Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

@Doreen1 @tifflynn07 I hope you both stayed safe and the storms have passed :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@Rookie congrats on 50 days :tada: sorry about your husband :people_hugging: enjoy your Son’s visit :blush:
@Rob11 congrats on 1200 days :tada:
@zzz welcome back :people_hugging: good to see you posting 🩵
@Merryshoes @Caspio congrats on 600 days :tada:
@GOKU2019 congrats on 3 weeks no caffeine :tada:
@JennyH congrats on double digits :tada:

1331 days no alcohol.
796 days no cocaine.
311 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Eating “real” food with my family on Sunday evening lead to a relapse with my eating disorder on Monday, and again on Tuesday. So I’m back to my first day of no binge-eating. I’ve been in a blurry depression over it the last couple of days, so I’ve got way behind here. It’s time to snap out of that now though.

I’ll get back on track now. I haven’t missed feeling like this.

I spoke to a doctor this morning because I requested more cream for my back, and they decided I had to speak to a doctor about it. I’m glad of that now, because he wants to refer me to a dermatologist. I will be seeing him on Monday in-person, because he wants to take photos on my phone, that I will then send to their system, and then he’ll make the referral.

Planning to do a quick check-in with today’s numbers later on…



There’s no native turtles here. The ones that are seen around here are released pets. Can’t buy them legally no more these days.


Day 10 had a using dream last night which messed my head up a bit. I reached out to a guy from na whos number i got off the phone list and we talked through it. Other than that feeling real good and grateful took the fiance to dinner last night on the harley that was a blast.


Ok :ok_hand:
I went in the garden :smiling_face: it was totally fine, a few hellos that I was anxious and wanted to avoid but realised it’s me with the introverted, anxiety and worried personality and I said hi and I measured all the measurements for the catio yayyyyy :star_struck:
I am making it off my bedroom window so it will be like my window is the cat flap, and then it opens up onto a nice big housing bit. I’m building it all myself.
Hoping by 3 weeks from today I’d have finished it. Just got to add up the amount of wood and safety mesh and the fittings and I’m looking forward to it actually!

Booked Polly’s grooming appointment for next week Friday.

Tidied around, hung the washing on the line ; in the garden hehe facing me fears.

Going to also get some bamboo out there for a little privacy but slowly does it. One thing at a time. The catio is most important as I want to enjoy summer whilst the cats can sit out there with me safely. Going to be like a huge lizard set up with branches and stuff for them to keep busy.
Since we moved out and came back from the building works, the wildlife seems to have multiplied and it’s beautiful :heart_eyes: and if I let them out with no catio … Well it will be like a scene out of David Attenborough! I’d rather not.

Anyway still need to have a shower, walk Polly pocket and then sort dinner :plate_with_cutlery:

All in all feeling stable. :brain:



@JazzyS , @Mno, @CATMANCAM and others who are interested. The meeting went fine, I even saw 2 people I already know. Next friday they are going to set up the matches between the vollunteers and the newcomers. I’m going to hear from them soon if they have one for me. 16 of april there is a big meet up activaty in a fancy hotel here in our city. Hope I can join :pray:








That boggled my mind for a moment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: took me backwards then brought me back hehe
Nice to see you :blush:


… What does that mean?


Day 96. The greatest day count I believe I’ve seen since my teenaged land.

Have a great day!


Love it! Great done bud!! :raised_hands::raised_hands:


He’s back!


I’m with you man. I hate loud environments, especially those with loads of hard surfaces which reflect the noise. I usually shop with a podcast on or music playing.


I stopped drinking coffee yesterday.
No coffee yesterday and no coffee today.

Drinking peri-menopaus latte instead (There’s plenty of recipes online for that)

I never liked the taste of coffee anyway, and I’m pretty sure it gives me trouble to sleep.
Decided to try for a week no coffee, I’ve tried before and eventually given up when the headache hit. This time around I haven’t had any headache so I think it’ll be easier.

Good luck with reducing the caffeine intake. I’m sure you can make it. Just do as your planned and take away small amounts at the time.


That’s an impressive history you’re building Jene, nice work!!


Cheking in 2y 3m 4 days. Not so much else to share, I can complain and be negativ of course, but the anxiety is not there quite yet :sweat_smile::raised_hands:


Checking in on day 162,Hope everyone has a good day!!


Checking in. Planning on sleeping tonight. Goals, eh? Going to do a small workout and not listen to anything my brain tells me unless it’s nice. No nap. Green tea. I’ll be a brand new incendiary device in no time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Chickin’ in Ya’ll on day 186 :metal:
I am praying for rain, Alberta needs it desperately! So I won’t complain about grey days.
Going on a lunch date with one of my Besties … and we will have right Coffee Tawk!!! Love these sooo much.
Check in with your People my friends. They need you as .much as you need them. :purple_heart:

  • 64 days AF checking in…

  • 20 years no party drugs, mdma, cocain, speed or lsd

  • 20 years no weed (despite of some cpt stuff, didn’t like it anyway)

  • 14 years no smoking

  • 2 years - working on codependent behavior

This phrase from refuge recovery is making it easier to be aware, everytime I am slippering with this.

Stressful day, dentist prophylaxis in the evening, all fine. Now just chilling and make dinner. Got some new skin care from easter money as there is this nice store under my dentists praxis :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Love you guys