Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hey all, checking in on day 1345. I hope everybody has a good one!


Happy Presidentā€™s Day! Very irritable this morning and Iā€™m not sure why. The good thing is that I recognize the fact that im irritable. This will hopefully allow me ro roor out the cause and at the very least avoid people until im in a better place.

Have an awesome day my friends.


Aww, thatā€™s shit Amy. Hopefully the meds may help, but I know thatā€™s not your preferred avenue. I wish you some brighter days ahead and a break from your anxiety.
Sending positive vibes :heart:


Checking in Day 40
Very proud of myself :blush:
Itā€™s been tough, emotional rollercoaster, temptations but Iā€™m planting my feet and staying
strong, telling myself ā€œI want to be soberā€
Good luck to all this week, sending love and strength xo


Checking in on Day 45 AF

Had an incredible sleep last night. Lots of REM and deep sleep and long, like 10 hoursā€¦ much longer than my avg 7.5 hrs.feel great.
I cannot lose weight, though I am trying my damnest, but I suspect itā€™ll come if I remain on the path. So today is going to be an intensive leg day in the gym. They are going to pay a price I am afraid.

Son borrowed Jeep to go to Que for a snowboard trip with a bud and rented an Airbnb for a few nights. Hit a massive snowstorm so he was white knuckling it for a bit, but after his 13 hours on the road made it and immediately in the hot tub, lol.

All said, and while I am tired of winter, we had a fresh dump of snow. It did make for a beautiful view when I woke up, so I sat out on deck with my coffee and soaked in the beauty of it all.

It looks like a great day ahead! Be well everyone :heart:


Checking in today, sat at hospital whilst my dad gets his radiotherapy start of week 2 of 6,feeling extremely tired but staying positive, being around so many getting cancer treatment is a real eye opener to how fragile life can be. Have a blessed day


Checking in on Monday morning. I didnā€™t get as much done as planned yesterday. Woke up with a headache, but figured it would go away after i got moving. Nope. Did my B12 shot and took some Tylenol, that didnā€™t help either. I went into work and got a few things done that couldnā€™t wait until today, picked up a few items at the store and stopped by the bowling alley to see how my husband was doing in a tournament he was in. It was loud and chaotic and i wasnā€™t in the mood for it so i left, went home and lazed on the couch with the cats the rest of the day. I sorta feel bad for being lazy, but i think the headache was my bodyā€™s way of saying ā€œenough, you need to rest.ā€ Iā€™m feeling much better today. I go to the doctor tomorrow morning to find out the results of my MRI. I have a lot of things going on this week, so Iā€™m glad i took a day to rest. Iā€™m not sure why i feel the need to push myself to the point of exhaustion.
I hope everyone has a great sober day!


Checking in, day 50 :black_heart:

Today is Presidentsā€™ Day here and Iā€™m secretly hoping everyone thinks my office is closed for the dayā€¦ :woman_shrugging:t2:

My kids donā€™t have school, so Iā€™m also hoping they donā€™t destroy my house and leave dishes in the sink after spring cleaning the hell out of it this weekend.

Itā€™s cold, Iā€™m so tired of the cold.

The end, thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got.

Much love yā€™all :heart_hands:


Checking in 160 SAF and 145 no cigs. I slept like garbage for the first time in a while, so todayā€™s gonna be a long one. I think a lot of people are off today, so traffic should be light going home. I got some work I gotta get done on the bike this week, before inspection, so Iā€™ll probably try and get started on that after work. Other than that early nightāœŒļø


You are you. A lovely loved strong brave incredibly hardworking sober mother, woman and human being who deserves a bloody brake for a change. Love you and love your incredible tenacity and persistence. You humble us all friend. Huge hugs and lots of love :heart::people_hugging::heart::people_hugging::heart:


Get some Pete! Welcome to the good of the dark side


Welcome to your sobriety and welcome to this thread Pete! Glad to have you aboard! Wishing you all success on your journey.


Good afternoon from sunny Massachusetts usa

285 no alcohol
86 no thc
216 no vapes or ciggs

At work
Its going great but i always wish i was with my little family

Adult life ughh


Welcome Pete!


Day 733 alcohol free and the first day of a two week stretch off of work.
I booked a deep tissue massage and will have dinner later with some friends and maybe go bowling.
Iā€™m solidifying dinner plans for my birthday dinner tomorrow. Do I book the place that is old reliable that my Mom would love because she can get her lasagne or do I book the place I really want to go which is louder and trendier but promises to have a great burger? I think I might just be nervous about spending time with my Mom.



The wife sent this to me this morning. LMFAO.
See what I have to deal with. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Your wife is awesome!!!:rofl:


Welcome Pete! Glad youā€™re here!
:v:t3:and :purple_heart:


. 5



Day 240 second check in

Difficult day at work, a couple of difficult meetings tomoro

All ok

Just relaxing this eveningā€¦ Hopefully stay focused work wiseā€¦

Tonight going to listen to some music. Day 240ā€¦canā€™t believe some days Iā€™m still on trackā€¦ Will continue to keep taking it one day at a time