Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

I’m SO Happy for you. For each day that you have and the days going forward! Happy Every Sober Day!
Happy for your commitment to stay sober. :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:



Thank you. This week already I’ve had people saying to me ‘Just have 1’ but 1 often leads to 2 or 3 and I’m done with that. Like Annie Grace says, often friends want you to drink so they don’t feel so bad about tbeir drinking habits.


76 in the bank
Travel day, have headed out of town for my partner to do a trail running event.
Sticking strong to staying sober


That right there. It’s good to see you back Seb. On we go. One day at a time for all of us.


Check in on this beautiful Friday morning feeling so so tired but I’m clean for the first time in a couple of years so I’m OK with feeling the way I do as I know IT TOO SHALL PASS.


Checking in
2 years 3 days
Its 108am where i live. I havent gotten any sleep yet. My son is sleeping but hes pretty restless and needing alot of care. Doing these overnights with my son gives me wayyyyyy too much time to think honestly. I dont necessarily like it. Thankfully tho these thoughts arent about wanting to use drugs. Its more about our future as a family, what my sons life is going to look like as he grows older, worrying about my health and how i can make myself better so that i can live longer for my son, worrying about my husbands health with his smoking, thinking of finances, etc the list goes on lol

In early recovery, doing these nights would trigger me immensely. Just being awake all hours of the night was something I used to do when using. Now… outside of worrying lol, i take these nights as a time to connect to my HP and to be thankful for my life today. I dont miss those using days at all. Sure the thought of my DOC may pop into my head, but in reality I absolutely do not miss being a slave to drugs, running to the atm at 3am, waiting around impatiently, spending cash I dont really have, chasing a high that I could never reach. Just pointless. I love my clean and sober life. Im beyond grateful for God and for u all for my life today. I am really needing to sleep tho. Wish i could. But its okay, ill do some reading on here i think.


I missed your 2 years this so so nice to see :100:
Huge congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks:

Also @Just_Laura Congratulations to you too.

Congratulations to anyone I have missed reach a milestone. :muscle:


@Just_Laura Congratulations on reaching one year of hard work on yourself! It’s huge!!! :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

But I do get where you’re coming from with the celebration part. I didn’t really do anything special for milestones outside of writing about it on TS. People on here ‘get it.’ In the real world… it’s just another day.

Day 398.

I’m starting to feel more animated about life as we’re putting in place firmer travel plans. It’s weird, last summer I was feeling fatigued from all the travelling and desperately needed a break. Now I’ve had my break and I’m looking forward to get moving again.

So far, we’ve booked and set dates for the magical Croatian island. Part of why I’ve been doing the regular workouts and healthy eating was to feel more energized and ready to do more activities.



Went to file my taxes today. As I work at several places part-time I have to do it myself (full timers the company does it). I was shocked that as a foreigner, for the first time this year, I had to state my my movements in and out of the country over the last ten years and my family tree up to my grandparents. All my grandparents died way before I was born, I have never known their date of birth, and a couple quite frankly even their name escapes me. I know some other members live in countries other than their birth, do you guys have to give similar information? My reaction was jeez, do you want information about my bowel movements and bra size too?


Day 1154,

Trying to maintain my boundaries and integrity. Gonna put hugging on meetings on hold. There will be only 1 or 2 I might hug if I feel like it. So it’s gonna be quite some fun tonight :wink:. I have no intention for explaining myself, like others did it in the past. Been thinking about it a while, but after some uncoordinated hugs I’m done with it. Some woman kissed me in the neck during a hug, a guy yesterday kind of fell in my arms yesterday and felt his soft belly bump against me :unamused:. Kind of feel bit disgusted at the moment…so stopping that only when the intention feels right.

Have a good day :pray::heart::pray:


It is a number, but I’m so proud of you tough fierce Lady.


I love this picture Menno :heart_eyes:


Day 50 check in.

Feeling ok. Had my talking therapy assessment yesterday and should start counselling in a few weeks hopefully. Felt good. Referred myself yet again for possible HRT with the drs, will await the feedback.

Keep going people. It’s friday


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 77. My doggo is having surgery today so I’ll be a ball of nerves until I see her after. Met with the surgeon yesterday, he did make me feel better with the prognosis of this kind of cancer so that makes me so much more hopeful!! My sister is going to continue with her hike in Patagonia and when she returns soon we are going to start the step work, I am reading the big book now. This emotional process with my dogs sudden cancer diagnosis has made me acknowledge my mind is not well and needs work, and I’m ready to put in that work. I hope everyone has an amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Checking in Day 2 done.

Coming to the end of the week here. I am excited tobget home and see my family. I have plans for dinner tonight with my wife and it should be a great time.

I also have been getting better sleep the past couple days which I thinkbis helping. I just want to keep going one day at a time. I only need to be sober today. That is what matters.


Checking in day 13.

Happy Friday everyone! I’m so glad it’s Friday, this week has been stresssssssful. I’m having to let someone go on my team and it’s filled me with nausea and anxiety. It’s the right thing to do, but still upsetting.

I’ve been feeling very irritable and angry the last few days. Can’t put it down to anything particular, just uncomfortable and stressed out. I’ve been feeling chronically stressed for like a year now. Sighhh :pensive:

Ah well. A couple days off after today. Those are most welcome and will give me a chance to get some life admin done. Hope everyone has a fab weekend :star:


Hey all, checking in on day 1342. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 47 :black_heart:

Not too busy of a schedule today (knock on wood)…. I have my weekly lunch date with my best friend today…. And it’s Friday …. If nothing else happy happens today that’s enough for me :raised_hands::heart_hands:

@Just_Laura Congratulations girl! I’m so happy for you. :black_heart::heart:


Day 93. At work and had a fun ride in to work. A little bit of snow, got to work and have like 30 rooms to clean plus general areas. I have my trainer and idk this is definitely a little stressful, they expect speed and clean at the same time. I guess I’m just a little used to my other job where things were kinda chill, I’ve done cleaning before but yeah it’s gonna take some getting used to. But I’m grateful I have a job much love everyone


I’m the queen of hating when anything changes or trying to build a new schedule. Eventually the new things become the new regular. It’s perfectly normal to feel out of sorts when you start something new. Before you know it you’ll be an expert and it will all feel much more comfortable, it’s just getting past the uncomfortable stage. You’re doing great keep it up :black_heart: