Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Day 13 sober
Day 13 of meetings
Day 13 of no hang over
Day 13 of a clear mind
Day 13 of a smile on my face
I am grateful for my dui and a change


I am happy to see you taking this head on and appreciating the journey.
Wish you all the best putting this all behind you.


2 years 18 days
Extremely snowy day here in Alberta. Its quite pretty but walking through it, is a whole other story haha Anyway, got myself to work this morning with no issues. Will work until 4pm and then head to the grocery store before going home. Not much else to report today. Hope everyone is doing well!


This app and AA and the fam have all be so supportive :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Checking in day 61 AF :blush:


@charlie_c just checking in with you friend ā€“ hope you are doing alright :pray: :hugs:
@chosen2001 Nicely done with your 9 months Chris -keep up the great work :muscle:
@zse Way to go with your 90 days friend ā€“ so happy for this milestone and lovely positive attitude! Keep it going :muscle:

Iā€™m sorry that you are feeling these thoughts my friend ā€“ you are among friends and we love seeing your posts and insights. No shame or judgement here :people_hugging:
@brokenwolf I was so excited to see you pop up on the check in today. I am so very sorry that you feel like you are a distraction or the connections have been broken. You do matter and are a big part of this community. Although I would want you to do what is best for your recovery, I do hope that does include you staying a part of our community as you will be missed immensely. Much love dear friend :people_hugging:
@aliennation Congrats on your job offer. Way to enjoy your Saturday in sobriety :hugs:
@jimz love the line ā€œsunny inside my headā€ how beautiful it is when we can play that tape forward and choose the sober path. Way to go James :muscle:
@chevy55 Love that you share you sonā€™s accomplishments and passions with us so proudly. We will never bore of your posts. Thanks for sharing :hugs:
@megan3 WOW that looks like a lot of fun ā€“ glad you two were able to get out and enjoy yourselves!
@button83 look at you go!! So excited to see you doing so well on this journey. Love seeing your daily posts.

Checking in on Saturday afternoon
Didnā€™t sleep well but glad that i feel rested. taking it easy today and enjoying time with my mom. able to move more so helping her with minor chores.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I hope you get that sleep thing dialed in. Iā€™ve been known to complain about it occasionally but I really have nothing to complain about (sometimes Iā€™m a bit of a whiny bitch perhaps).
Work on your sleep haven. Your bedroom really should be your most precious and beloved place in your home. You should feel at ease the moment you walk in the door and close it behind you. A sanctuary!
Good scents, comfy pillows, freshly laundered sheets, clean fresh airā€¦.
A lot of world issues would cease I think if we all just slept better. 1/3 or more of our life is or should be spent in thereā€¦.

Rest well Jasmine :heart:


Haha great parental rant. Who knows where kids come up with some of the stuff they say. And how do they go from infuriating to adorable in the space of a minute?


ahhh thanks friend - yes to all of thatā€¦ working on creating a haven ā€“ right now i am at my parents in the living room recovering from surgery ā€“ today i will move upstairs to a bedroom (still not my space so trying to make it as comfy as possible). Do rely on the lavender scents and fresh laundered sheets for sureā€¦ appreciate the reminder.

never a whiny bitch - sleep is so essential and can throw off the entire day when we donā€™t get the right amount :wink:


Checking in with a lot of sadness today. I let myself down yesterday. I knew this wasnā€™t the best decision to hang out with someone I have a long history of drinking with. I only had 37 days.

I need help, Iā€™m so sick today. I am really scared by what drinking alcohol for a few hours yesterday, on a sunny spring day on my patio did to my body and mind. Just complete havoc. Sweating, shaking, canā€™t keep food down. So ashamed and scared.

Normally, it wouldnā€™t hit me this hard. But maybe thereā€™s something good in that. To get through to me. To know where Iā€™m at. I canā€™t tolerate it. I need to get through the day, can you help me? I feel so alone, and want so badly to stay sober. I am trying to think of the days ahead, and that I will be here. If I canā€™t visit with drinking people at all, maybe it needs to be that way. I feel so foolish.

Thank you


Oh Marie Iā€™m so sorry that you lapsed yesterday. Do hope that you can be gentle with yourself today and stay hydrated. Rest up too.

Alcoholism is a progressive disease and it only gets worse as time goes on. A blessing in disguise that you can feel the shitty effects of it now so that you will not romanticize itā€™s hold over you.

when you feel up to it - maybe try an online meeting? We are here for you. Read around or chat with us - whatever makes you feel better and connected. You are not alone in this.

Great to see you posting and working towards your day 1. Much love my friend - this too shall pass and you will be stronger on the other side :people_hugging:


Youā€™re here now. Yesterdayā€™s gone. And itā€™s one day at a time for all of us. Iā€™m glad youā€™re with us all. On we go Marie. Learn from what happened and it wonā€™t be all for nought. Youā€™re not alone. Big hugs lady :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging:


57 days inspiers me also

It reminds me why im here and reminds me what the goal is


Thank you so much. Iā€™m ready. Just sipping water- Iā€™m very dehydrated. As this day goes on, Iā€™ll feel better. I like your ideas. Iā€™m going to have to immerse myself in recovery again. It really is progressive and my body is completely rejecting it. My health isnā€™t what it was. Iā€™m going to rest, try to eat something and maybe some tea. And stay here. I have no where to be for a few days. Why not be in recovery?

Thank you Jas for your kindness


Thatā€™s is tough Marie, I hope you start feeling better soon, and get some hydration into yourself.
This will pass in time and the one thing I drew strength on when I have had momentary lapse of mindfulness and my mind tries to trick me into having that drink is remembering just how bad that last time felt for me. It shakes me and I regain focus on abstinence.
Im sure a time will come when you may be more comfortable around drinking, but those times are not in the early stages I hear, so protect yourself from being in that space with all youā€™ve got. Nothing is forever, but just for nowā€¦

I wish you well in your recovery :mending_heart: and hope you are stronger for it.

Be very well and take good care


I appreciate you. I have to go forward and focus on one day, this one. I know what happened and why. Iā€™m with a group again now and recovering, today.

Thank you


Thank you Chevy. Yes, the forgetting. Of only remembering the first few minutes instead of the ending. Iā€™m so looking forward to Day 2 and doing the things to get there, today. I wonā€™t forget this. Something is different now with my health. Thank you


Add a little honey and lemon juice to your tea if you have it. Something I used to do that seemed to help.

Or donā€™t, and sit and really relish this awful feeling. Thatā€™s what worked for me in the beginning. Every single time Iā€™d think about drinking, Iā€™d remember every horrible thing that comes with it. Every. Single. Time. Now the thought of drinking still turns my stomach.

Donā€™t beat yourself up. Many of us didnā€™t get it right the first time. Or 2nd or 3rd or 100th. Here for you :heart:


Got some tea and added a little honey, and a splash of milk. Yes, I agree with you, I probably need this. Just a few calories, then more later. Iā€™m so happy to be here with you. Now Iā€™m crying from relief instead of shame. Iā€™m not alone, and I was welcomed. This is amazing. Thank you


Some days I run the day and some days the day runs me. Depression day. It is beautiful and sunshiney and I just played 2 hours of one of those dumb match three items phone games.

I am ruminating on my cousin requesting that I nag my Mom to make a doctors appointment after she cut our trip short when she wasnā€™t feeling well. Listen cousin, who got to hear for the entire 6 hour drive that my Mom was ready to die and doesnā€™t (basically) want to prolong her life at 81. You make her appointment sir and then try to force a stubborn woman to go. I canā€™t control her.

I think I am processing my Motherā€™s depression. :thinking:
Day 745, still sober but going to take a midafternoon nap and try the day again later.