Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hi, I’m super bad without sleep, like the worst version of myself imaginable. Like a cranky baby…

Get a hot water bottle?
Drink a milky drink like Ovaltine that fills you up a little but stays within sleepy routine. Believe it or not, sometimes when I’m home alone for a long stretch and sleeping alone I take a flask of sleepy tea to top myself up as I snuggle in bed.

Hope it works out for you and you get some rest, it stinks to be tired.


Good work. The more you do it the easier it will become. Routine is like the most sensible boring gift you can give yourself. The lake walks are doing you the world of good.


Yes! HIIT is what I do. 20 minutes, hard as hell, drenched in sweat, done for the day! Bam!

And thanks for the sleep suggestions. I normally don’t have many sleep issues, besides it occasionally taking a while to fall asleep . I do wear earplugs already out of habit from snoring ex boyfriends :rofl: and I have a high velocity fan for white noise. Pitch black room. No TV or screens in general. I even cover my alarm clock. My room is for sleep only. Tonight just wasn’t meant for sleep :woman_shrugging: Now that it’s 8am and fully light, I don’t feel too bad. I will be crashing at some point tho. Most definitely.


My workout is usually around noon’ish. And yes, I have been doing a 15 min yoga stretch after every session.
No soreness the next day, just some tightness in muscle groups which I expect.

I think I’m doing everything about as right as I can figure. Perhaps my body holding on, though after this amount of time it should be moving as I have done this all before and it never takes this long.

But I know it’s eventually gotta catch up. I mean I can’t be a fat ass forever if I eat right, rest properly and am exercising regularly… at least I hope. Haha


My two hours is usually 30 min on a treadmill, then 1:15 of weights, then 0:15 of yoga stretching. I start my day if nice outside on front porch with coffee for 15-20 mins, other wise in my office in my favorite chair surrounded by windows and view of ocean, so I typically get a good dose of vitamin D .
I love Huberman and Attia… and try to adhere as much as I can to some of there thoughts. Especially the alcohol part, lol.

Just not getting it this go round. I once was 350lbs and went to 225 with diet and exercise so I think I have a decent grasp on it all. I’m just trying to get back to that 225 guy, lol. 50lbs should be much easier than the original 125lbs.


Everyone is different, and even if you did it in the past, doesn’t always mean your body will respond the same. Patience is always best in fitness :muscle:

Another thought tho, how is your bed? I know when I got a new mattress, and the right pillow, my sleep became so much more restful literally overnight.


I’ve lost about 14 kgs in two years, I don’t weigh myself much as that was dangerous to my m health. I’m never going to be skinny as I love food way too much and do not believe in denying myself too much. I really really love food. But I feel stronger and more able. My body is stronger and I don’t mind how long it takes to drop the last ten kgs or so. Keep at it, be kind to yourself.


I worked up until my retirement at the largest mattress retailer in the country for 27 years… haha. My bed is pretty dialed in. Tempur king sized adjustable with massage and the most heavenly pillows, duvet and sheets you could imagine.
But I appreciate the feedback. I think I’m doing everything pretty bang on, just need to be patient.

Perhaps when I do my bloodwork again in March I’ll ask doctor if some meds may be messing me up. I don’t take many, but have started Ozempic 4 months ago for type 2 diabetes and am at full dose. That is supposed to help with weight loss also… and for price of it I would hope… but nope. Nadda


Can’t sleep check in. Today will be my last work shift for two weeks because I scheduled some paid time off. I’m celebrating two years alcohol free and my birthday. I’ll be taking two little vacations and have tons of coffee, lunch and dinner plans.

It should be a lot of fun but idle hands…
I’ll be checking in here every day.

Todays check in. I talked to my sister last night for an hour or so. She was actively drinking and was fairly drunk, per usual. Our dynamic has changed with me sober. I am no longer the little kid looking up to her. I see her drinking for what it is, a coping mechanism that used to work and now doesn’t. Sometimes dealing with drunk people is annoying for me but it NEVER makes me think “I want what they’ve got”. Clarity helps. I’ll stick to my water and coffee.

Now I have to try to get a little more sleep before I go into work for the last time for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. I’m getting excited…


:rofl: Oh, that’s so funny! So you’re mattress spoiled! What a smart business to be in.

I gained and lost 40 pounds from 2020 to mid '23. Dropping 2,000 liquid calories a day made it a lot easier. I’ve come to realize the number isn’t what’s important, it’s how you feel.

One more tip, and I’ll be at my limit :sweat_smile: is to switch up your workouts. Don’t always do the same thing. Confuse your body by moving it in different way. It wants to move all the ways. Throw in a swim, a bike ride, or try kickboxing (a fav of mine that helps release anger if you have it). You’ll activate new muscle fibers. Anyway, keep up your hard work. I definitely see you putting it in :clap:


Checking in, feeling a bit low, but could be worse. Weather is rainy and grey.


Checking in day 49…:black_heart:

It feels good waking up to a clean house this morning.

Making chili in the crockpot for dinner tonight so the house smells amazing right now.

It’s freezing cold here today, so a clean house, hot chili, blankets and movie day with the kids (well just my daughter as of now) it is.

Much :heart_hands: to all of you


I hope it goes fast for you, and you have a great time on your trip celebrating both of your birthdays.


Goodmorning from sunny Massachusetts on day
284 no alcohol
215 no vapes or ciggs
85 no thc

Bsby is sleeping great. Moms a littlebtired but i dont blame her. Her job is just as hard or harder then me going to work.

Im on my way to work now
Take care everyone


Good morning, everyone! I haven’t checked in for a few days. I’ve only popped on for a few minutes here and there to see what everyone’s been up to. Woke up to more snow yesterday morning. Im soooo tired of winter. There’s not a single thing i like about it. I still made myself go out and do everything i planned yesterday. I got my recent purchases for the service organization i belong to inventoried and put away, made a list of items i need to buy for an upcoming fundraiser and went shopping for them and groceries for home. I drove down to an Amish community that has a great surplus/discount grocery store. It’s a beautiful drive and i got some great deals. It was a long but productive day. I have a lot to get done today, too, but I’m being a little lazy this morning. I’ve been feeling sorta blah. Im still dealing with some pain in my hip from the MRI Thursday, but it’s getting better. I’m overdue for my B12 shot, which I’m going to give myself as soon as i get motivated to get off the couch. That should definitely help.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Checking in on day 221 days AF. Wishing all a relaxing day.


156 days af


Checking in day 48 AF :blush: Happy sober sunday everyone have a great day.


3 . 8



It’s questioned if it’s really Einstein’s quote. So maybe it’s mine :sunglasses: