Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 100. Bought myself an extra alarm clock last week to make sure I don’t miss work, and I think I’m going to buy another because it’s not very loud lol. Other wise I have been good about waking up for work. They have been putting me on my own for the last couple days so that’s good and shows they trust me. I have icu again today and then some rooms on another floor and a few discharges. So a busy day ahead. I’m grateful to hit that 100 mark, I feel good about my sobriety this time, and I’m very grateful for the medicine I’m on bc it feels good to feel good lol. Much love everyone keep hitting those numbers


The outpouring of goodbyes from people who are not obliged to say goodbye to me (i.e, my own companies colleagues who don’t truly know me one bit) has been humbling. Calls from people I work with in different companies from San Francisco to New York to the Czech Republic and Dubai has warmed my prune like heart today.

Four hours left, I’ll take lunch now. They advised me they will completely cut me off from the server and remote access at 6pm tonight :rofl: said in as nice a way as that can be said :rofl:. That scuppers my devious campaign to extract the meaning of the world from them, incognito. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

… My boss called me and I wasn’t expecting it. He asked how I felt about my last day, and honestly some times I genuinely forget myself and are too honest…

The silence after saying “it honestly couldn’t have come soon enough” was deafening. I didn’t soften it or offer an explanation or some meagre peaceful platitude, just hung it there for the guy to own. My partner is still laughing after overhearing the whole conversation. I’m here for this change in me. I don’t always need to make others comfortable.

Oh well. Greener grass, or more watering needed in my own yard.

Screw those who try to keep a thumb on your head. This world is big enough for all of us. :heart:


Way to go Mike! Congrats on that hard earned 100 days. It warms my heart to hear you doing so well.


Amazing! I wish I had the guts to have said something like that when I left my last job. Sounds like well earned words on their end. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventures! For now, enjoy the freedom.


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:.

Maybe you could do what my daughter did and use a phone and change the sound into hideous cockerel cries. That gets you up pretty fast.


Hey all, checking in on day 1349. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations Mike :confetti_ball::tada::balloon:


Thank you James. My industry is very gossipy so I’ve always been the good girl and towed the line. But the honest truth is that I’m one of the best in my line. I know that. My reputation is better than their reputation. I know that, fact.

Screw the man!


7 weeks today, Day 49 AF

Hitting gym hard this morning.
Then game 1 of playoff’s tonight, home around 11:30pm Oy Vey
Game 2 tomorrow, 2.5 hours away starting at 8pm, so home around 2am or so… yikes. :grimacing:

It’s gonna be a looong weekend.

Enjoy folks.


Good morning! Today is day 151, for that I am truly grateful. Getting ready to go to a meeting,” to get my life preserver for the day”. Have a wonderful day everyone!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Is that a handsome younger Chevy?


Much younger and much more handsome


I never said more…he is handsome though. I LOVE ICE HOCKEY. it’s my non football sport.


Great picture!! :star2::star2::star2::star2:


No, I did. Haha. He’s been playing since he was 5, so into his 15th season.


Nice work Doreen, keep on keeping on!


Checking in on day 225. Seeing some great milestones out there. Impressive and inspiring! Happy Friday, all!!:heart::peace_symbol:


Day 46 AF
167 doc free
1 ciggarette free

Happy Friday all! Today is a good day to have on purpose. Thankful I found out I am still a permanent employee with the school board. There was a big mixup in communication. So very thankful! Planning on returning full time God willing in the fall. In the meantime I will supply in schools closer to home.

Strong and Serene 24 all! :yellow_heart::pray:t5:


Checkingnon from foggy Massachusetts usa on day
289 no alcohol
220 no vapes or ciggs
91 no thc

Ready for work
Just waiting to clock in

The wife and baby are doing amazing

Have a good day everyone
Much love to you all


Checking in day 54 :black_heart:

It’s a beautiful sunny day here today, and my mental health needed that.

I have my weekly lunch planned with my bestie today which is much needed.

My son has homecoming tonight with his beautiful girlfriend… match~y outfits and all.

I hope everyone has/had is having… a great Friday :heart_hands: