Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Checking in, 1200 days sober. The number made me stop for a moment and be grateful for all the things sobriety provides me as I don’t usually do that. I never want to take sobriety for granted not even for a second. This forum has helped me tremendously not letting me forget about all the work I have to put in and about all the threats that are constantly just one bad decision away from me for the rest of my life. Thank you all for being here and sharing!
Otherwise I have been in a rather bad mood today, feeling numb, so I just worked and baked a lot and am about to have an early night.


Greetings my dearly missed soberian fam :kissing_heart: !!

Its been a long hot mintue since ive even logged on maybe 6 months or more i think.

Just a quick hi hello how is everyone doings post etc :smiling_face:

Im too eager to deep dive into my favourite threads and loose the next questionable amount or hours back scrolling through the meme thread, foodies, the weightloss thread i started many ions ago ! Its still kicking i see because my inbox was chockers just now with notifications backlogged while ive been fluffing about with my new questionable demon that decided to park his butt right in my life when i did not see him coming at all this time around, the demon best known as alcohol lol.

I kept my other demon from knocking and ya’ll know that story over the years ive been on here everyone knows bout that MF of a demon and im grateful for all my years on here back then because ya’ll helped me more than you could of known.

But now we commence a new adventure and it is day one today of apes not drinking today. And as my dear old bud eric said once or twice " and i probably wont drink tomorrow " @Dazercat

Let the sober games begin! ( againnnnn ) my fav soberian fam :heart:

So how the hell is everyone?! :star_struck: what news whats goss whats good !!! And all that good stuff…

Day one :innocent:

I couldn’t be happier to be back ! :pray::heart::see_no_evil:

Apes xxx :grin:


Day 49. Not much going on. Will get out for a walk if weather allows. I like Tomek’s idea of doing some baking. Or maybe it’s more a case of I want some fresh baked goods!


Thank you!


Glad you’re back too. How are things down under. :kangaroo::kangaroo:


Welcome back April! Looking forward to you kicking booze’s ass, as well as some of your birdy pics!!


I’m so happy to read you April.
I’m sorry for the circumstances that have brought you back. But it’s always a pleasure to have you around. Dang right I’m probably not drinking tomorrow. Not drinking today either!!

Gratitude thread is on fire :fire: I’ll save you a spot.


On day two.


It is your birthday :balloon: I always take full advantage of the fact that that is my one day a year that’s just for me. But, idk how your mother is and if the louder burger place would affect your time together making, for a more uncomfortable birthday dinner :thinking: I struggle a lot with making up my mind but if this were me, I’d definitely choose the place I wanted.


Its good for me to take her out of her comfort zone, and to get out of my own. More thinking to be done but I’m leaning burger. Thanks!


80 days in the bank

Another early check in. Nightshift again tonight. Sorting some things round home, laundry, dinner for the kids. Just about to head out and get some things they need for school.
Then hopefull just chill before i pick them up then head to work later.

Welcome @PeteM stick around and good things will happen


This is me as well. We are from different walks of life but not different with our struggle. Today I attended two AA zoom meetings. Finally I surrendered. We got this. :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Checking in
2 years 6 days
The awake overnight shift i did last night with my son was hard. He slept like a baby thankfully but i still had not recovered from the overnight shift i did a couple days ago, so last night just added to that exhaustion. I rested as much as could in the morning once hubby woke up to watch our son. Slept for maybe 2 hours. Then got up, ran out to grab us some breakfast, ate, did 3 loads of laundry, bathed my son, and then went out yet again for a few things to add to our supper tonight. Hubby is cooking supper thankfully. I need a break. I was craving my DOC again today. I think its because my routine is all out of whack. I havent really been praying or doing any recovery readings, havent been working out or eating that well. So ill need to spend this week getting back on track. Thats my goal :star2: Hope the TS fam is doing well!


Ita so great to have u here again! Im glad u came back!!!


28 days weed free. 2022 days alcohol free


I love this :heart:


@vikingsfan good to see you checking in friend – congrats on your 400 + days of sobriety! I am so sorry for how the family visits turn out and the isolation is awful. I do hope all goes well with your sil’s visit. :hugs:
@jimz way to go with 50 days James! So happy that you were able to enjoy a evening with old friends and weigh the before times against your today’s actions – love the results of sober living :hugs:
@iamthechange YEAH day 80!!! Way to go Ami – love to see you stacking up the days! Those dreams can be so realistic and frightening. Grateful that it was just a dream and you are staying strong in your sobriety. :muscle:
@jp123 Nicely done with your 40 days friend. You should be super proud friend! The emotional rollercoaster can be a lot – grateful to see you maintaining strength and pushing forward :hugs: :muscle:
@tifflynn07 Nicely done with your 50 days Tiffany! I do hope that it was a easy going day for you and that you came home to a clean warm house.
@tomek way to go with your 1200 days – grateful to see so much stacked sober time! I am sorry about the bad mood – hope that you were able to call it an early night and will have a much happier day tomorrow.
@mrfantastik Way to go Marty – 80 days and going strong :muscle:
@hesmyportion Great to see you checking in Sarah – well done on your day 3. I totally know that lying addict voice telling you that one won’t hurt. It’s a slippery spiral and now that you know maybe write it down for yourself to read – I know when I see it in my own handwriting it helps drive home the message when that voice comes a calling. Great job on staying vigilant :muscle:
@Button83 YEAH day 2 – what an incredible view and I love the bird on your toe :heart: OMG – the look he/she is giving is funny!
@Steve92 eve92 great timers Steve – loving all the 2’s :muscle: :heart:

so many milestones and celebrations and overall great timers! You guys ROCK!
tenor (1)


My father took me up for a ride in the mountains today and I had several of these birds eating from my hand… it was so beautifully spiritual. Made me feel happy.


Congratulations on your 50 days Tif
Fine Job :pray::heart:


@Chevy55 thanks friend! Oh I’m grateful your son arrived safely – a snow storm is no joke (super scary). That is one hell of a view – what a lovely way to wake up and enjoy your coffee :heart:
@scorpn OMG I am so sorry about the damn nightmares. Definitely not you. You are so loving and caring and wouldn’t hurt a fly. I do hope that you were able to get that image out of your mind and have a decent day. Sending you love and hugs :heart: :people_hugging:
@lilemm I do hope that your dads radiotherapy is going well Emma! Sending healing vibes my friend.
@jasty2 Some great timers there Joe- sorry about the garbage sleep. Hope the day went by smoothly for you. Damn that’s savage – your wife’s got jokes! :laughing:
@trustybird I do hope you have a fabulous time wherever you decide to have dinner. It is your birthday and I would want you to do what you want but I also know the anxiety of wanting things to go well when your mom is joining. Yeah to vacation time – have a blast Emilie :hugs:
@button83 oh man that is another amazing pic! grateful you had such a wonderful experience :heart:

checking in Monday night
425 days free of alcohol and weed
840 days free of cigarettes
Finally got some sleep last night. Felt good after so many days. Really funny that i was so exhausted and worn out today after a night of sleep. Didn’t get much accomplished and that’s ok.
I am glad that i decided to try and go for a walk last night with my mom (only lasted 20 min as it was super cold once the sun went down) instead of drinking. Definitely a better choice and i think the cold air actually helped me sleep.
Just found out that Prime has a very old show available to watch (all 12 seasons) – My Three Sons. I used to love watching this as a kid. might check it out now
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love. :heart: :heart: