Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

How cool is that! Last night I had a dream with someone from TS as well! How weird it is, we only see somebody on some fotos and they appear in our dream. In my dream we were together at the gym, probably bcs it’s a person from February pushups challenge. Brains are such a cool things :slight_smile:

Wish you all happy Sunday!

  • Day 1979 :walking_woman:
    My one day weekend has started :confetti_ball:
    Had a busy week with work and social stuff, but it was a good week. Ordered 2 books a wanna read.

    The first one is about how a personality has multiple personalities inside who have all a different eye to the world. Different habits, feelings and thoughts.
    It’s about behaviour and how to bend it towards another direction. Maybe you know this kind of subject as “Voice dialogue”. I’m very curious about this book.
    The second one is about perfectionism and the OCP methode. I’m a perfectionist and a strong critic for myself. I need compassion for myself. Hope to understand more where my behaviour comes from and how to become less hard for myself :blush:
    Today? A walk in nature and chill the rest of the day.

Thank you all for writing here and sharing your thoughts. We are helping ourselves and others by doing so. I’m here for years, but still learning and growing and hope to do so the rest of my life.
When I was drinking I did not, I was just surviving
Working the day through untill I was allowed to drink.
No more.


Day 19 - AF

Woke up feeling healing body and mind.

Got lost in a nonsense WhatsApp chat during the morning, now feeling a bit empty.

Happy to drive to my parents house and hangout with mum. Maybe my brother and niece will come around too.

Have a good Sunday! :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1344. I hope everybody has a good one!


@Lisa-B congrats on 50 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 I’m gonna try to get an appointment on Monday :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Lotusflower congrats on 40 days :tada: feel better soon 🩵 enjoy the convention :blush:
@Merryshoes congrats on all the 5s :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli sorrry for such awful dreams :people_hugging: I hope the bunkering down helped 🩵
@Lainenicole96 congrats on 90 days no weed :tada: and your AF week :tada:
@Scorpn what a day indeed! :people_hugging: I hope today is better 🩵

1286 days no alcohol.
751 days no cocaine.
266 days no vape.
11 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I felt depressed most of the day. It’s wild how much the weather can affect the way I feel.

I finally received my new bank card though, so I spent quite a chunk of time updating my payment info for everything, it’s a relief to have that sorted.

I didn’t think I would be able to, but I managed to go for my lake walk, so that’s something too.

Last night was the final of my favourite TV show, I love it so much, the winner deserved it. Then the other show I’m watching was on catch-up by the time I’d finished watching the first one, both of these shows I’ve been able to watch without binge-eating, which is progress.

And what better way to start a Sunday morning than to catch-up here.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Day 1286

Really irritable today. I could type out all the little situations, but very small from a third party perspective, yet rage-inducing for me today. :angry:


Day 239.

Still recovering from visitors. So frustrated. Anyways off out for a Sunday roast soon. Then back to watch a romantic comedy or the marvels on Disney


Day 400.

Now that’s a cool number! It’s weird stopping to think about how far I’ve come in my recovery… Like… I’m not just sober, I’m long-termy sober.


Good morning friends! Checking in on day 79. Another quiet recovery day for the pup in the house. I hope everyone has an awesome day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


I hate that feeling! Hopefully you will find your center again soon :heart:


Thank you James it means a lot :heart: given the situation I am SO grateful things are going as good as they can. Filled with gratitude these days my friend!


OMG! It’s 6:30am and I haven’t slept yet :tired_face: What the hell is with this night?!

I got in bed around 1. My nose was a bit stuffy so I was breathing thru my mouth, which kept drying out and I had to keep sipping water. The temperature dropped significantly today and it was extra chilly in my room. Not something I normally complain about, but I was cold. The snow also made it extremely bright out and made my usual pitch black room look like the sun was about to rise. Then, I could hear our plow guy scraping the driveway outside my window. At 3:30am! I’ve never heard him in the middle of the night, let alone a Sunday at all. Now I’m feeling hungry and tried to ignore it but it just got worse. I haven’t gotten out of bed to eat something since I was drinking. I hoped it would make me sleepy…BUT…while I was eating my food, my cat puked the most puke I’ve ever seen a cat puke. I was legitimately concerned for a minute. I’ve never seen anything like it. Luckily it was on the kitchen floor and I was able to clean it immediately instead of waking up to it dried on :scream_cat: He seems okay now. After that, wide awake again. I know I shouldn’t’ve broke out a screen but it’s better than laying in bed tossing and turning.

Ahhh! Now I think the sun is actually starting to rise :sob: I am so glad I have no real responsibilities tomorrow. Idk if I should stay up and try to get a nap in later or lay down now, fingers crossed I fall asleep. Well, at least I won’t have a hangover :+1:


Keep going man. Sometimes we understand better when we stumble and learn a lesson.


400!! That is amazing. You are someone I look up to very much here and appreciate all your contributions and celebrate your successes.
Well done Amy


Yikes, that’s one long night Laura. Sorry to hear.

Hopefully a good long nap catches up to you soon so as you can rejuvenate at least a little bit.


It is very cool indeed :sunglasses:.


Day 44 AF

Mediocre sleep, body battery never recharged well.
Seems every day I work out (3-4 days per week weight training) I get a poor rest.
I am watching what I eat, and getting 2+ hours exercise on those days. Not losing any weight at all and also poor rest (which agitates me, at least for a couple hours, lol)

I know, I know, it’ll all work out. But 5 weeks in and focused in hard and nothing is working for me. Argh :angry:

Anyway, hope you all are well. Enjoy your Sunday. :heart:


I’m no good without sleep either. It’s about the only time I’ll ever act like a bitch :sweat_smile:

What time of day do you workout? I do first thing in the morning bc if I do it any time after dinner, I’m up and energized for at least 3-4 hours. Also, do you stretch after you train? I know many people rush thru it or skip it altogether but it really is important to avoid stiff muscles, which could make it harder to relax later on in the day. Sometimes I also do bedtime yoga to help destress.

But you’re right. Stay consistent with your schedule and it should definitely work its way out eventually :+1:


Checking in 4 Days.

I am starting to come down emotionally and evening out to a normal emptional state. I feel slight anxiety and worry coming on as I experienced a few situations that I feel are triggers or worry me when I it comes to my addiction. It is definitely nothing I would reset over and I feel that I worry about certain situations too much. I just need to remain calm, keep my serenity and keep moving forward, one day at a time. Just for today.


Hey Nick, try HIIT rather than two hours, that’s quite a chunk to work out. Try yoga or even just lazy stretching in the sunniest spot you can find. They say that getting sun in your eyes without sunglasses on is important to sleep rhythm and mood. Try listening to some Huberman Lab, there are so many related topics. It will get there, your body might be hanging on to the past still till it beds in the new routine.