Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Man this is the perfect start into a day. Love :heart:



My four day weekend just started. To kick it off I’m going to my therapist together with my close friend for over 30 years, to see if we can make our relationship better, because otherwise it’s all but ended really. Unhealthy interaction patterns that have been developing and existing for decades are so hard to change. So I have hope this will help some. Wish me success. I’m sober and clean, that will help. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love. Pic is just a snapshot of my friend being herself at the beach.


83 days in the bank

Had the day off with the wife. Shes recently changed roles, less $ but greater job satisfaction and more time off. Glad that financially we could do that.
It means that we’re getting to reconnect a bit with each other while the kids are at school. Im glad I’m sober to really enjoy it for what it is.


Good morning, and checking in AF. :sunrise::partying_face:

Feeling a bit better today, had a very emotional evening yesterday. I realized the main problem I have with communicating with my partner: it doesn’t feel safe. There are many everyday topics, work, science etc. that are no problem to talk about, but when it comes to future plans, hopes and dreams, family, deeper issues, I’m paralyzed because I’m afraid of his reaction. He might start crying, he might withdraw, he might shatter my hopes and dreams … We definitely need to talk to our/a couples therapist about that.


We’ve all tried Life on hard mode while we were drinking/ using
glad we’re all here giving it a go on the easier mode​:joy::joy:


Checking in on day 481 AF. Looking forward to day 500 as my next major milestone.

New car day today for me. I’m almost too excited :rofl:

Have a fantastic Friday everyone.


24 days AF
Feeling quite good, despite of a sleepless night. My neighbor was picked up by the ambulance due to mental health issues. Today mum will come around and I have to take her to a special doctor for reumatics round here. After that we will go to a sushi bar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Long day. Had a huge table come in around 7:30 and they stayed forever. Ended up getting out past 11! On the way out, my friend told me the 2 air conditioners sitting outside were going in the dumpster, so we took them. I’ve never had one before so I’m psyched! Hopefully it works :crossed_fingers: My taxes came thru today and I immediately transferred what I owed onto my credit card. Finally! Now I can schedule everything I’ve been waiting to get done. What a relief :sweat_smile: Gotta wind down now bc it’s late and I’m working lunch tomorrow. Goodnight :heart:


20 days.

Happy Friday :blush:

I’m doing ok! The anxiety and sickness now come in infrequent waves, rather than a constant rush. What I’m left with is extreme irritability and chronic stress. It doesn’t help that I’ve had things going on over the past couple of weeks that are exacerbating these feelings. I get so worked up and I can’t shift those bad moods. My mind is rushing all over the place, from the moment I wake to the time I go to bed.

Grateful the weekend is a stone’s throw away. Hope everyone is doing ok!


@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I’m so glad your surgery went well and you are recovering now and I hope your pain begins to settle day by day :people_hugging:🩵
@acromouse congrats double digits for no overeating/bingeing :tada: I hope the funeral went as well as these things can :people_hugging:🩵
@Scorpn congrats on 500 days :tada:
@peterm welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@AnnaE congrats on 9 months :tada:
@Rookie welcome :blush:
@ArtMama congrats on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2:
@ForrestKump congrats on 8+ months :tada: sending strength 🩵
@MooseTracks good to read from you :blush: congrats on your continued sobriety :tada: and the benefits you are noticing :raised_hands:t2::tada:
@Mno I really hope your frienship therapy helps your relationship, it’s very healthy that both of you are willing to engage :people_hugging:🩵

1291 days no alcohol.
756 days no cocaine.
271 days no vape.
16 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Managed to get all the cleaning jobs done. I also finished the book I’ve been reading.

The contractor arrived at 12:30pm and was here about 30mins. I sorted my next week’s worth of meds out while he did the job.

When they left I drove to my hometown and back, to collect my meds.

After getting home, I caught-up with some meditations with my cats and rested my back.

Fell asleep early and feel rested this morning.

The Sun is shining through my window this morning and really helping my mood :smiley::raised_hands:t2:



Day 244 sensibly taken two days off work as I feel dreadful

Hopefully have a quiet weekend.

Have a fab day folks


Good morning! Checking in on day 84. I hope everyone has an amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:

@JazzyS - so happy to see that everything went well for you!
@zzz - the graphic you created is badass! I want to say to you too, thank you for being here!
@CATMANCAM - loved reading your post, seems like a great day and you deserve many!!


That really is cool :sunglasses: And thank you for making it


Hey how’s that tough pup doing?


She is a little warrior! She has been doing so good, personality is in full swing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I’ll get the results today, nervous about it and hope they call early :pray: Praying for a low grade because then we can just do medication for the cancer (since she already had the surgery). Thanks for checking my friend, I appreciate it and you more than you could know!

PS if you get any good texts from your wife please share, I could use the laugh :rofl: haha



I got this one the other day. My self esteem is plummeting. :rofl::rofl:


I think it’s just the different ways she tells you that she loves you :rofl::rofl:


Yeah that’s what 27 years of bliss gets you. The good morning texts wore thin a long time ago. Crazy has a way of finding each other. :grin:


Today is friday and I cant wait to finish work to go back home and spent time with my kids.
I feel really good these days. I am now able to keep my appartement clean. For me this is a big acheivement. When I was using I couldnt keep up with everything. But for now, I am on a roll!! I make food, I keep my home clean!! Yesterday I did 15 min of meditation, its the next thing I want to include in my schedual. Eventually the gym, but its not for now. I am 10 months into this journey and I have changed sooooo much. I am so proud!! Have a great day everyone
Sending you lots of you :heart:


@Mno That sounds like it could be great for your friendship. It shows both of your willingness to work on it. I hope the therapy helps.

Day 1291
Rainy day at home with the kids. Feel like I was constantly making food for them, but grateful for healthy kids that eat and the resources to keep them fed with no worries.
5 weeks ago I interviewed for a class at a new university department. They seemed keen, but I know at least one other person (probably with a fuller CV) went for it, and when I had no confirmation email I assumed I hadn’t got it. I received a contract through the post today, so I guess I did. So my income will be almost the same this year as last year. And hopefully as it is a new department I may pick up more later.
Just finished watching Labyrinth with my daughter. I hadn’t watched it for ages, so had forgotten it, but as I was watching I kept remembering what was going to happen next just before it happened. Memory is weird.