Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

5 months af today!
Feeling pretty good!


Congrats on your 5 month milestone!!! Keep this going - great that you are feeling good in your sobriety :muscle:



Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.



You got this!! Youā€™re back and thatā€™s all that matters xo


Welcome back home :white_heart:


Hi all,
Well here I am once again back at Day 5 AF just being the best version of myself that I can be. Alot has happened in the past 8 months or so. Some sober stretches and some not so. Moderation is not for me. Two beers per night turned into 4 into 6 and I just canā€™t live like that. I sometimes lost sight of the things that brought me happiness, comfort, stress relief and found myself seeking those with alcohol consumption knowing full well what it was doing to my body and mind. I am lucky in the fact that by stopping drinking, I donā€™t suffer withdrawals or any signifact cravings, I just need to switch off and see the big picture and keep busy. Anyway Iā€™ve been reading posts for a few days before I wanted to post anything myself and itā€™s so great to see the regular names and the accomplishments people are making despite all the difficulties that come with addiction. I really do love this community.
Peace and strength to you all


Im sorry you felt sick :frowning:

But as for bad days making mistakes, bad days happen
Whats important is that you made it in :slight_smile:


Checking in
2 Years 2 Days
Today has been quite an emotional day. Im glad its winding down. Today is International Childhood Cancer Day and it has been a huge reminder of everything we have gone thru with my son. I read something that was written by another mother who had a child with cancer and it REALLY hit home for me. I found myself getting ā€œstuckā€ in the past with all that my son has been thru and have really had to bring myself into the present and remind myself of all that i am grateful for today. We are just about to have supper and then i have to prepare for my awake overnight shift with my son. Its going to be a hard night i think. I wish i could sleep tonight but my son needs me to watch him and care for his medical needs. Hope everyone is enjoying their day tho. There is always something to be grateful for :pray:


Youā€™re a warrior girl :heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands:


Day 494

I got up early and took my bonus kid for coffee and a sandwich before school and helped her finish her homework.
Then went to work and had to sit in the back room for a lockdown for almost 2 hours because someone had robbed a store at gunpoint 3 blocks away and hasnā€™t been found. They said he also held someone at gunpoint and was heading towards the nearby schoolā€¦
And then the police said they didnā€™t find him so he probably isnā€™t nearby and we were told to reopen and go about business as usual.
I cleaned the whole shift because it was therapeutic to me. And then I went downtown to pay taxes before driving home to make dinner which was just cleaned up after. Itā€™s 9pm and I am absolutely wiped out! How was your day guys?


Awe thank you :heartbeat:


You are so strong!! Wow and doing it all sober. You are a huge inspiration. Your resiliance and perseverance shines bright with every one of your posts :clap:t4: sending big hugs and hope your overnight shift with your son is smooth and hopefully you get some sleep soon :two_hearts: Donā€™t forget about taking care of you too xo


Omg super scary!! Glad you are safe xo


Awe thank you friend :orange_heart: i will be able to get rest tmrw night as we have a nurse coming in for that shift. Thankful that my 3 days of overnights are not back to back. I bought myself some snacks to help me thru my shift and did a little self care just now to sort of prepare me for the night :crescent_moon: How are you doing? Hope u had a great day!


Laine, sending prayers and hugs your way. Great job on pouring out the bottle. Your words are so kind and so true. Be kind and forgiving to yourself. Welcome back. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad you are safe!


Damn that sounds like a stressful and scary day. I am so grateful that you are safe. :pray:
Hoping you are able to get some rest tonight :hugs:


Checking in sober day 45. Had a text yesterday from my former best friend that did a number on me. I was really a mess yesterday, but better today, which gives me hope I will feel even better tomorrow. As hurt as I felt, I know it would have hurt even worse if I was drinking. Sending you all positive, healthy thoughts.


@acromouse @JazzyS once again, Iā€™m reminded I am not alone, thank you friends :blush:šŸ©µ
@JP123 congrats on the new place :tada:
@Trixie1 congrats on 5 months :tada:
@zzz welcome back :blush: :people_hugging: letā€™s go again šŸ©µ
@Seb itā€™s so good to read from you :blush: welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman sending you strength and energy to get through the night :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Scorpn that sounds terrifying :flushed: :grimacing: hope youā€™re okay :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Happy_Trails sorry about the upsetting text :people_hugging: glad you didnā€™t let it derail you :clap:t2:šŸ©µ

1284 days no alcohol.
749 days no cocaine.
264 days no vape.
9 days no binge-eating.

Met with the guy. All good, he said Iā€™m doing all the right things already and that I just need to work on being kinder to myself, and letting-go of shame. It does seem to always circle back to that. Heā€™s going to check-in with me in a month, to see how therapy is going. (I start that this coming Monday).

So, Iā€™ve been using a hot water bottle on my lower back, and it was feeling sore, so I looked in the mirror and was absolutely horrified. I think it would be too graphic and irrelevant here, so I wonā€™t post a photo. Iā€™ve already got an appointment with a nurse in the morning for my Testosterone shot and my blood test for my Diabetes level check, so Iā€™m going to ask her if she would take a look at my back too. Honestly it looks horrifying and could potentially stay like it permanently according to Dr Google, who also said it can lead to Skin Cancer. So I stopped reading at that point. Next right thingā€¦

Somehow Iā€™ve managed to resist binge-eating again this evening, every time I walked through to the kitchen to get ready to go to the shop, my higher self stopped me, and now Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t but Iā€™m not feeling very strong at all. The cravings and urges are incessant, especially between 6-10pm when I usually would binge. Once I know the shops are closed, and I know Iā€™m safe, I feel a huge wave of relief.



Thank you very much. I need all the encouraging words so it means a lot. Today was hard after closing a chapter I really didnā€™t want to yesterday. But trusting God has a bigger door for me to open now after a much hated but needed wake up call. Touring another school tomorrow that I pray I can get into. :pray:t2: