Checking in daily to maintain focus #63

2 years 18 days
Ending my evening by watching tv with hubby while having a little evening snack. Weather is getting bad out there and will only get worse tomorrow. Thanks to recovery and its ability to repair finances and relationships, my hubby did something super thoughtful. Like i mentioned… the weather is really bad (lots n lots of snow and high cold winds). My winter boots broke this morning as i was getting ready for work, so was forced to wear my runners to work. It was a nightmare. I get home from work and hubby said he needed to head out to go somewhere. Here he comes back with new HH winter boots. I was really grateful for this gesture. The fact that he would step out in this crazy weather to get me new boots for work tomorrow, was a beautiful gesture :heart: and i also thank recovery for that. Bcuz without us being clean and sober, this likely would not have happened. In fact it most certainly wouldnt have. So im grateful! Have a wonderful night everyone!


That’s was so sweet and thoughtful. Hope your feet are warm and cozy going to work tomorrow


Day 61
Woke up feeling hungover again, mainly the taste in my mouth. It’s annoying. :roll_eyes:

Online Shopping, Day 0. I started thinking tonight, am I subconsciously sabotaging myself? If I know I’m doing it, why am I not stopping? I don’t like shopping in generaI, I’m pretty responsible with money. My ex ruined me financially, and it has taken years to get back to where I am, so wtf??

Anyway, I’ve ordered some new plants and a plant book that I will have soon. :cactus::potted_plant: :open_book: At least it’s not jewelry :neutral_face:

This morning I picked up my order at Sam’s club. What single gal doesn’t need a 3lb tub of sour cream. (I do like tacos :taco: )

One of the good things that happened when the world shut down, most stores still have curbside pick up, so I can take my Buddy :dog2: with me.

That’s about it for my sober, ultra exciting Saturday :partying_face:.

:hugs: :blue_heart: xoxo


I get that nasty, morning after taste in my mouth every so often. So gross. It’s been worse lately after having a cold and stuffy nose so I must breathe thru my mouth at night. I wake up and it’s like a dessert in there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but it sure ain’t caused by drinking!

And you’re right. Us single girls do need a 3lb tub of sour cream. I’ve bought it, and used it all (I like pierogies :dumpling:)



Weekends used to be quiet at work. Not so at the moment. Well. Let’s see what happens today. I feel I’m up to it. Thanks to being in re/discovery for 1730 days now. Living life the right way can be hard work but it’s a work of love and I love to do it. One day at a time. Sober and clean.

Weather here is crazy warm for early March so no new boots needed by me but that’s a lovely gesture and story Dana @Butterflymoonwoman. Thanks for sharing and hope you’re having a good rest. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my commute.


92 days
Drove home from my brothers place today, I knew this was going to be a test, but it was really only a couple time that it crossed my mind to have a drink. On reflection it was no where near as close as I came in those first few weeks at times.
All up it was a good sober weekend, and I didn’t have to worry about drinking. Or hangovers and dealing with a bunch of kids in the house running wild as cousins do.

Thanks to all here for providing wise words and support, and for just sharing your own posts in general



I woke up at 7:30 and was like “hell no!” so I went back to sleep. When I woke back up and it was 12:30! Wtf?! I must’ve needed it after yesterday. Today I felt great! So much energy and a great mood. I almost volunteered to stay and help out with the cleanup of the disco party when regular dinner service was over bc it looked so fun. Almost. Going home and not working a party that I wasn’t getting credit for sounded better :upside_down_face:

During my shift I went to the bathroom. Three girls came in and they all went into the stall next to me. I could blatantly hear them cutting up blow! We know it goes on there every once in a while, but this was just…careless. I mean, we’re a country club, not some dive bar. They were really embracing the disco spirit :roll_eyes:

This was strange. I grabbed my usual electrolyte drink, except in a new flavor, and it smells like alcohol to me. Not that it’s alcoholic, it just must smell like something I used to drink but idk what it could be. It’s blue raspberry flavor :thinking: not a flavor of anything I can think of. So weird. And not appealing. Won’t be getting it again.

Still wide awake so I’m gonna flip on a show and try to wind down. I have to pick my daughter up earlier than normal tomorrow bc she was invited to a birthday party. Speaking of which, I need to schedule hers. It’s getting close :tired_face: Have a wonderful 24!


@SadMemeQueen congrats on 2 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2:
@Shel75 yes, with decisions like that I feel I always have to ask my Dad, when the time comes I will likely start asking my brother. I don’t trust myself, either that or it’s s perfectionism thing, where I’m afraid to make decisions because I fear making a mistake. I’m glad you found a car you like, hopefully it meets all of your transport needs :red_car: :blush::crossed_fingers:t2:
@Steve14 sending strength to get through the blahs 🩵
@Maxwell that’s a lovely gift to yourself :paw_prints: :blush: congrats on 60 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 I have been waiting in for deliveries where the timeslots kept changing, but that’s it now, so today I am determined to get out for a walk. :crossed_fingers:t2::blush:
@Charlie_C glad to see you reaching out here, I hope you’re okay and better days are ahead. Sending strength 🩵
@Chosen2001 congrats on 9 months :tada:
@Happy_Trails congrats on 60 days :tada:
@acromouse I don’t think you’re either of those things :people_hugging: but I can relate so sending solidarity 🩵
@MrsOdh that does sound messy, good luck!


@Zse congrats on 90 days :tada:
@BrOKenWolf I hope you stay connected, but do what’s right for you 🩵
@Chevy55 your pride is palpable, and so it should be :blush: what a journey you’ve shared together 🩵 they sound like a solid team :trophy:
@Mindofsobermike sorrry about how things went with the girl :people_hugging: glad you’re in good spirits though 🩵
@Lighter welcome back :people_hugging: I’m sorry that the hangout went that way. Now you know for the future. Try to let go of the shame 🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman that was very sweet of your husband, :blush: so glad you wont have to struggle as much :raised_hands:t2:

1300 days no alcohol.
765 days no cocaine.
280 days no vape.
25 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Yesterday I did 3 loads of washing, well, I didn’t, the washing machine did :sweat_smile: but I sorted it all out and did the before and after parts.

I did some meditations too, and read a chapter of the book I’m reading. I have to finish things once I start else I’d remove it from my Kindle library. I’m looking forward to starting my next one :smiley:

I also sorted all my medications out for the next week. I’ll have to call the pharmacy Monday to see if my repeeats are ready because I’ve only got enough of my mood stabiliser to last until tomorrow morning. So another drive over there already.

I wasn’t able to do my walk because I was waiting in for a delivery and they kept changing the timeslot :roll_eyes: it arrived at 9pm.

I’ve been catching up here for the last 3 hours, I’m going to see if I can fall back asleep, if not I will start the day nice and early :blush:

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Day 33 AF

Still sober. Yeahj.
The sauna was a very good experience and kind of therapy. I will include this to my routine, like once a week. My muscles need some care, not only swim sets to the limit. My skin and mind felt so relaxed and fine. And of course my freezing is regulated.

As the muscles, so the mind :cherry_blossom: 🪻 :hibiscus:

The sun will shine today round here :sunglasses:
Take care :v:t2:


101 sugar
0 overeating/binge

As you can see I messed up yesterday. I managed to eat without overeating too much through the day and then our guests arrived in the evening. They brought salty snacks with them. I had not mentally prepared for that.
I still have no idea why I reached for the first snack. It was just standing there in front of me. I did not even bother to move it out of my sight. I remember some kind of addiction voice talking to me but the rest is shrouded in a fog. I only remember me reaching for the snacks again and again like a mindless machine. I ate basically most of the package by myself. The others took a few. The rest was me on a snack bender. I feel like shit today. My head is killing my. Far too much salt in my system.
I’m glad it was not sweets. That would have ended up far worse.
There is only one thing I understand about this situation: I need to step up my prep game for next time.

I’m starting the day defeated but picking myself up and ready to try: new day, new chances.

It’s time for my weekly review, my plants need some care today, a walk would be good, maybe I can manage to motivate myself to some yoga. It usually does me good, but right now my energy levels and my moods are so low, I find it impossible to get on the mat.

Anyways friends: a shaky start into a new day. I’m not going to stuff myself with food mindlessly today.

Whatever you might be going through, I wish you peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


That’s all you can expect from yourself today. One day not two days
One day

I’m agreeing with you. Anxiety gets the best of me and i eat


Checking in day 65. Feeling hopeless and sad, but not because of cravings or anything like that. Luckily I found there aren’t any at all and it still feels effortless to stay sober. So that’s a good thing.

I got back with my ex about a month ago, because some circumstances had changed and I believed we finally had a chance to be happy together. Basically he had told me he decided to cut his children out of his life, at least more or less, and that would have meant two important things: no more constant drama and conflict, and he would be able to move away and we could finally live together (I’ve waited 8 years).

But now it looks as if this won’t be happening anyway. It was one of my fears, that he would tell me things just to get me back, or maybe he was just so distraught that he really wanted to do it but now regrets it. I’m so disappointed, and all my newly found hope for the future is crushed.

I don’t want this drama in my life, period. But they’re his children and I would never ever ask him to stop seeing them.


Day 253. My wife’s parents will be round for lunch later
. We have been watching the detectorists on the I player. Apparently when we tried to watch it before I was cynically and said it was dull or whatever… But there seems to have been a pattern of me being dismissive of things when I was drinking rather than open minded and giving things a chance. I wonder how much of a bitter edge I had a few years ago? Thankfully I appear to be softening in my outlook.


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 4.

Almost done upstairs, just have some trash to take to the dump left, and some flooring to do in the guest room.

The boys now have a play/hobby area, a relaxing area they call the “Man zone” (it’s two armchairs and a small table)
And there’s a guestroom.

We still need to do some more fixings. Like proper tables for their modelwords but that’s small things compared to how it looked when I started yesterday.

So it’s mission complete in my book.
Feels so nice, because that mess have been stressing me out a bit.

When I was done fixing yesterday I really felt that I needed a drink. I even said that to my husband and instead of his usual “let’s do it” he suggested that we’d take a walk in the rain instead.

It ended up with me going alone, because he still have a hard time to move around. But I appreciate that he tried. Despite the rain it was a nice walk. There’s no snow left, I saw some more spring flowers, and it smells like spring.
I’m even thinking about putting away the winter shoes. I know that can backfire and that there’s a risk of more snow. But it sure feels like spring for now.

Wishing y’all a great Sunday.


20 days AF
Feeling great. Have had 3 boxing training sessions in the past 6 days and despite being a little sore, I’m loving it. Not even a thought about wanting to drink.
Peace and strength to all


This sucks. Big times. Having to make this kind of decision is really tough. I feel you. I’ve had to set some pretty tough boundaries in my marriage in the last weeks and it just hurt and hurt and hurt. I really am sorry you have to go through this. But I also am very glad you are going through the whole situation with eyes wide open. Not lying to yourself and just taking care of the situation. Respect!


Good job on 4 days and taking the walk. I’m happy for you for having such a supportive partner in your life :blush:


Thx for the suggestion. I’ll mention it at therapy.


Hi all , It’s been so long since I’ve been here. While I had 1115 sober days, my beloved mother had lung cancer and I relapsed during this difficult 10-month period. Unfortunately, I lost my mother a month ago.:pensive:. Now it’s time to clean up my mess.
Day 1 :pray: