Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Checking in day 289 AF
Had a lovely weekend away with friends for Easter. Came home today and my allergies are killing me. Other than the hay fever I can’t complain. My poor kitty boy Toby is sick with what appears to be a UTI. We’ve got a vet appointment tomorrow and I’m hoping it’s nothing more serious.

Wishing everyone a sober peaceful evening.


This day has been quite nice overall. I made progress on my health goals today by eating within my daily caloric intake. No binge eating either. Every meal/snack was planned and accounted for. Im really happy for this as its my first day back doing this in weeks. I didnt get to the gym but tmrw will be different for sure since we have our usual nurse coming in tonight, therefore i can leave bright and early and hit the gym.

I am feeling pretty worried tho about a friend of mine. I have mentioned her before and how she was evicted and now homeless bcuz she chose to quit sex work. She is now hitch hiking to who knows where and makes fb posts ever so often (i guess to let everyone know she is still alive), accepting help and rides from strangers. I understand her situation for sure (when I quit sex work many years ago, alot changed because of that… most changes were positive but it was a rough, rough transition financially) but shes really being risky and I worry for her. She hasnt posted a status in like 2 days. Im praying shes okay.

Other than that, im doing pretty good. No urges to use or anything like that. I really enjoyed reading everyones posts today. Its not often that i get time to just sit and read. I always feel more connected when i put in the time and effort into this forum. Im really grateful for u all :heart:


Day 898 AF
Day 20 caffeine free

Hey, gang.

Went for a long walk this morning. Took the kids to the park in the afternoon for a late egg hunt. The weather was shitty yesterday and we didn’t get a chance to go out.

Nothing much going right now. Just chilling at the apartment. Gonna stretch and do some excersises.

Have a great day everyone!


Pics of the kiddos:


Glad you had a lovely weekend with friends.

Sending healing vibes for your kitty…hope it’s nothing serious :pray:t4::people_hugging:


Exactly 1/3 of the year. Im thinking that because we had a leap day in our count a year for us will be 366 days so 122 is exactly a third.

Huge congratulations


This is a hard heart to send to you. That’s all we get to send.
Huge share, Thank-you for trusting us and saying it :purple_heart:
No one can change a chain of circumstances.
No matter how estranged our “families” are we legit WILL feel allll of it.
Keep showing up … :hugs:


Loving that sequence in numbers…an impressive overall number too
Very inspirational. :muscle:t4::tada:

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Thank you.
My first post in this check in topic was descending numbers, so thought I’d finish it with an ascending set. I think some luck played into the opportunity presenting itself.


Checking in tonight clean and sober :blush::raised_hands:
1year 5 days from my doc
5 days TF


Sweet dreams you all!!! :sleeping:


122 days
1/3 of a year, to me sounds longer than 4 months :smile:
Woke up pretty tired but made it to training in the morning. Kids had the day off school so we were just hanging round home after that until it was their turn for training.
Home now and they’re just eating the dinner I made earlier, they were pretty good today so we’ll have a bit of easter egg and play some uno before bed.




I was over exhausted from yesterday, but still had a nice day. It was sunny and warmer. We met at my parents before heading out to get lunch. Every year around Easter my parents go to the Broadway Market, and every year my dad buys a new Dyngus Day hat. He’s got a dozen and we each pick a different one to wear. Looking like some crazy gang, we go to the Ski Lodge. The only Polish owned bar in the city and the only place that celebrates today. My dad was a regular there when he still drank, and their champion dart player, and they all know our family’s sober. Still, it was nice to catch up with some old friends while waiting for our take out. Yummy, as usual. I just remembered I got some leftovers :yum: Overall, a good Easter, Dyngus, April Fools, and my brothers birthday celebration. Gonna get some sleep now. Hope my body lets me sleep longer tonight :crossed_fingers:


Dyngus :slight_smile: i know this one! It was such a cool tradition when I was a kid, one of the best day in the year. My boys still don’t know it, they love playing with water too much and I think they would destroy the house, maybe next year :wink:
Do you have some polish roots?


I’ve given up, It’s sneakers and the men’s department for me. I buy my pants there to 5"5 and no curves anywhere. Pants from the ladies department just don’t cut it (Yep I did a joke there :smiling_face:)


Thank you :blush:
It does break my own idea of me being a nice person. But I just can’t see anything else to do here.

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Way to go Chris…thanks for checking in and sharing your milestone with us :muscle:t4::tada::tada:


Congratulations for the 10 months milestone Chris!! Nice! :facepunch:
giphy (5)


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober, and I’m happy.
Day 35

Kids are back to school today.
And my garden plans is literally put on ice for a while because we woke up to a snowstorm.
Guess Mother Nature decided to make a late April’s fools prank on us.

And what I prank. Yesterday we where at the lake instead of the river so the boys could fish. It was about +6 degrees Celsius, sunshine.
Had my Afternoon coffee outside on the stairs when we came back. I saw a the first Bumblebee of the season, really fekt like spring.

Waking up to something that looks like a Christmas card.
Quite a special feeling :blush:

Speaking of coffee, I’m starting to believe that my coffee intake might be causing more trouble than joy nowdays. Problem with sleeping, problems with relaxing. Stomach ache, can’t under any circumstances have coffee if I haven’t eaten first.
I do know that coffee can be beneficial in peri-menopaus, but also that some people get more sensitive to caffeine during that phase.

So I’m going to do an experiment this week and switch my coffee for tea. Starting soft this morning with a peri-menopaus chai latte, going to switch my afternoon Tea to green chai. Hoping that I’ll make a difference.

I don’t like the taste of coffee anyway, unless it’s iced with flavoring so it doesn’t feel that bad,yet :laughing:

Wishing you all a wonderful week.
Sending you a picture of our snowstorm, it doesn’t show, but it’s still snowing heavily.
Slowly considering to emigrated somewhere there snow doesn’t exist


Oh man that view is stunning! It’s a bit warm here in Australia! :australia:


I too have made gym/exercise a priority. AA Meetings I attend Mon-Thur mornings. I committed to gym Mon-Thur afternoons. I start to feel guilty in afternoon if I even think about skipping gym. Last 4 1/2 weeks haven’t missed meeting or gym.

I agree exercise addiction is not a major concern at this time.