Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

40 day AF
158 drug free

Good Morning all. Checking in on this snowy Saturday morning. I have missed a few days. Have been sick with a bad cold.

Attempting to go to part of the Toronto convention of NA today. My sponsor will be attending.

Looking forward to experiencing the women’s conference and connecting with othes in recovery.

I have been feeling lonely latey. Need to shift my mood. Feel bad when I’m unable to motivate myself to do anything My children need a functional mom. Praying for strength and motivation. Doing what I need to do even when I don’t feel like it

I have been having too many thoughts of past mistakes and fear of the future. I know neither of these places will help me. Need to stay in the present moment and trust all will be well when I surrender and trust in my higher power!

Happy 24: all! :yellow_heart::pray:t5:


Congratulations on your one year of soberity Laura. Well done! :tada::yellow_heart:


Checking in on day 475 AF.


Happy to check in on day 555, a nice number. Feeling fine, nothing special, like this is my new normal. And that in itself is, I think, a good sign.

I wish for a serene, blessed weekend for all my fellow soberini.


Day 504

Today I made one more step into freedom :blush: I had an appointment with my hairdresser, and, although I really enjoy being there and chatting with her, I used to need some kind of backup-medication I take before I have such an appointment. Today I chose not to take that medication, only my base-medication I take every day, and it was a success! Didn’t need it :tada:
Another day of growth here.

I wish you the same, moments of growth that make you feel proud!

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle: :kissing_heart:


Checking in Day 3 down and on day 4 here. Feeling good about being home. I have been feeling more up in mood recently. I need to prep for when that mood may come back down because I know it won’t be sustainable. I just have to conintue with today, one day at a time.


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Checking in day 48…

It’s cleaning day… so obviously I’m procrastinating on here until the coffee kicks in.

I hope everyone has a great sober day :black_heart:


Day 43 AF

Son was a bit under weather so he stayed home at his apartment and couldn’t make hockey. Saved me from being out till midnight but his team still won to finish off regular season. Now playoffs.
Wife and I watched Beekeeper and I stayed up till 9:30pm… late for me under those normal circumstances, lol.

Slept well, hitting gym this morning.


Feeling so tired and had super vivid and awful dreams all early morning. My estranged mother was trying to keep hugging me as I was trying to get away. She was annoying me that she had three cars and two houses and all these things she kept showing me that were hers. It was so irritating and I was telling her she was greedy but she was just being passive and clingy towards me. This is more disconcerting than the truth which is that she would have gone bonkers and might have buried me under the patio in real life.

Strange and woke feeling really angry and violated and upset and frustrated. I hate these dreams as they are so intrusive and you can’t help the direction they go in. Maybe it’s being dragged up from speaking in my therapy assessment?

Bizarre, but between that and incredible period pains in going to bunker down for the day and hide. Didn’t make my 9.30 am swim, probably for the best :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have a good weekend all.


Checking in on day
283 no alcohol
214 no vapes or ciggs
84 no thc

I feel great about today
Im awake and ready for work


Checking in day 47 AF :blush: For the first time in afew weeks i feel my energy levels are increasing slightly :grin:.


Just checking in on day 220. :sun_behind_small_cloud::peace_symbol:


Day 155 af


That place looks awesome! Definitely my type of day trip :star_struck: Glad you had a nice family day! I remember going to some place similar, but not nearly that large, as a child on a family vacation(in the US), but have no idea where it was. I’ll have to ask my parents. I need ideas that my growing daughter would enjoy.


Checking in - day 28. Saturday morning, solo parenting all day today.

Went to a concert with buddies last night - stayed sober there, and declined the wine bar hangout afterward.

Tired AF today, as many of us on here are, and just trying to get through the day intact… but at least no shame or regrets :slight_smile:
Have a great weekend all


@timetochange my goodness that sounds insanely rude of your guests. I am so grateful that they are leaving today. I do hope that you are able to find time to relax and unwind this weekend. Glad to see you stacking up the days!
@misokatsu that looks like a fun park for all ages. Thanks for the video link. Glad you were all able to go and have a good time.
@jules000 So grateful that you have a supportive friend that you could lean on. Glad that you did not give into those cravings. Another 24 hours love :muscle:
@lotusflower Way to go Des – check out your sober time! Do wish you strength to stay in the present and keep kicking ass. Sorry you have been sick – hope you are getting better now and are able to attend the convention :hugs:
@merryshoes love the 5’s and absolutely love that this is the new normal! Yeah sobriety :tada: :tada:
@sabrina80 WOW girl that is a big step and definite growth – grateful that you were able to skip the back up medication :hugs: :muscle: ODAAT
@tragicfarinelli oof that sounds like the worst dream – I hate waking up already feeling so many negative emotions. I do hope that you are able to hunker down today and practice some self care. Hopefully get some positive energy back into yourself :people_hugging:
@Jimz WOW – that is a wonderful feeling (saying no to alcohol and feeling all that pride). For sure do a victory lap – this was huge!

Checking in on Saturday afternoon - love all you beautiful souls :people_hugging:
Got a few more hours of sleep. Still not doing great but i am going to push to work on some self care today. Hoping to do a nice head oil massage, lymph massages and some nail care. Enjoying my coffee in the afternoon :hugs:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 238. Second check in… Thanks for people’s comments :slight_smile:

Apartment cleaned thro… All good. I can’t agree to them staying in the future till the dogs calmer and they help us more. My dog is now relaxed and has stopped shaking

Relaxing watching TV.


Don’t count the days.
Make the days count!


Wow I hit 90 day milestone of not smoking weed which is wild to me coming from someone who smoked all day everyday for over a decade basically. I developed CHS (severely painful episode of abdominal pain and throwing up that put me in the hospital once before I knew what it was and almost again) but my biggest issue is alcohol. I am back to one week alcohol free today. 🩷