Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Good morning beautiful people! Checking in on day 81. Enjoyed a nice long weekend with the fam and everyone is back to the grind today! My dog is healing well, seems to be feeling good, all in my world seems right at the moment so I’m gonna ride the wave :ocean: . I hope everyone has an amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Hi James,
Thank you for your support! I am trying and definitely still a work in progress we never stop learning or improving. It has taken me a long time and alot of work to get to this point and everyday I have to do the do’s to keep myself well and on the right path.

Thank you for.luck with the employment search. I work in the social services field with children and youth who have special needs. This line of work can be very demanding and stressful. Yet I’m gaining and implementing the tools required to keep myself well. I’m trusting that I will secure a position soon and or get re-enstated in my previous position with the school board. Either way I feel at peace and for this I am grateful.

Thankful to be on this recovery journey with you. Wish you all the best! Have a wonderful day! ODAAT!


Hi April,
So glad to see you back and checking in! You know what to do to keep yourself well ODAAT, just for today we won’t drink!

See you around. Wishing you well!


Thank you :pray:t2:


Checking in day 6. For some reason I am feeling a little on edge and I am not sure what it is about. I think part of it is stress from work. I just got to keep taking the next right step. Today, I need to work hard, do the best I can, and be present to my family. Yesterday was definitely a monday when it came to work. Just take it one day at a time.


Hey all, checking in on day 1346. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day
286 no alcohol
217 no vapes or cigs
87 no thc

Woke up early so theres no need to rush
Bottles for the baby are made
Trash is out
No dishes to do

I have to wash 2 baby bottles then put on my work outfit then im outtie at 9:15am in about 30min to be at work for 10am

2 days off after today so im looking forward to family time

I stayed up till about 1am feeding and bonding with archer
Got peed on lol
We have a wetwipe warmer that makes him need to pee i guess lol

Hes our baby boy

Take care everyone


Day 51, checking in 🩵

Don’t feel 100 percent like myself today. I feel sleepy and sluggish.

I only have a 1/2 days work today since I took off this afternoon for a hair appt. I haven’t gotten my hair colored in over 2 years… So treating myself to a little pampering.

The weather is supposed to be beautiful so I’m hoping that will help give me a little pick me up eventually.

Much love everyone :heart_hands:


Had a horrible anxiety dream again and I can see it’s my body and minds way of working out these next unknown steps.

Had yet another two hour work handover. Three full days left now and they are still maintaining pressure on me. It’s just rude really when I think about so much. I emailed the owner today for help and he never even acknowledged me at all. When you accept so much toxicity it’s amazing how you can end up in a place that is so warped and tragic that you wonder how an intelligent being ever got there.

At the hospital, ready for my usual four hour wait. Bless the NHS anyway :heart:

Take care all


Checking in on day 223. Realized I was off by a day yesterday. :thinking:


@Amy30 congrats on 400+ days :tada: sending strength and hope that a tweak will help your MH :people_hugging:🩵
@Tragicfarinelli it definitely does become less of a challenge to get up and go for the walk the more I do it. Thank you :blush: I hope things go well at the hospital :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@TrustyBird congrats on 2 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2: enjoy your 2 weeks off and the vacations :blush:
@Forgive_Yourself sending strength 🩵 I hope today is brighter :blush:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 best they could do was a phone appointment next Tues 27th, which will be pointless because I am sure a doctor would want to see my back before agreeing to do a referral :roll_eyes: we shall see :crossed_fingers:t2:wishing you some restful sleep and relief from the pains :people_hugging:🩵
@Mira_D congrats on 7 months :tada: sending strenth as always :people_hugging:🩵
@Jenny1972 congrats on all your timers :tada::tada::tada:
@JoeDogs sending strength 🩵
@acromouse congrats on 1 week no overeating/binge :tada: and 90 days no sugar too :tada:
@Jimz congrats on 50 days :tada: those are some good realisations :blush:


@Scorpn sorry about the nightmares :people_hugging: from what I know of you, you are none of those things I hope you can shake it off. 🩵
@IamThechange sorry about the dream :people_hugging: congrats on 80 days :tada:
@JP123 congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Lilemm I would imagine that really puts things into perspective. Sending you strength 🩵 and I really hope your dad’s treatment is successful. :people_hugging:
@Shel75 good luck for your MRI results :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@tifflynn07 congrats on 50 days :tada:
@PeteM welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Tomek congrats on 1200 days :tada: sending strength 🩵
@apes2020 welcome back! :blush: good to see you. Sorry you’ve been battling with the Alcohol demon again :people_hugging: but congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Button83 wow, a bird landing on you, how amazing is that, I’d feel honoured! :smiley: great view too :heart_eyes: omg on your hand too, that is very spiritual :raised_hands:t2:🩵


@MrFantastik congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Hesmyportion welcome back :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@wahtisnormal health scares can be very motivating, welcome back :blush: and congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Seizetheday congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Dan.h84 welcome back :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Lotusflower wishing you good luck with your employment situation :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:

1288 days no alcohol.
753 days no cocaine.
268 days no vape.
13 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Sunday I:

-Caught up here.
-Read one chapter.
-Did my morning routine.
-Did some meditations.
-Went for my walk.
-Did some more meditations.
-Watched my programs, without binge-eating.

Monday I had a bath and caught the bus to the city centre, went for a coffee, then walked to therapy.

It was my initial therapy session, so we just had more of a casual getting to know each other session, she was interested to know who I have in my life that I can talk to when I’m struggling, the answer being no one, so then she asked me what my coping strategies are, so I told her about my daily routine and that meditation is my biggest tool. I explained how up until 13 days ago, I’ve just been stuffing any feelings and emotions down with food, but that I don’t feel I’m free from that addiction yet because the cravings and urges are so strong and intense. I briefly mentioned some of my other struggles like not being able to go in the lounge due to not feeling safe in there, etc.

After getting home I just relaxed with my cats. I felt really unwell mentally all evening, then at 22:35 I realised I hadn’t taken my lunchtime or evening meds, so I took them then fell asleep shortly after.

Last night was the final of the other TV show I’ve been watching for the past 6 weeks, but I’m going to watch it now I’ve caught-up here, as my reward. So from today I can resume my early nights, and hopefully earlier mornings.



Day 3
Managed to catch half an AA zoom meeting while getting a ride to work. It what I need :sparkling_heart:


@shel75 How is your day going? Hopefully all is well with your MRI results.
@wahtisnormal Day 2+ Zoe – way to go. The addiction is a progressive disease and each time we go back to it we are adding harm to our already fragile bodies. I am sorry that your symptoms got so scary but grateful that you were able to step away from alcohol and are working on your recovery in every way. The body will heal it just takes some time. Wishing you strength and love to keep stacking up the days and allowing your body the time it needs to heal :hugs:
@acromouse Aga that is awesome – 90 days sugar free is not an easy feat. You should be super proud of your accomplishment :tada: :clap:
@seizetheday Way to go with your 50 days! Definitely something to be proud of – keep the momentum going strong :muscle:
@BrOKenWolf Hey Richard - was just thinking of you and hope you are doing well. Sending love :heart: :hugs:
@juli1 WOOT WOOT Girl I am so excited to see this – 3 weeks jules :tada: :tada: Grateful to see you turning to RR meeting to curb the cravings. You are stronger than this addiction :muscle:
@dan.h84 so good to see you back with us Dan – congrats on your day 4!
@elyse Nicely done with 2 months under your belt! I do love celebrating the milestones but immediately my mind goes to the next one to conquer. Love that we will never have too many milestones – always something to look forward to. I love calming mediative yoga sessions – hope you enjoy!
@cleanheart doing great with 6 days friend. Hope you are able to find something calming to relaxing to do to help take the edge off. Or just something to keep yourself busy. You are closing in on the 1 week mark – just keep it going ODAAT :muscle:
@tifflynn07 sending some pep your way – excited for some self care today – glad you are pampering yourself –always love a good hair coloring (hopefully you will share a pic later).

Checking in on Tuesday morning…
Getting my coffee fix so that i can get some work done today. Not much else going on. Back to crappy sleep. Grateful for sunny warm weather… hoping to sit outdoors and soak in some vitamin d :wink:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


This is frustrating to hear. A phone conversation? How the hell can he tell whats going on over the phone? Oof – I do hope that they don’t drag this out too much longer. I am sorry friend. I do hope you are not in any discomfort from it. Sounds like a really good first session Cam. I do hope that you find it fruitful as you continue with it. Sending you love and know that I am here for you if you need to reach out at any time :people_hugging:


Day 4 no alcohol , drugs , THC
Day 1 no nicotine (made me sick)

Body is fully over it. Thanking my higher power for no legal situations due to my addictions.
Financially could always be better considering the last bender, thankfully I still have my job and a family who can help me right now.
Counting my blessings.
I am so tired of relapsing because at square 1.
This time I got a sponsor, a therapist, told my family I am officially in recovery. I will be working the steps, taking my recovery seriously and making it a priority for the sake of my sanity and my little life I have built for myself.

I can’t do it alone and appreciate this community exists. Along with other tools and recources I see myself 1,5,10,20,40,60 years clean and serene.

At 27 I want to make sure my life is lived and survived …
I want to make myself and family and society proud.

I didn’t realize I could cry so much but I guess this is apart of it…

I know if I pick up, I die. I release the shame and self righteousness that comes with being in a program, working steps with a sponsor, or identifying as an addicted. I am addicted to self sabotage and externally regulating through substances, legal or not including FOOD. Time do the work and fight the good fight.

Sending my love to everyone here fighting with me and inspiring me.


Welcome to ts! And congratulations on your days clean! Hope to see you around :blush: there’s a ton of threads to read, and the nicest group of people all waiting to cheer you on. :people_hugging::heart:


Thank you so much x


Welcome to the community! Great job on the start of your sober journey. A wonderful community to be a part of :hugs: Glad to have you here with us