Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 4 of 14 off and it is official, I over scheduled myself. I’ve been reading on the couch and chatting on here which saved my mood after my busy social days the last few days. Now to catch up on push-ups. Stay sober folks.


Thank you everyone for the well wishes.
Everything went smoothly with surgery. The cyst was way larger than they had imagined…said it was the size of a babys head :scream: and was pushing on my uterus. Said everything else was in great shape and looking healthy. Woke up with uncontrollabe shakes and tears which have now somewhat subsided .
I am grateful for my parents and the support!
Heading home to rest. :pray:t4:


I’m very happy to hear that all went well.

Rest up :heart:


Day 353

Did you miss me? I’m hanging out with the grat-guys now :blush:
Just thought I make a quick appearance in here. Sorry, I’m not catching up on 500+ posts.
Hope you all have a great sober day/night. Love you all, my sober fam!


Jazzy, sending healing thoughts your way. I hope your surgery goes flawlessly and you have a speedy recovery. I believe your positive and kind attitude will help you get through this the best way possible. I hope you will reap the benefits if your surgery as soon as possible. Hugs my dear!


So relieved to hear your surgery went well! My male surgeon, who removed an ovarian tumor, also described it as the size of a baby’s head. I am a mom. Babies heads seem huge, especially considering how most arrive. In my opinion, maybe our doctors could use a different example? Maybe a large grapefruit or pomelo? Do female doctors use babies heads as an example? Maybe it’s just me! Glad everything went smoothly. Hugs to you and your parents. Take it easy and thanks for all the support you give.


Checking in day 52. Reading the check in posts here is motivating and grounding. Thank you and wishing everyone one a healthy, sober day.


Im so glad that that was removed and that your doing well! Hope u have a quick recovery friend :orange_heart:


@ArtMama Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@JazzyS Glad it went well! :smiling_face:

@HolySquid Hanging with the cool kids, huh? :sunglasses:


. 9


We take a pieces of jigsaw puzzle.
Pieces seem different.
Shape is different.
Color is different.

They do not seem to connect.

But if we Zoom Out -

We start to see a Bigger Picture!

Thank You for being here :blue_heart:


31 days weed free. 2025 days alcohol free


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this!!! What a beautiful message. Thank YOU for being here friend :slight_smile:


@mischa @Scorpn pn @mno @Jasty2 @chevy55 @misokatsu
Thanks friends – appreciate you! :people_hugging: :heart: Grateful to have you all here with me for my addiction and life recovery needs :heart:
@lotusflower I’m sorry the low feeling is hanging around. I see you doing great recovery steps and working on positive thinking. I do hope that and your faith start making you feel more lively soon :people_hugging:
@wahtisnormal Man that 5 days is awesome. Tiredness is part of recovery to begin with but then with work, life and your training and prepping for a trip it can become overwhelming. I do hope you take care of yourself and rest as much as possible :heart:
@forrestkump WOOT WOOT – 8 + months is awesome – glad that you are able to keep faith and working your recovery to know that this difficult headspace is temporary. I do hope that some positive vibes your way will help get you back on track mentally :hugs:


That is very cool, and a great message too.


This is awesome to read friend – so happy that you had a space to escape to! :hugs:
@holysquid love seeing you on the Gratitude thread but of course your presence was missed here – love seeing your check ins :heart:
@happy_trails – I was super groggy and just coming out of the surgery and that is how the surgeon described it. I have not had children and we had thought based on X-rays and MRI that it was the size of a softball – turned out bigger and I guess even she couldn’t come up with anything else to say. I am grateful you got that tumor out. Hope you are doing well my friend :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman thanks friend! appreciate the good wishes. I do hope that you are all set for tonight and that the overnight goes smoothly. :people_hugging: Do hope that they are able to find a alternative for the next time your nurse goes on vacation.

Not this time is correct! Glad to see you here on day 6. Stick with us and lean on us when that pesky voice appears at the around that 2 week mark. We got your back :muscle:

Another check in – i am able to move a bit but it all hurts LOL – not as bad as before so that is a plus. My throat is the worst and i am having trouble swallowing / talking
Grateful to be taking it easy and resting. Grateful that i haven’t thought to drink or get high. A gummy did sound good but nah!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free evening / day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi Mno
Hope you have a wonderful mini vacation as you say. So we’ll deserved. What a beautiful picture. Thank you Mno as always thankful to be on this journey with you. As always I feel your warmth and sincerity. Blessings sent to you always!:yellow_heart:


I am glad your surgery went well and you are home recovering. Blessings sent your way always Jazzy :pray:t5::yellow_heart:


Another :heart_eyes: Beauty!


Stick with it. If you can see the pattern you can beat the pattern. Stay connected, stay strong.


93 sugar
49 UPF
11 overeating/binge

Had intense cravings yesterday afternoon. Hormones once again acting up. Felt the physical hunger. Ate something but did not overeat. Had the clarity that there is nothing that will make the hormonal urges go away. Not food, nor anything else.

This place is exploding! And I don’t have the time to read all the interesting stuff and even less time to reply. Third day in a row I’m off to an early appointment. Apparently I’m in a process of going more out into the wild world outside. I don’t know how much I need, and how much is going to be too much, but next week is going to be slower, and I’m looking forward to slowing down again and sleeping in tomorrow. I miss my morning laziness.

Off into a new day, taking like as it comes: One day at a time.

Wishing you all fine people peace, kindness and freedom in all your endeavours today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: