Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

Hopefully a refreshingly wonderful nap Emilie :sleeping::heart:


Checking in. It wasnā€™t a productive day, but thatā€™s ok. Still having some difficult time, but itā€™s better than yesterday. Just trying to focus on my routine and self-care.


Day 2635. Iā€™ve been really busy with work and havenā€™t checked in here much recently. Still trying to exercise regularly. Itā€™s a challenge with work and commute. Things are going well. Iā€™ve had issues with setting boundaries recently that has led to some stress. I was a stress case last week because of it.


Cheking in sober and tired of my self. I convinced my self that when eating ice cream I swallowd wrong and that it went in my lungs. I mean come, thats not even possible!!?? :woozy_face:


There is no wrong way to eat ice cream. ā€œNever forget thatā€


Checking in day 62 šŸ©µ

This day has flown by.

My sister called me today and my nephew who is 19 just graduated boot camp for the US marines got married. Just went off and got married without telling anyone. And it got to me a little. Well I guess a lot. I got married right out of high school at 18ā€¦ and ugh itā€™s a time I wish I could go back and talk to younger me about.

Anywhoā€¦ Iā€™m sitting here fuller than Iā€™ve ever been bc my glutinous self ate the entire Applebees menu.

Much :heart_hands: everyone xoxo


Checking in again on Day 1. In 3 hours and 45 minutes Day 1 will be over. After posting and chatting online with a friend, I felt so much calmer and slept the afternoon away. Now in the virtual rooms with cup of Earl Grey with honey, and actually managed a half blueberry muffin.

Now my spirit is coming backā€” thinking about my new journey and all the joy it will bring. I was in a wobbly place and fell. Now building that stronger program that will carry me through. No day is more important that Day 1, as terrible as it feels. You canā€™t have 1000 days without the first. Going to read on here this evening and lots all week.

Thank you so much



Wait, thereā€™s a virtual room??

Oh and happy your are feeling better. Yah on day one!!


Yes virtual rooms! I think the lack of food made me see those! :wink: Thank you my friend. Most naps are toxic but this was a healing one. :slight_smile:

Enjoy your day, I really appreciate it


Hey Ted Iā€™m new here as well- welcome. Could relate to your ā€˜loopholesā€™ - very much! Taking my drinking off the table. No ā€˜but what ifā€™sā€™ or that thing is guaranteed to happen.

Glad youā€™re here, take good care.


Checking in Day 72. Today was good, wife and I attempted to do some intense cleaning in between boys in and out of the house all day. Nothing stays clean here with 4 boys and 2 dogs. Overall today was a good day, Iā€™m alive, my family is okay, & I didnā€™t pick up and drink! :smiley:


Glad to see everyone is doing so well and using this platform! I love it.
Seeing you guys continue pushing, and keepin on, Keeps me going! So happy for everyone, letā€™s keep on keepin on! :yellow_heart:

Congrats @Davina_Davis on 65 days.
Congrats @Steve14 on 39 days WF and 2033 days AF
Congrats @Lotusflower on 54 days AF, 172 days drug free, and 1 day cigarette free.
Congrats @Zse on 90 days.
Congrats @BrOKenWolf on 826 days!
Congrats @Jimz on 62 days.
Congrats @Nordique on 1,357 days
Congrats @Tragicfarinelli on 65 days
Congrats @Jasty2 on 171 days and 157 days smoke free
Congrats @Chevy55 on 57 days.


Glad to see everyone is doing so well and using this platform! I love it.
Seeing you guys continue pushing, and keepin on, Keeps me going! So happy for everyone, letā€™s keep on keepin on! :yellow_heart:

Congrats @Noshame on 297 days AF, 128 days no cigs or vapes, and 99 no thc
Congrats @SobrietyForMe on 163 days
Congrats @Mindofsobermike on 108 days
Congrats @Pattycake on 235 days
Congrats @CleanHeart on 6 days
Congrats @Button83 on 13 days
Congrats @Butterflymoonwoman on 2 years 18 days
Congrats @Seizetheday on 61 days AF
Congrats @Kareness on 2,365 days
Congrats @tifflynn07 on 62 days


I so appreciate your post. What a beautiful boy (your boy always, though becoming a man now!) My daughter is 7 and my son is 3, and I try to kiss their cheeks evefy chance I get. Some days are a struggle with the little ones and business, but Im always so grateful for them each secondā€¦my gosh how fast it goes! Wishing you and yours incredible next years as you watch him grow :slight_smile:


Checking in and oh so tired. Just about off to bed. It was a good day around the house. I woke up way too early hearing my little man in his crib, he nestled back fo sleep on his own but alas I was awake with finances on the mind. Things are quite tight lightly, and thag always brinfs stress with it. Turns out the liftle guy was sick in his crib, so we stayed in instead of visifing friends but in the end a really good day.

Had a good talk with hubby the other day also, and its true what they sayā€¦little ones does make it hard to find those moments to talk!

Wishinf everyone another 24. Hang in there all. Xo


Checking in and in a much better head space today. I think my anxiety was starting to spin out of control and i was over thinking everything. I finally made a decision and bought a new car today. I went in with a plan, got a great price and interest rate and am very happy with my decision. It was a long day, but i came home and got some things organized around my house and made a plan to get some other things Iā€™ve been putting off done first thing tomorrow. I also made plans to go bowling around noon before i have to work in the afternoon. I feel like Iā€™m back in control instead of just worrying and obsessing, but not taking action.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Sounds like a great day Kenny.
Congrats on your 72 ODAATs

4 Boys :scream::scream::scream::scream:


Hello friends. Checking in on day 995. Hope everyone has a good night/day wherever you are :blue_heart:


Hi @Lighter Everyone gets a chance to relapse but not everyone gets another chance to recover. Do not beat yourself up, instead take advantage of this opportunity to be able to start over. You can do this, letā€™s keep on keepin on. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Kenny- I appreciate you! Iā€™m almost to day 2, just about there and so grateful for the opportunity to get sober. Working on a recovery plan later today. ODAAT