Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Sounds really good! For a time I used to have a writing partner. We would send each other a keyword daily at a predetermined time. Then you had one hour to finish a short story with the keyword as a main element and send it back. Then we’d discuss the stories and the writing. In a way it way like impro writing. We had lots of fun and learned a lot. Have fun, enjoy the challenge and that wonderful excitement and struggle to work out of your own depths.


Hey all, checking in on day 1389. I hope everybody has a good one!


Jim I’m sorry to see you go. I think that was something no one expects to see on a public forum and I felt the same way about leaving. I am choosing to push past it and remain on this particular thread and be more cautious about other threads. Hopefully you can come join us again soon.


I am sorry to hear this, you have been a big part of here since I returned. You can hide the seeking help topic (I did myself this morning).


I’m not sure what happened that you all seen, no need to explain either.
I will just say Iv been here for nearly 3 years and very rarely there can be something that it said by someone new or a regular who is angry and hurt. It can be shocking to see and read but we have all built a community here where we open up our most vulnerable parts of ourselves.
And we should keep doing that all together and stick together.
There are moderators that are usually quick to jump on anything and remove it but they can’t see everything all the time and as members we can flag something up and it gets seen quickly.
As I said I don’t know what it is that made want you to leave, but you shouldn’t, your part of the community here and the more we stick together the stronger we are.


Checking in 38 days. This week is work travel for me so I am staying in a hotel. Staying in hotels alone is a major trigger zone for me. Was feeling really tempted last night and if I had easier access right now to my DOC I probably would have given in. Luckily I have l locked up my phone mostly and it is very difficult for me to access pornography. It was unsettling last night. I just ended up watching a ton of tv and then falling asleep at midnight.


Good job on getting through your cravings! Sometimes it helps me to get here on TS, read others posting and post how I am feeling.


I never showed my imagination and fantasies to the outside world, because that didn’t feel safe, but that is not to say I didn’t have any… I have lots of fantasies and thought up stories in my head and I always had. I’m learning to share some of that with the world since going into therapy.

Funny thing is I prefer to write these assignments on my pc first. Makes it easier to edit for me. Only when I think I’m finished will I write it on paper, with pen, partly because I have no printer but also because I like to manually write, with a fountain pen in my left hand. I did do my 600 words by now. Still some editing to do.


Oh no James, that’s terrible.

I hope you reconsider as youv’e been a fantastic person to have around. I’ve enjoyed your posts and direct messages so perhaps this will pass (??).
I’m unsure what the post was that has you so rattled, but know that you are appreciated immensely, especially by myself.

Whatever you decide, I respect that and always wish you the absolute best my friend.


Yes, I’m sad too. I hope he changes his mind. I’ve been rattled by a few posts here too, but only a few. I mostly frequent certain threads like this one that are safe for me and positive. I sure appreciated having Jim around.


Agreed Marie,

I have found that there are certain folks and or post types that make me uncomfortable and I don’t enjoy the subject matter so I simply block from seeing those folks or avoid certain subject matters here.

Hopefully James can be back around, but for him to be rattled this much must have really pushed his personal boundaries which I respect immensely.

Have a great day :heart:


Congratulations on finishing the assignment. Editing is most of the time an endless story.

I guess what I wanted to say got a bit lost in translation. All people have an imagination, we just use it differently.
And I’m more in mine than in reality sometimes. I do share my stories though.
Especially with the boys. I’ve made (never wrote it down) a series with stories about a Kingdom with two Princes where they boys are main characters.

They still love to hear those stores. :blush:


Yes, I didn’t see the post so I don’t know why. But I respect his choice and wish him well while also hoping he comes back. Take care and have a good day :heart:


I really like your take here on how we all use and express our imagination differently. When I see the pictures you post of how you dress and the wonderful things and decorations you did for your kids, that’s expressing your imagination in such a wonderful way.

My daughter likes arts and crafts, but also dancing and theater to express hers. It took me a long time to see how I love to express mine through making video games. I used to write poetry and stories, drawing and painting, but designing and making a game puts my heart on fire and makes me happy like nothing else.

Other people use their imagination in their daily problem solving. My husband is a neurologist and for him finding the diagnosis for a patient in the ER in 5min and saving this person’s life is an act of imagination and creativity.

I really am very sad when people tell me they are not creative or even worse when someone belittles others’ ways to express themselves.


Day 89, and the eve of my 3 month mark. Who’d a thunk??

I have been doing a superset workout that takes about an hour of intensive upper body exercises. 5 exercises done in rapid succession for 15 reps x5 sets every second day. I have seen great progress and improvement in muscle and movement… my trainer figures rest of April and I move onto a new program to shock those muscles.

Today, I begin my off day of that particular session with a new superset, that involves kettlebell, weighted squats, crunches etc with my rest between on the treadmill for 5 mins between… I am nervous and excited at same time, hopefully I don’t pass out… hahaa

Like @MrsOdh , Sophie, we have a snow storm headed in today so a good day in gym and getting my cardio on treadmill :face_vomiting: is what’s looking like the day prescribes anyway.

I wish you all a good and sober day.


I am still sober, now on day 9 thanks for asking :smile_cat:

I had a very scary moment where I could’ve used yesterday, but surprisingly I chose not to. I feel like I’m finally regaining some strength against cocaine :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about your histamine reaction. Hopefully it clears up :slight_smile:

Have a great day friend :saluting_face: :slight_smile:


I’m checking in on day 266. There is so much activity here to keep up with, and I often can’t!
@Jimz , IDK what the disturbing post was that caused this grief, but I do wish you well, whatever you decide to do about it. I’m assuming a moderator got rid of it.
@Soberbilly , thanks for the Elmo acknowledgement!
@K_S , thanks also. And I hope your little guy gets better quick and the mom in law move goes smoothly.
@Chevy55 , 90 days is nigh! Good on ya!!
@Twizzlers , I agree 100%, we are all in this together.
Love to all!:heart::heart:


Checking in day 94 :black_heart:

Have a wonderful sober day friends xo


Happy birthday for the other day, sorry I missed the day. X


Look, a panther!! :stuck_out_tongue: