Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 5

Almost caved last night, glad i didn’t
Still exhausted from work
I can never catch up
Work schedule is annoying right now because it basically sets me up to be sleep deprived all week.
And i need to train for muay thai every day that i can because my thailand trip is coming up in two weeks.
So i guess exhausted just begins to explain it. Want nothing more than to ask someone to cover for me at work but theres no one available.


Checking in
2 years 9 days
I had an above average sleep last night which means im not feeling as drained this morning thankfully. Ate breakfast, got my coffee, put my son on the school bus, and now im getting ready for the gym. Its been a loooong while since i hit the gym but im pushing myself today to get there today. Then i have 2 errands to run and then will come home to rest because i have another awake overnight shift to do tonight. Hopefully this will be the last one for awhile :crossed_fingers: Ya today should be a good day! Hope everyone enjoys their day also!


Wow this is amazing!!! Congratulations on ur 1 whole year of sobriety!!!


Day 249. Still working on it. Celebrated 8 months a few day ago. Things are kind of difficult head space wise right now. It’ll pass. It always does. I just wish that the tough days would be less often. Maybe someday.

One day at a time.
Thanks for letting me share.


Sending you lots of love and well wishes! :pray:t3::heart::people_hugging:


Day 2303.

Passed 2300 days apparently, not that I’m super concerned with my numbers. Figured I’d do a quick check in to let the people who have tagged me know that I’m still out there maintaining sobriety at all costs.

Life has dealt me some blows, but nothing I can’t manage (with real life support). I am going through some pretty big periods of forced change and it’s stressful. I was given confirmation that I was not hired for a new role at my current organization, nor was I ever actually considered (longer story here that’s not relevant). Currently actively hunting but not a ton of openings in my desired field/pay range. In addition I am also in the process of moving closer to my partner and biggest supporter :two_hearts:. This is challenging for a variety of reasons.

As a result I have had to make decisions about what things/people I have capacity for and I have not had the time nor energy to devote here. I read, throw out some hearts, and then head on my merry way. Thankfully I have cultivated an in person support network that is there when I want.

I’m aware things will work out. They always do, but until they do I probably won’t be around much. There isn’t much to be learned by struggling, but there’s much to be gained by overcoming the struggles. Once I’m there im sure I’ll have some insight as to what worked for me to get through it.


Great news from the hospital! Those rascals! I remember those days with my black tomcat Búho. I loved him so much though! How can you not. But that’s a big reason why I’m considering adopting an adult/older cat or two. I also hate seeing them at the shelter :disappointed_relieved:


Day 1160,

A lot going on, drinking is not an option. Enjoy your sober day. :pray:


Congratulations on the 500 ODAATs Renee :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:


Evening check in. My weekend’s here, or almost a mini vacation as I’m off till Tuesday :sunglasses:. It’s been an intense couple of weeks at work. I feel I handled stuff pretty damned well if I may say so myself. Been crying on the train home listening to music. Just some songs. I’m OK. But it’s quite something, this job I do. Thanks for being here friends. We’re in this together. Love. The pic is the view coming into work close to dawn.

@Englishd Thanks for checking in Derek, I know you’ll deal with what comes your way. See you soon.
@Lotusflower Always good to see you Des. Just keep going lady.
@ArtMama Huge congrats on a full year of sobriety Lady! Awesome work.
@JazzyS All success today Jasmine!
@Scorpn 500 days! Huge! Awesome! Fantastic! Yay! Hugs! Love!
@Mindofsobermike 99!!! Right on Mike!
@peterm Welcome Peter!
@CATMANCAM Just saying hi and congrats on being awesome and strong and keep doing all the work you do for a better happier healthier you.


Checking in day 536! Haven’t checked in for a bit, so wanted to stop by and say hey. Been pretty busy but with lots of positives. Starting a group personal training program and my health is feeling better than it has in a long time. Work is chugging along, relationship is going well, and been investing time in friendships. I owe it all to sobriety.

Hope everyone has a terrific sober Thursday :sparkles:


Lunch break check in. Day 34. I think my last reset was around this amount of time too, so I’m happy I’m building up a new longest streak.
I just want to repeat myself, and give a pat on the back to all of the parents on here who pushed through the sleep deprived tough days. It’s an incredible, tough journey.
Life has no easy button, eh? …we are all grinding it out one day at a time.


Checking in day 53 🩵

Rainy day here. Not much else, ready for the weekend.

Much :heart_hands: to yall


Day 3.

A cool change came over night thank god. It went from 38 degrees to 20 in about a minute. Its crazy what our earth is doing weather wise.

On way to work. I snoozed an extra 50 mins almost slept through and almost screwed up missing work. But i didnt
I made it. Grateful. I dont feel too bad at all today surprisingly. Body feels ok considering its only day 3.



Thank you :heart:
It was ok. I spent time with them, but when the time came for during around drinking, i went to my old hobby of sewing! They popped their head in every now and then and that worked out perfectly for me.


Thanks!! I think it worked :smiley:


Just a quick check-in, because I’m really tired. Just finished work for today and plan to get up early in the morning to continue. I really miss a day off. I can probably have one in the middle of next week, so only a few days left. Tomorrow my buddy from Budapest will come to visit and will stay here for a few days. He will bring along his cat too. I know I will really miss my daily routine, but even so I’m looking forward to have them here.


Checking in day 52 AF :blush:.


Day 4 , and 4th day of meetings. On a zoom meeting as I speak, sitting in my work lunch room surrounded by my co workers


Good luck today and :pray: a fast easy recovery. :green_heart: