addicts on a forum? Often an echo in the wind bouncing off other echoes.

Reconsider your connection with us and stick around :heart:.


I was always quizzically puzzled by many of your posts. Like I thought there was something others knew that I wasnā€™t in on and was over my head.

Sorry to hear of you departing and hopefully youā€™ll reconsider, your posted pics always piqued my curiosity.


Wow @Clarity your share brought tears to my eyes.
What a touching post. Congratulations on your 1291 days and still keep on keeping on.
Wishing all the best to you! And thank you for stopping in and sharing :pray:


Day 493
Work day done :+1:
I went to a shop that has all sorts of sports- and trekking stuff to buy a new backpack. This time a really good one that is waterproof.
Saturday Iā€™ll hopefully get a new bike thatā€™s supported by my boss :grinning: Itā€™s called Jobrad (job bike). Usually you lease it for 3 years and buy it afterwards if you want. It has insurance and itā€™s cheaper instead of buying one right away.
Looks like this time Iā€™m really doing it, using a bike to get to work as often as possible.

Iā€™m laying on my couch now with a full belly (spaghetti Bolognese :drooling_face:) and a happy mind.

Happy to be alive and with a positive mind.

Lots of love guys, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Day 6

Still feeling really strong in my decision to be sober indefinitely. The only thing getting to me right now is my inability to get good enough sleep. I know itā€™ll get better though and Iā€™m taking steps to set a nice foundation for a healthy sleep schedule.

Iā€™ve been imagining my future without alcohol a lot and I feel really confident that it will be better for me in every way. It actually makes me feel excited!

:white_check_mark: I start a new job in a week = :no_entry_sign: NO logging into work hungover EVER!

:white_check_mark: Iā€™ve been accepted into college for Fall '24 = :no_entry_sign: NO staying up late to finish assignments thinking, ā€œIā€™ll just drink a littleā€ and inevitably drinking way too much and either failing or passing out.

:white_check_mark: My daughter will be on time to school way more often = :no_entry_sign: NO more sleeping through my alarms bc I stayed up all night drinking

:white_check_mark: When I travel, I can actually go see the sights = :no_entry_sign: NO sleeping through half the trip bc I was more focused on drinking in a new place

:white_check_mark: I can save up! (Maybe, bills are expensive :sweat_smile:) = :no_entry_sign: NO using my credit cards for alcohol when I have nothing in my checking account (which is also gone bc of alcohol)

:white_check_mark: I can set a good example for my 5 y/o daughter and my 3 younger sisters (ages 13, 21 and 25) = :no_entry_sign: NO ignoring the older two oldestā€™s drinking habits when I see obvious red flags

:white_check_mark: I can cherish fun and exciting new memories = :no_entry_sign: NO blacking out bc I used alchol to have ā€œfunā€ (nothing fun about it, really)

Stay strong, Lovlies! :muscle::green_heart:


Love the list!! Big fan of them!! Sleep is a tough one, but in my experience it eventually gets better. :people_hugging:


Took me about 3 weeks to get sleep somewhat worked out. Been pretty good for past 9 nights and last night was the best so far (according to my sleep tracker on watch).
Hang in, it does pick up and improve immensely and no hangover in morning is just the cream on top!


@zzz , I second this emotion.


Iā€™m checking in on day 209.


WTGOOOOO! TF :heart:



Daily check in. Got home from work a little early and have some time to kill before my online class. Having a much better day today. Still dealing with fatigue and pain, as usual, but the sun is out and helps my mood a little.
Looking forward to my class in a little bit. Im learning American Sign Language. Itā€™s something i always wanted to learn and is useful for my job and the volunteer work i do.
I hope everyone is having a great day. Thank you all so much for your support. Itā€™s nice to jump on here and see what everyone is up to.


I hope that you are not leaving. I really appreciate your posts even though I might not see them all or I might not put a checkmark on them all. Iā€™m always interested in what you have to say, and how youā€™re doing. I know that your posts are helpful to other people and I would hope also to yourself. Take care.
Also, agreeing with what @Tragicfarinelli said.

Editing to add. If I had the time I would reply to each personā€™s post every day.
If I had the check marks I would like each personā€™s post.
Alas. I donā€™t have the time or the check marks but try to keep up the best I can.

Again @zzz always appreciate reading your posts whether I respond in any way or not.


Day 65
Worked, went for lunch to talk things through with my parents and sister, and after that the final signing of the power of attorney. Thankfully another task checked off :heavy_check_mark:

Iā€™m pretty tired these days, hardly any energy to do something else than work and family. I feel like Iā€™m constantly ā€˜onā€™. But coming home to doggo and long cuddles makes everything easier. So much love for him! :dog: :two_hearts:

Tomorrow work. I feel like Iā€™m slacking and running in circles during a very busy time at work and I donā€™t like that feeling. Aaaah!

But tomorrow is tomorrow. Now is now. So I sleep! Night night beautiful people :crescent_moon: