Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Hey all, evening check in, about to get 9 days. Was very grumpy so took myself off for a drive which I then realised wasn’t my best idea as the weather was terrible. Called in at the shops as my appetite is weird and didn’t want anything in the house. Bypassed the wine aisle completely. Now home and don’t have an appetite at all. Pjs and a candle on. So overstimulated so not going to be able to watch the Spurs game tonight.

I hope everyone is OK


Day 600 over here! Very proud. @Caspio, I hope you’re right thereabouts too!
Thanks to all of you for being there through my journey. Definitely stronger together.


Thanks. I’m totally fine. Just transforming some negative energy into positive. Found a good oportunity to move from stagnant situation into more proactive one. I hope I am back to TS, as I was really loosing inspiration for the last month or more to post here, EVEN - when I knew that it helps me I was totally out of Focus. I had my Focus around different shapes of life, and the situation changed. How it changed? Depends / on / where / I will / spend / this / energy. Hope to use this inertia to the Right direction.

Charged :zap:


Hope to see more of you around here :hugs:


I’m so behind on this thread! I shall have to just continue on from here. It is nice to see everyone popping in though! It’s also heartwarming that we can come here and know someone is going to respond when we need a hug, a word of condolence or support or a cheer of celebration. I love this community for that very reason - we are never alone.

I was a grumpy gal last night and realized I was feeling the sinus pressure from impending weather. Took some medicine, my husband fixed me a plate of food after I said I wasn’t hungry and I gobbled it up, then fell asleep on the couch and he had a hard time getting me to bed! But I woke up feeling in better spirits and had a really good day at work. Today was one of those days where I felt on top of things, organized in my thoughts and taking care of business as needed. Tomorrow I’m cleaning the apartment my boss owns that’s upstairs, actually I think there are two that need cleaning, and I’m looking forward to that kind of tangible task that has a solid result, a rental unit ready to show and re-rent. They’re such cute furnished studios with a loft in each one and a murphy bed in the main space, lovely decor. I would have loved to live there as a college student or when I was still single…a lifetime ago. I’ll crank some tunes and enjoy the task. It will still be snowing, most likely, and the view out the window over the downtown of my old river town is lovely. For now, I’m enjoying the snow globe effect out my window and dreaming up my dinner plans for tonight.

Sending my best wishes and sober strength to all, as usual. :heartpulse:


I’d send a like but I ran out of likes to give, yes m’am we are on that sober train!!! :saluting_face: :smiley:

I realize some days will be tougher than other days, but anything is better than using!! Using drugs/alcohol is when every day becomes a shit day!!! :smiley: :fax: :100: :100:


Checking in on day 520

Keep on keepin’ on everyone.


At least you can move on.
Enough is enough, and your own peace should be the most important one.

There’s a saying that goes “No matter what you do, you will always be the villain in someone’s story”

I think of that a lot, especially during the times when you need to be very direct to someone.


Thanks so much for helping me out yesterday. I truly appreciate it! :slight_smile:


Aw, you’re sweet. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m glad I was able to help!


Im really having a very rough day physically. I am just SOOO tired. I dont understand. I slept well last night but have been super lazy for most of the day. Just really quite tired. Just doing some dishes now and trying to tidy up a bit before hubby gets home from work. Not much else going on cuz i didnt do much today lol Hope everyone is doing well!


Wow!! That is lots of snow.


Checking in 37 days

Feeling good. As I have been talking about how this week is a big week for me so far things are going well. I got to just keep with it. Hopefully everything gets done without andmy huge issues. I feel like after this week I will be able to breath!


I must clean my room, for the garbage is making a little mountain in my room right now. Then I must workout, join meetings, and then see my sponsor but manz is feeling pretty tired after work D:

But I must do these things or else manz will fall off the train! :scream_cat:

I had some cravings telling me “BUY THE COCAINE, BUY THE COCAINE, BUY THE COCAINE!!!” As soon as my dad left to go to his karate class, but I resisted :smiley: The temptation is still a bit there, but I know that the blowcaine will just wreck manz once again if I do it.

Can’t snort The Great Wall of China today!!! Must stay sober :slight_smile:


@Seizetheday congrats on 92 days AF! :fist_right::fist_left:
@james83 congrats on day 19! #ODAAT
@Mno 1760 days is inspirational!
@JennyH day 9! Good job, Jenny! :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:
@Mischa84 way to go on 277 days. Whew!! That a lot going on. Keep rocking it! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:
@BJonns glad you’re here checking in on Day 5. I have a big problem with sweets. For the time being I just look at in a positive light, when I was drinking I didn’t eat, maybe 1 meal if it’s really even considered a meal. I normally weigh around 215, when it got really bad, I was down to 130#.
Feel like I’m just making up for all the shit I put my body through.
@Jimz congrats on 93 days, James! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:
@Steve14 sorry for your lose, man. Better day ahead :muscle:t4:
@Chosen2001 congrats on 10 months! :muscle:t4:
@MrsOdh congrats on 35 days! :fist_right::fist_left::clap:t4:


@Twizzlers way to go on 2 weeks, another week down! Keep rocking it! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:
@Steve92 you’re rocking it! #ODAAT :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:
@Lighter 32 days for Marie, I understand your statement about being normal. I think you can do better than normal, you’re on 32 days and I’m proud of you! :fist_right::fist_left::people_hugging::muscle:t4:
@Doreen1 congrats on 190 days! Hope your day was nice! :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:
@NewBeginning1 congrats on day 12, Matt! Don’t fall for the trap, I know you’re strong and you got this! :people_hugging::muscle:t4:
@Chevy55 88 days, my guy! Keep on rocking it :muscle:t4:
@john_connor1337 glad you’re doing good. Congrats on day 8, Eric. :metal:t4:
@Rookie Day 50, way to go, Kristen! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4: I’m sure your son is excited to spend some time with you as well. :metal:t4:
@Pattycake Way to go on 265 days, Patricia. Sending love and strength right back at ya! :people_hugging::heart:
@tifflynn07 93 days! You’re rocking it, Tiffany. :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left:


@Charlie_C hey, Charlie! Way to go on 23 days! No matter what happened today good or bad you will not pick up and drink. Wishing peace and favor on you. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:
@Rob11 1200 days is a big deal! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4::metal:t4:
@Juli1 congrats on 63 days, Julia. Keep on keeping on :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left::people_hugging:
@Lile01 hey, Indi. I’m happy that you’re happy with the way things worked out and you learned a lesson from it :people_hugging: way to go with day 5. :metal:t4:
@Timetochange 283 days! Keep on keeping on. :fist_right::fist_left:
@Merryshoes congrats on 600 days. :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left:
@Maestro keep on keepin on, Marty! Congrats on 250 days!
@Butterflymoonwoman sorry to hear you’re having a rough day. I woke up saying, “I don’t feel like doing shit today”. It’s been one of those days for me, too.
@CleanHeart congrats on 37 days, hope the week passes without any issues for you. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

Checking in on day 104! Woke up tired, I was up with our 4 y/o for quite a bit last night. He was coughing all night. Listened to Bob D, surrender, today on you tube, took baby boy to the Dr for the cough and his eczema, had some folks come by the house this evening to look at one of the pups they were interested in, my mother in law is blowing up my phone and my wife about how much we have to do this weekend getting her moved into her new apt—it’s mentally draining me, I’ve been trying to get mentally prepared for this about two weeks now. getting things situated with the boys before I leave to go to a meeting. Hope everyone had a good day today! :smile:


Day 138. Havent checked in last couple days. Doing good just busy with work and working on my bike. I have hydraulic brakes and they were sticking and so i ordered new calipers which turned out to be hydraulic brakes for mechanical brakes so they dont work on my bike and i cant for the life of me find the right calipers. Work is good, little bit of drama, but just ignoring it. Much love


Congrats @Merryshoes on your 600 days sober! Feels good doesn’t it??
I am also celebrating 600 days alcohol free!
I look forward to a dual celebration once we both hit 2 years!! We’ll have to think of a cool treat! Keep up the hard work, ODAAT!


I’m so sorry about your nephew. We know all too well that no one can make you stop but yourself. Big virtual hugs to you :purple_heart: I send healing love your way