Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Checking in on day 219. :v::heart_hands::vulcan_salute:


6 weeks, or day 42… the answer to the universal question.

Told my wife today of my milestone, she didn’t seem overly excited (lol, it was a meh :face_with_diagonal_mouth: response). I’m not sure she quite understands the internal struggle I had with alcohol and she’s definitely not a judgey person. I love that she thinks it’s no big deal as she believes I can and will do whatever I set my mind too. She always believes in me :heart:

Sleeping past two nights has been crap again, but if that’s my biggest complaint, :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Took my alcohol savings and invested in a new workout bench for legs and a curl bar with plate weights. Looking forward to putting in a hard leg day on Monday. Today will be another all over workout.

Started to plan a long distance hike yesterday. It won’t be for probably another year plus but about 420+ kms, so I have a while to get trained up and drop some kgs.

Enjoy your sober weekend friends. :heart:


Day 503

Work was hard but still fun, we had nice patients. 2 coworkers called in sick, better they stay at home instead of infecting us as well with whatever they have :weary:
I made 2,5 hours plus today and don’t feel completely exhausted as I used to after such a day.
No headache or anxiety. I’ll get something delicious to eat now and have a relaxed day.
My throat and head feel better, seems I have luck, didn’t catch the cold :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


I told my husband this morning Monday would be 50 days for me… and he just said “well that’s good but it doesn’t look like it’s an really been an issue for you not to drink anyway”… it’s always been an issue… I just hide things well so it’s not his fault he didn’t understand the significance

Keep doing it for you :black_heart: keep your head up… I’m proud to be on this journey with you


Nobody understands it, unless you have it. It’s nice when they try though. Celebrate all your victories on here. No matter how small they might seem, we know they’re huge. You’re doing great. :v:
@tifflynn07 I’m super proud of you too, buddy. :v::green_heart:


Checking in - day 27.
My 10 month old daughter crawls across the room quickly these days, needs constant care and attention, and is waking up 3-4 times/night. Fatherhood and housework is taking everything I’ve got these days.

I’ve grown as a person and changed so extremely in the past year.
I’ve learned a lot about time and energy I misused in the past. I’ve also grown more appreciation and respect for how hard working parents work to keep everything together, especially when they manage to be pleasant and fun to be around in work and social settings.

I hope you have a great Friday



Checking in - day 3.97

Woke up extremely exhausted, got ready quick and went to work. Iron levels are low making me tired. But I didn’t drink :slightly_smiling_face:. Here’s to day 4.


Waving at you :blush: well conquered.


I’m waving back and sending a hug :hugs:


Oh my it has been so busy. Emotions up & down, but that makes sense.

I read something that said, just because you cant give everything doesnt mean to give up. I needed to hear it.

Hubby & I having an emotional tine, but open communication is so key. We are on the same page, a relief to both of us.

Xo. Happy 24 everyone, and ifbit is not happy know today will wnd xo


I think we are in much the same boat. Many others don’t see the issue, even our closest family.
Perhaps my mind made it worse than it was and my guilt of unknown weighed on me. Don’t know.
My friends some are drinkers, others aren’t but none are hardcore as far as I know but some of them think they are.
Regardless, I am doing things I’ve wanted to do (focus on fitness), waking up feeling mostly great, so the relief of just not worrying about the drinks, hangovers and guilt makes it all well worth the abstinence and sobriety. I want to be part of that next new thing that is pride in being a non-drinker which I believe is building momentum.

Enjoy your sober weekend friend. I will be celebrating your upcoming day 50 with you in full spirit! :pray::heart:


Thanks Joe. I appreciate your support and love seeing your progress also.

Enjoy man!


I like what you said about just because I can’t give it my all doesn’t mean I give up. For me the perfect day is … getting up early , working out , eating breakfast, work, another walk , home , dinner … down time… no booze. 95 % of the time I get 40% of it done and then I feel like I fail.


. 1


Checking in
2 years 3 days
I am beyond exhausted. I relaxed this morning and now im having a latte to get me going. I do still have a few things to do today around the apartment so must get going on that. Hope everyone has a great day!


Checking in on day
283 no alcohol
212 no vapes ir ciggs
82 no thc

At work
Thank goodness for coffee


Checking in on day 257 AF.
It’s my daughter’s 12th birthday next Wednesday but I’m having a little party for her tomorrow afternoon. I’ve booked a cabaret cab ride round the city for five of us. There was a bit of a mix up with the time slot, but thankfully we got it all sorted out.
I spent this afternoon baking the layers of sponge for a rainbow cake for her and I’ve stacked them up and it’s so tall it won’t fit under my cake dome. I always worry my cakes won’t rise so I used a little extra baking powder. It looks like maybe I overdid it though! I’m planning on decorating it tomorrow before the party.
My mood has been a little lighter today after a bit of a bad week. I was starting to wonder if I’d need an additional antidepressant in addition to the Escitalopram. I’ll see how I am next week once the kids are back in school. Weekends and holidays seem to be the hardest for me recently.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


@jp123 Congrats on your new space. Glad you were able to make amends with your roommate and leave on good terms.
@seb great to see you back Sebastian – 5 days is amazing work! Moderation has never worked for me. I know the sober journey is hard and rocky but living in my addiction was no picnic. At least with sobriety we are working to better ourselves and our health. Keep going strong :muscle:
@happy_trails I’m so sorry for the text – I know how off putting they can be- kinda make you lose balance sometimes. Great job on pushing forward with your positive thinking. Grateful to see you protecting yourself and adding up the sober days :hugs:
@catmancam Im sorry to hear about your back Cam – I do hope that it is nothing serious and that you can have it checked out quickly. :crossed_fingers: Sending you love and hugs – do agree with more self love and self pride (give yourself the love and support that you give so many of us here) – you are doing fantastic my friend :people_hugging:
@elyse closing in on that 2 month milestone – great work on stacking on the days! Glad you are able to get past the moments of temptation. :hugs:

Seriously! This sounds a bit invasive and unnecessary. Does not seem like a fun experience. Is it just this firms policy to ask so many questions or is that the system in place? I have not had to file for foreign taxes but I know when my parents did that they did not have such an intensive process.
@Tragicfarinelli Woot woot 50 days! ½ way to your triple digits :wink: Glad it went well with the therapy assessment. Keep the momentum moving my friend – you are doing great :hugs:
@iamthechange Oh love how are you doing? Hope all went well today with the surgery. Sending you loads of love and hugs :people_hugging: :heart:
@chevy55 we are all very impressed with the sober time you have gathered! Another week in the bag is amazing my friend. I do know my family loves me and cares for my health and well being but they really don’t understand the struggle in this journey nor the appreciation of the milestones. Each day is a milestone (ive heard someone here say this and it is so true)—each day we defeat the beast is remarkable and should be celebrated as we chose Life!
@button83 But you didn’t drink! This is the most significant win of the day as I know it is so damn hard (especially at the beginning) – way to go Julia! Day 4 and kicking ass :muscle: At the start of my journey like the first few months I would only manage to not drink, I spent a lot of time sleeping or doing stupid things on my phone to keep active in not drinking. I let a lot of things just lapse and that is ok cause I put my head sober on the pillow each night and gained another 24 hours. Just take baby steps and keep putting the efforts in – I know you can kick this addictions ass :muscle: :hugs:

Checking in on Friday afternoon
It was a horrendous night. I am grateful that i was able to get things sorted with work and other little things as i was not able to sleep. My body is screaming in pain, my symptoms are all flaired up and i am having a hard time dealing with it. I did manage to finally get some sleep this morning around 6:30 for a few hours and then again for a few hours around 11am. I am just breathing through it now and will try to focus on something else.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love! :heart: :heart:


Haven’t been on here for a bit, but still going strong, checking in 27 days! Almost up to that month mark. Trying to get back on the wagon with the healthy eating again now after a couple of weeks of eating really badly! Hope everyone’s having a good day :purple_heart: