Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

67 days in the bank

Chilled day. Had the youngest home sick from school so it was nice to just hang with her for the day. We went and got a present for her friends bday party this weekend. Then just relaxed at home. Hopefully shes well enough for school tomorrow.
Hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow a.m


:confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: Just see this, glad you stay!:confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Checking in, properly.

Iā€™ve been drifting along and being quite superficial and blasĆ© about it but inside Iā€™ve been not very good. V depressed and low, all the darkness. I feel like thereā€™s no real time Iā€™m truly happy these days and Iā€™m in a constant trap of anxiety and fear and pain.

Iā€™ve reached 40 days again but to say I feel good is a complete lie. I feel fatigued by being me. A long time I have felt this grind of going through the gears and making the right sounds and pointing in the right direction, but Iā€™m not getting anywhere, itā€™s groundhog Day. I was late on this one, ha.

Anyway, just thought I would check in truly and put my marker in the sand here. I have no idea what Iā€™m doing these days. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

I feel like Iā€™m waiting for an epiphany or rebirth thatā€™s not happening. Self loathing is at an all time high for me, though Iā€™m fighting it.


*Day 1967 :walking_woman:
Slept bad. Think I slept from 2.30 untill 6 oā€™clock. Couldnā€™t shut down my active brains, they where rambling!
Songs, ideaā€™s for my goldsmith class, things about work, relation stuff, etc :sweat:
I wish I would have an off button.

Today? Work and tonight a dinner for my birtday. I hope my head wonā€™t fall into my plate :blush:


Day 41

Work is mental right now, there is no way I could have managed this drinking. I was right about getting sick but it was just a cold and seems to be going now. I have done nothing but work and knit for the last few days. I was looking forward to celebrating day 40 for some reason. It felt like a milestone I wanted to enjoy and so checked my app this morning to find out when it is so I can decide how I want to celebrate it. Turns out it was yesterday and I celebrated it by staying sober!

Have a good day every one.


Iā€™m sorry you feel like this. Maybe give yourself and your feelings some slack? Like waving a bit like reed? 40 days are a nice stretch, but for me the first 3 months where an emotional funk :thinking:
And being tired is one that was my companion for months in my recovery. Maybe that is the case for you too? Hope the venting helps, maybe do it every day helps to get the edge out?


Check in A.M the days are long that nights are longer atm but Iā€™m pushing thruā€¦ Keeping it simpleā€¦ I hope everyone makes it thru another day whatever that may look like :pray:


Thanks James, Iā€™m staying the course. :+1:


Yes I do think that Iā€™m super tired. Sounds silly, but these kittens are really a lotā€¦ Nearly five months old and protein rich tornados. They play most the night and I just canā€™t seem to get a full nightā€™s sleep.

Also I accept that perhaps I need to reset after leaving my job, Iā€™ve been burned out for a few years or seems. COVID also killed a part of me inside, I lost my curiosity for being outside. Thatā€™s hard to get back as the nesting instinct is so strong.


Day 261 just checking in. Not posting much but reading your posts and itā€™s keeping me sober. Thanks and have a wonderful day everybody!


Day 42 already and going ok. Nervous about a birthday celebration on Friday. Being type one diabetic my soft drink option are very limited and I donā€™t like Cola. So Iā€™m rehearsing the phrase - Iā€™ll have a water please.


Day 8
Checking in, free from alcohol


I get the COVID thing. I am more of an introvert and need a lot ā€˜alone/meā€™-time. And after COVID I just ā€˜forgotā€™ or didnā€™t really care much about meeting people.
Added to that health challenges and I really did not have any inclination to spend energy on socializing, which most of the time leaves me drained anyways.
But after a while I realized that I do need a certain amount of social interactions apart from my imediate household, and that neglecting the social part of my life means neglecting a basic human need.
So I started - at first very reluctantly - to try things out, the low hanging fruits basically. Now I am slowly getting into more social contacts.

What Iā€™m trying to say is: Even when socializing feels like an energy drain, you probably need it, and self care means finding a way of socializing that feels good for you. But you have to take this first step.

I hope youā€™ll feel better soon. Sending you hugs and a smile :people_hugging: :blush:


Yeah I know what you mean, definitely need to reach out now to my people that I actually like (not many). :woozy_face: Iā€™m definitely a huge introvert. Drinking made me louder and more bold but inside I was still the shy and scared person, that always left me confused and nurturing both these split personalities. Like two secret people.

Iā€™ve worked from home for a few years as well so apart from teams and calls I see no one apart from my partner.

I have no family to speak of apart from my sister now, so thatā€™s another feeling of loss and lack of love. After everything thatā€™s happened with estrangement and family problems all Iā€™m left with is this gaping hole of never being loved. After all, I still have a taped message of my mother saying she always hated me (she was drunk). So how can I mend that feeling that everything was a big fat theatre of pretend.

I miss people I guess, but equally I find low level interactions pointless mostly. Iā€™m not very good at going light; itā€™s all or nothing for me. Often Iā€™ve been shamed for going deep by people around me and told to lighten up a bit. Itā€™s made me withhold my opinions and thoughts with most people.


450 days sober today.

No temptation. Happy being sober.

The ā€˜hangoversā€™ Iā€™ve been getting since quitting are caused byā€¦.chocolate! There is no god!! :joy::joy:.

Quit chocolate 16 days ago after a process of elimination. Sleeping much better but damn, I miss chocolate! :joy::joy:


Day 85. First day of training on the new job. Looking forward to it, all is going pretty well otherwise. Not to much to say I suppose. Much love


Soā€¦who would have thought that while youve been secretly suffering (until now) youve also managed to help me out emencely recentlyā€¦may i say that i think your pretty wonderful :heart:


Iā€™m glad you decided to stay. This is a support group for everyone struggling with addiction, not just those who successfully maintain long-term sobriety. Keep fighting for yourself, you deserve it.

Also, I understand feeling alienated. Even now and on here I sometimes feel left out of the ā€œcool kidsā€ club. Like I somehow donā€™t belong or Iā€™m not worthy orā€¦ something. But then I think, ā€˜Fuck it!ā€™. I post what I wanna post, I speak out about what I wanna speak out, and if anyone doesnā€™t like me, they can scroll past.

Loads of people on here are supportive of you and rooting for your success. :sparkles:


Awwwwww I find it easier to help people where I can, I feel less useless :heart: thank you Kelly.


@Tragicfarinelli you are such a wonderful and compassionate person who always has a kind word for the people on here. I always appreciate your words of encouragement and I enjoy reading your shares. Hang in there! Be nice to yourself, the first couple of months of sobriety can be tough, but youā€™re doing so so well.

For me, the hardest part was coming to terms with the fact that not drinking isnā€™t a magic bullet to cure all my lifeā€™s problems. It makes them easier to manage. Likeā€¦ when youā€™re digging a hole for years and then you stop digging. Itā€™d not gonna magically lift you back to the surface, you gotta climb. But you canā€™t start climbing before you stop digging.

Saying thatā€¦ Iā€™m more than a year sober and still a depressed, miserable cow :joy_cat:

Day 389

Aw man, thereā€™s a lot happening inside my little blonde head and Iā€™m struggling to make sense of it. The kitchen falling down really scared the bejeezus out of me and the aftermath of builders and my parents coming round to sort it out rattled me to my core. Yeah, I live next door to my dad, but I hardly ever see him. To his credit, heā€™s got 0 interest in spending time with me. Actually I think he only puts up with us staying here to humour my mom. And thatā€™s fine. But when I do see him, he rattles me even if heā€™s not doing or saying anything wrong.

Cabin fever. I think Iā€™ve got cabin fever and need to get out and touch some grass or something. I also need to figure out a way to make more money, so far, Iā€™m worsening my carpal tunnel for a teeny amount of compensation. If I donā€™t find a decent income source soon, weā€™ll really struggle to go on our travels this year. And my God! I need to travel.