Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

I feel good today
It was really a great week for me
I am so thankful
I feel different in my head and in my heart
I see the world differently…the colors are different…I feel love and happiness in my heart like never before…
I still have negative feelings but I feel them with less intensity and letting go of them is easier…
Thanks to all of you for your support
Lots of love


Checking in day 46. Kept busy today and I am getting the “little” things done and I am glad about that. Wishing us all a lovely sober weekend.


25 days weed free. 2019 days alcohol free. Anxiety and depression have been bad today


Congrats on 50 days tooooo. :star_struck::star_struck:


Long drive to the city, made it in one piece :slight_smile:
Happy to be here all together again with my mon & nephew. Daughter gets to see her friend tomorrow, and we’ll have a lottle bday celebration for our son on Sunday :slight_smile:
Happy Family Day weekend!

Something I know about myself is that I am very hard on myself and my expectations of me are very big. Learning who I am again; and who I am now, through all of this. Life is a trip xo .


77 days in the bank

Frustrating day on what should have been a great day. Dropped my wife off at her trail event then went to go ride my bike on some trails. Had a few mechanical issues that cut my ride short and left me with a walk back to the car.
On my walk, in the shitty mood I was in, it occurred to me that not once had I thought f#*k it I should get some beers. Progress I guess.
It was still a good day in the most part.
@JazzyS hope you feel better soon


@davina_davis Way to go with your 50 days of sobriety love! Keep working on your journey friend :muscle: :tada: :clap:
@catmancam thanks friend :pray: Oh I do hope that you are able to see a dermatologist soon. I wouldn’t put this off. Hopefully they can figure out what it is and provide you something to give you relief.

I am super proud of you Laine – for getting right back on track with your sobriety and working towards your dream. Guilt and shame have no room in recovery because they tend to keep us down and leave an opening for the addiction to seep back in. You are making changes in your life for the better and working on your sobriety. Wishing you luck with getting into the program :crossed_fingers: ODAAT :muscle:
@lisa-b I love everything about this post! Again – great work on 50 days and experiencing such marvels in sobriety. Keep it going – it only gets better :muscle:
@MrFantastik Way to go with 77 days Marty. Progress for sure - those pesky thoughts do creep in from time to time but how we handle them is what counts - stronger today for having said No. Thank you friend - still working on it. Was able to get loads of rest so that is always good.

Checking in on Friday evening
422 days free of alcohol and weed
837 days free of cigarettes
Not much to report - watching comedy to keep my mood light and positive. This too shall pass. Grateful for another 24 hours of staying clear of my DOC’s.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Read your reply at the perfect time and it filled my eyes with tears. Thank you for being such a good support for us here 🫶🏻



My new workweek starts here. I’m OK. Therapy session helped a lot. Indeed when I came to talk about, it turned out I had quite a lot on my plate. And while most of it is still there it helped so much to talk about it. And get some good pointers and hints and feedback from my therapist. So glad to have her and not ready to part ways yet.

On we go. My journey of Discovery is like a wonderful road even when it’s bumpy and has potholes and some wild bends and curves in it. Still so grateful to be on it. Never going back. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Utrecht.



Thank you everyone for all the congratulations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I know that it is a big deal for people like us. I was tired, and probably PMS-y last night and didn’t really feel like writing. I was wanting to write something long and inspirational about my past year but, as usual, procrastination got in the way and then it was too late. I also thought, "I fucked up my life for 20+ years and now I’m just doing what I should’ve done all along. Why should that be celebrated?’

Well, I am proud of myself. A year ago I never imagined I’d be here. I just thought it would be the same as every other attempt, at first. Once I actually got a few days I decided not to give up. I didn’t let myself give in. I know how important having a program is to many of you, and I totally get that. I did use AA for a lot of my first attempt and learned so much but now it’s difficult for me to get to many meetings. There was a time, back in 2020, where I’d go to meetings and go straight to the liquor store after, so I stopped bc it obviously wasn’t working. That’s bc I wasn’t ready to quit again, I guess. Once I finally was, it was easy doing it alone. People can tell you not to drink all day long, but it will only work if you tell yourself not to drink. So that’s what I finally did. Over and over and over until it was just second nature not to. I hardly have those thoughts anymore. I know what will happen if I choose to drink. I’ve tested the waters too many times. I remind myself of that daily. Putting in the work in my own way. I am responsible for my sobriety, no one else. Thank you all again :blush: For showing up and sharing and reminding me why I’m here. You’re all doing a great job! No matter where you are :heart:


Day 18 AF

You matter :heart:


Day 495

Today I have felt very anxious, but also detached from life. I do think going on with my day as if there wasn’t a threat yesterday is a factor. Maybe also because I haven’t had therapy in close to a month, maybe because my sister’s birthday is tomorrow and I haven’t gotten her a gift, or because my nieces birthday is on the 28th, or because my bonus kids birthday is the next day, or any of the other things I am constantly trying to keep on top of…

Today I had a weird reoccurring dream about a house I can’t remember ever living in, but in the dreams it’s my home and I’ve always been there…
Woke up trying to place the house or remember where I’ve seen it or what part of my life I was living in it…
I went to work and then came home and gave bonus kid her very first driving lesson :scream: she did fine. Just a little stiff on the wheel/pedals. But to be expected on a first try. I told her she was doing good and also reassured her and reminded her to breathe a couple times. Poor thing was so nervous. But she didn’t hit anything and didn’t mess up anything so I’d say it was a success.
Then everyone went to sleep except my little one so her and I are awake at 3am.
I’m ready for bed. Hopefully she will be soon.

:people_hugging::heart: Love y’all my friends


Day 238. Stressful night. Our visitors ended up staying again, their dog just isn’t house trained so I sent them a link to a free book on how to
My dog was so stressed seeing another dog wee indoors as he’s always been tidy…

So I went to bed early and left them all drinking

They go home today and after a deep clean to the apartment we can chill

. Not drinking again but God I was dreaming I drank a bottle of wine last night


87 sugar
43 UPF
5 overeating/binge

The thought of going into a situation where there would be lots of trigger foods caused me so much stress, I stress ate; just in preparation :rofl:
I caught myself yesterday and I am having a good laugh about it today. I asked my friends yesterday to put all those snacks out of my direct sight. Told them I’m having impulse control issues around it. Honesty works :smiling_face:

As I’m approaching 90 days with sugar my addiction voice - that sneaky shit - came up with: “Well… 90 days is a looooong time. You could try something. Just a bit. You know. See how it goes… Maybe it’ll be like for other people. Those who eat just a piece of cake…”
On and on. I told it: “TODAY I am not interested in doing that.” ODAAT

I slept in today. Want to finish some work stuff, so Monday I can go fresh into a new week. There is a demonstration later we want to attend. And my special treat is going to be a nice, hot bath in the evening.

Whatever the voices in your head might be telling you: Keep yourself in peace, in kindness and in freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 1285

Drove out to a crazy park. Video is in Japanese (edit - in English) but you can see what I mean by crazy.

It can be hard to find places that both kids like, but here was a good idea of my husband. My son prefers looking at stuff (museums, aquariums, etc) and my daughter prefers playing, and here we could look around and also play hide and seek. Recently my daughter does stuff with her own friends so we don’t have much family time anymore, so it was a nice day out.


@Timetochange wait, what? They brought their untrained dog to stay overnight and pee/poo in your home? Was it a brand new puppy? That’s shockingly audacious. Those people would not be welcome back, I’d just be passive aggressive and send them links to AirBnb and

@Misokatsu Omg!!! That park is so up my alley, if I ever make it to Japan, it’s on the list. Last year, we went to this really cool museum of illusions in Sofia and it was awesome, I love that kind of stuff. Also, the lady in the video speaks perfect English. :grin:

Day 399.

My coffee machine needed descaling this morning, so I’m slightly behind on my schedule with everything. I’m also feeling really tired for some reason. At least the weather is getting better so next week I’m finally gonna do a much needed hike to see some fucking trees.


Lol, I had the sound off and just saw the subtitles. Surprising that a fairly minor park has a video in English.


Good morning everyone! Checking in on day 78. I hope you all have the most amazing day.
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1343. I hope everybody has a good one!


Made it through the night after feeling some pretty strong cravings to sh. Slept at a friend’s house bc going home would’ve been harmful to me. She’s so supportive.