Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Thank You. For sure! Why stop? Or why to give up?? That would been pointless afterall :hugs::+1:

As always you keep inspiring people I believe that energy ends in peoples hearts :heartbeat: Simply quantum physics :hugs::+1:


Welcome back! I struggled with the myth of moderation for so long. (It is a myth for me, anyway). There were so many times I managed once or twice, which convinced me even more I didnā€™t have a problem, then slip slide right back to where I was.

@Scorpn That is scary stuff! Glad you are safe and hope the perpetrator is found soon.


Day 45:

Still sober and feeling pretty good. Had a great Valentineā€™s date yesterday with my daughter, sheā€™s an amazing 17 year old and luckily still likes being with me! Saw the movie The Boys in the Boat, pretty good.

Still working out every day, huge part of my sobriety, love it! Work is really wearing on me, but Iā€™m pushing through each day. Just taking everything one day at a time.


One year

Unpopular opinionā€¦itā€™s just another day :woman_shrugging: I guess itā€™s just something that doesnā€™t motivate me, the timer. That number will never be lower than it is today, no matter what day of the year it is. I feel that after suffering for so long, while wanting this so badly, I finally have it and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m gonna blow it again. Iā€™m sober! Iā€™m grateful for that every single day. Sorry this isnā€™t more inspiring :sweat_smile: but it is how I feel.

I had a wonderfully boring, normal kinda day. Dinner with the folks. It was lovely. I am tired now, so Iā€™m off to bed. Happy Friday :heart:


OMG Laura! This is SUCH a big deal!!! Im so proud of you friend :smiley: Youve worked incredibly hard to get to this point. I hope you do a little something for yourself to celebrate!


You can downplay it all you want but weā€™ve seen you work for it. Well done on one whole year!


Congrats on one year! Pretty awesome!!


Thank you kindly @Misokatsu @CATMANCAM
Congrats @Just_Laura


That is totally inspiring for me! Sorry, not sorry! :joy:

Congratulations :clap::tada::clap: on another boring sober day.


1 month and 21 days today! Haha

The cravings have subsided and Iā€™m so grateful for that. Although I occasionally do have moments of ā€˜i can handle having a drink every now and then! Iā€™ll be alrightā€™ - but then i twig that itā€™s a trick, get sad, and move on.

Educating myself on addiction and thinking about aspirations has helped a great deal. So has this community. I come back here everyday or so to check in and to take part.


Glad you are here.
New round, new chance.


Day 852 AF

Hey, gang.

Not a whole lot going on here. Worked a split shift today and took the little man to the park during my long break.

Itā€™s finally Friday tomorrow. I am looking forward to the 3 day weekend.

Have a great sober day, everyone!

Take care. ODAAT


This is so special Laura! :confetti_ball:
Yes, itā€™s just another day, just another 24 houres and maybe a boring one. But sooo many ones all together and all those special days like Christmas, 4th of juli, eastern, bithdays, etc.
You made it sober trough all :facepunch:

Thatā€™s an accomplishment!
Congratulations and letā€™s eat cake!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Welcome back Sebastian,
I have tried moderation as well. I could manage that for a few weeks ore so. But what surprised me was that after my first glass of wine that addiction voice was right back in my head 24/7.
I hated it.
And after a few weeks of drinking in moderation my drinking increased to my old amounts.
For me quiting again was a bit easier then the first time I quit. I knew how to do it, what worked and what not.
You can do it too.


*Day 1976 :walking_woman:
Had a good day yesterday.
Used my day off to meet @Mno in real life in Amsterdam. Meeting new people is a bit uncomfortable for me but doing it anyway.
One of my goals for 2024 is getting out of my comfortzone so working on that.
Made a city tour with Menno to see his hometown. Iā€™ve been there multiple times before and never liked Amsterdam much. But the things Iā€™ve seen yesterday made me change my mind.
Thank you for that Menno! It was nice to finally meet! Next time I see you in my hometown! Hope I can tell you as much about it as you did about yours (I guess not :hugs:)

Today? Work, grocery shopping, baking pancakes for my kids who come home for our weekly familyreunion.
Here we go again, another day sober.
I can, you can, we can! :facepunch:


Day 17 AF
Checking in.
Mood is better today.


@Elyse That voice of addiction is sneaky indeed. Good job on catching it!
@Just_Laura Congrats on a very boring anniversary! Honestly? Iā€™ll take boring over ā€˜in active addictionā€™ EVERY day. Hereā€™s to boring :milk_glass::beverage_box::coffee::tada::partying_face::clap:t2::raised_hands:t2::confetti_ball:
@CATMANCAM Shame and self-kindness are sooooo difficult :disappointed:. Iā€™m sure we all struggle with these. Some hugs for you :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:. I hope your back will be ok soon.
@Scorpn Canā€™t even imagine the scare and emotional toll the day must have taken on you. I hope you had a chance to rest and recover :mending_heart:
@JP123 Youā€™re rockin it! :clap:t2:

86 sugar
42 UPF
4 overeating/binge

Caught myself yesterday stress eating during an argument. Donā€™t eat and argue :wink:

Work wise I finished UML-diagrams for classes and itā€™s time to start implementing stuff. Letā€™s see how far Iā€™ll get today.

Friday is grocery day for me. Iā€™ll take the cargo bike and weā€™ll hit the stores.

I want to do the first day of the yoga challenge I started today. Itā€™s only 30min all in all and I donā€™t have time today for a full hour class.

In the evening Iā€™m off to friends. We have a long ongoing fantasy game and itā€™s time to fight some space pirates. There will be snacks there. I will eat my supper beforehand. I am a bit apprehensive as they will be somewhere in my line of sight. I donā€™t want to eat them.

Whatever happens, letā€™s keep it in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 237
.strange alcohol dreams
Working 8_5 today. Will be a nice weekend

Our apartment is full, have visitors over night (two adults two Children and one puppy) so working from home will be q case of sitting in the bedroom all day sadlyā€¦ But finally the sun is out!



Had a very nice meetup with @SoberWalker yesterday, itā€™s always special to meet other members of TS. I share the same apprehension about meeting new people but I feel we both did pretty good. And will repeat friend!

We were lucky with the weather, even saw some :sunny: . Today itā€™s back to :cloud_with_rain:. Well. Such is life. Iā€™m glad (although glad isnā€™t quite the right word) I have an appointment with my therapist this morning as thereā€™s some stuff on my mind I need to discuss. Feeling as if Iā€™ve regressed a bit. Recovery isnā€™t linear, and at the moment it shows.

Well, itā€™s me that always says recovery is work. Living a good life is work and lots of it at times. So letā€™s get moving. I couldnā€™t do it without you all friends. Have as good a day as you all can. Sober and clean. Love.

@Just_Laura Congrats friend! Seeing you thrive sober for a full year mean something to me! Awesome work. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:

@Scorpn Glad all that ended well friend. :people_hugging:


Just another day of being outstanding! 1 year is sobriety is amazing Laura. As others have said, Iā€™ve seen you work your butt off to get this far. You hold onto that feeling of not wanting to blow this but be proud of stacking up 365 days in a row :muscle:t4:

This is pretty darn inspiring. Grateful to be on this journey with you :people_hugging:
Congratulations on your 1 year achievement :confetti_ball::tada: