Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

@Lighter @Twizzlers @Chevy55 @Butterflymoonwoman @JazzyS @Chuckie22 @Mno @Jimz @MrsOdh @acromouse Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate you all :yellow_heart:


@butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry Dana – can’t be easy worrying about someone who you can’t get in contact with and check up on. The waiting game is hard. I do hope your friend is safe and doing well. :pray:
@mrsodh oh man that’s a drastic change in one day. It always floors me when we get a storm after a beautiful warm sunny day. It does look beautiful tho – hope you don’t get much more accumulation and that it will melt quickly. Sending you luck in switching to tea – I know too much coffee can be a nightmare on my system and I do have to stop drinking by 1 pm at the latest.

I’m right there with you on this. Been working on it myself. That list is interesting and eye opening. I did not realize PAWS could intensify these. Forever learning :wink:
@acromouse Thank you friend – sending sunshine your way as well :sunshine: Are you able to research the area you are visiting and call cafes etc ahead of going on your trip? Being vegetarian most of my life and for past 5 years a vegan I have had many issues with not having anything available (especially since I would have to travel during the holiday seasons and most places would be closed). When I became gluten intolerant it added another glitch. I do enjoy my GF crackers and rice cakes which I keep on hand cause I know I can pick up hummus and spreads from grocery stores if needed. The GF breads do not travel well in my experience. If it’s a road trip then I pack my food with me and make sure I have a mini fridge available at the vacation spot.
@james83 Yes ODAAT friend – by then you will have plenty of sober time under your belt and be better equipped at living a healthy sober lifestyle. I do find now that I tend to automatically go for the seltzer water or kombucha where in the past I would be reaching for something stronger. Keep it going James – you are doing great :muscle:
@BJonns 5 days is impressive friend – way to get past those cravings. Ice cream was my go to for many months at the beginning of this journey and it did help. Our bodies is trying to replace the sugar from the alcohol and I think the coldness of the ice cream also gives us some comfort. As I stacked on the days the desire for ice cream lowered all on its own. Wishing you luck in stacking up the days on your sober journey :muscle:
@twizzlers WOOT WOOT – girl you are crushing it with 2 weeks! Silly mind indeed – glad you know better. You keep rocking this journey with your badself ;muscle:
@steve92 Way to go with your sober time and knowing yourself well enough to not risk your sobriety. That is 100% growth. Congrats on your new job friend!
@twizzlers Sending you hugs my friend. Did the walk help? Possibly do something special for yourself – take a moment to breathe. Here if you need to talk.
@soberwalker OH that is awesome – think you might have mentioned before but still impressed in hearing about this. Hope you have a great time and


@newbeginning1 Way to see that lying voice for what it is. You are doing a great job with your 12 days!
@scorpn so lovely to see you checking in and with 540 days :tada: Way to go on your savings and paying off your credit cards and planning for your vacation. All wonderful things Renee. I do hope you are able to get some sleep today and get back on a normal sleep schedule :hugs:
@rookie 50 days is amazing work! UGH – those are hard reminders of our addiction. Glad everyone is safe. Glad you will have your son home soon to connect with :hugs:
@rob11 WOW – that’s awesome Rob 1200 days and cruising along :muscle:

Checking in on Tuesday soon to be afternoon…
Drinking my 3rd cup of coffee and its not working LOL – did not sleep well at all and hoping to keep pushing through and not take a nap so maybe i can sleep tonight.
Its rainy and blah today but i love it – had lovely thunderstorms last night which i enjoy. The Tornado warnings would have given me anxiety too @tifflynn07 Hope they pass soon for you.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


We’ve got about 50 cm of snow now. Was out shoveling out gravel road (the road to our house) so we could pick up the boys from school, for 2,5 hours like one hour ago. And it’s barley noticable.

Good exercise though :blush:

Didn’t have any power half day today.
It’s supposed to stop for a while tomorrow and then start again Thursday.

Hope you’ll get a chance to rest today and can sleep better tonight.


Hi Steve, I just got to read your post. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so sad. I have you and your family in my prayers.
I’m glad you’re at least able to talk with your sister and be there for her despite the problems you’ve had when you where kids.
Let’s stay strong together… One day at a time


Current snow level…
It’s about 50 cm on the ground now.

Comparison from a few hours ago and right now.

Our garden fence isn’t visible anymore.


My condolences :black_heart::rose:


Day 63 checking in, gratefully free from alcohol
with no cravings…

Kind of a romantic dreamer and damn busy bee :man_cartwheeling:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::woman_technologist:t2::nerd_face::honeybee:

Love :heart:


I’m so sorry for your loss. Addiction truly is indiscriminate.


Wow!! Stay warm


@happyfeet @Soberbilly @Juli1 @Lile01 Thank you so much :yellow_heart:


You’re absolutely right about knowing the cause making it more difficult.


Blech :face_vomiting:. We may be getting a dump here tomorrow night… argh :angry:
Stay safe and warm Sophia.


Day 5.5.

Won’t be tmi, but I woke up today and I’m definitely not pregnant!!! Thank god :smile:

Lesson learned. Never again.

That’s all from me as I’m going to take some paracetamol, lie down with a hot waterbottle and binge watch true crime documentaries.


Hugs Indi :people_hugging:


Feel better, Indi. Glad you’re with us and that things are ok. :heart:


:heavy_minus_sign: :one:

:point_down: Push to go back



Our rain just switch to big fat snowflakes, too! Happy April :crazy_face: I don’t think we will accumulate much because it’s quite warm and the flakes are really pretty coming down so I can’t complain too much. :snowflake:


I want snow! Unfair! :laughing:


I’ll gladly share some of ours, we’re up to about 50 cm now. That’s around 19 inches.

And it keeps coming. Of it doesn’t hold up we’ll have a snow day tomorrow, cause we won’t be able to get out the door. :blush: