Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Thanks for the info about PAWS, I’ve just had a little look and it’s interesting to see the following things can increase the issues we face.

  • Stressful and/or frustrating situations
  • Multitasking
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Social conflicts
  • Unrealistic expectations of oneself

I definitely try to multitask too much, give myself to frustrating situations and have unrealistic expectations of myself!
Thanks for insight, another tool for the old belt.


I’ll happily trade with you.

Your winter is for the most part warmer than our summer.

I would love to go to Australia if it wasn’t for all the scary insects. :blush:
You guys have all the best snacks too.


*Day 2022 :walking_woman:
It’s been a while since I checked in here. So decided to say hi to you all in my favorite thread of TS. It was a life saviour in my early days.
Still here every day though :blush:
I’m doing good. Tonight I’m going to an information meeting about the new vollunteer project I’m about to join. A bit nervous about that, but that’s normal. Meeting new people in a strange environment is doing that to me, but doing it anyway :blush: That is what sober life learned me as well: Just try, I can do much more then my critical voice tells me.

Today? Work and that meeting at 19:30.
Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:
(Ps picture is from yesterday evening walk with a belly filled with Easter food :blush:)


Day 283. Weather has been so wet recently. Back to work today, 9-3. 30 and mainly clearing emails out etc. Can’t wait for spring and will buy soda water later


Hopefully you relaxed in a HAMmock on your lovely sunny day. Couldn’t resist the pun. Thank you for sharing.


@SoberWalker Good luck on your project! What is it about?
@MrsOdh We had a temperature drop of about 10C due to a storm as well. It’s not cold enough for snow around here, but rain and hail are pesky enough. I could use some more sunshine myself.
@Just_Laura Now I’m getting curious? What does Dungus Day mean where you are from?
@Chosen2001 Congrats on 10 months! This is so impressive! :partying_face::tada::sunglasses:
@MrFantastik Congrats on a whole season of freedom :blush::sunglasses::tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman Praying for the best for your friend. I hope she finds better times and more stability soon. It’s a shame she does not have access to a better life currently.
@DanaM56 Hope your allergies will clear up soon. And speedy recovery for Toby.
@JazzyS I hope sun rays and fine weather will find you soon :sun_with_face:
@Sara.eve Have fun at the gym :muscle:t2::grin:
@GOKU2019 Kids looking very happy :blush:

132 sugar
30 UPF
3 gluten
3 dairy
3 overeating/binge

One month freedom from ultra processed foods. I like that. Considering that most of them have either sugar of some kind, gluten or dairy in them, most of it is out of the picture anyways.

Goals for today: Keeping my food journal, mindful eating, listening to my body’s signals, taking brakes through the day for self checkin.

I’ll be going on a three day vacation on Thursday. This means leaving my safe food environment. Today I want to prepare, plan and do the necessary grocery shopping. How do those of you who are gluten intolerant deal with trips, vacations, etc.? What do you pack on those trips? What works for you?

Other then that I want some yoga in the afternoon and less of my husband’s emotional drama. Only one more week till he moves out. Really counting the days. I know other problems will replace my current ones, but these emotional ups and downs of his are driving me nuts.

No matter what let’s try to stay in peace, kindness, and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Checking in day 92 AF :blush:


Forgot all about it tbh :sob: what was the book again


Day 19. Back to work today although I don’t have to commute as I’m working from home as our new car is being delivered - exciting!

Feels good to be in sight of 3 weeks’ sober again.

I had my first thoughts about a future event that involves alcohol (literally a dining society I am a founder member of who travel abroad once per year to eat/drink). I started worrying about what to do, then reminded myself that isn’t until October so frankly I can worry about that later. One day at a time!

Have a great day all.


I’m celiac, allergic to milk protein, soy protein, peanuts,treenuts and a few other things as well.

I have a 12 y/o with celiac and tapioca allergy.
And an autistic 14 y/o with a very limited idea about food.

Despite that we travel a lot.

I do much research before we’re going anywhere, contact hotels or possibly restaurants asking about their allergy friendly options. Or asking if they might be able to arrange something if we book a table.

Most of the time it’s not a problem.

It’s always a risk though, so just in case usually bring a lot of safe snacks. And I always point out that if something is contaminated we’ll be really sick. Some places can guarantee that they handle everything well. Other places can’t and they usually tell.

Fast food places like McDonald’s is always a risk so most of the time I avoid them.

It can also be a good idea to learn how to say that you’re allergic in the language of the country you’re going to.


Snow :sob: uk weather sucks big time



I’m waiting for spring here too, wanting to get to work on my balcony, waiting to go out and do some spring rides and hikes. But I guess there’s enough stuff to do inside too. The inside of my place and the inside of my head both can do with some spring cleaning. So let’s get a move on. My ReDiscovery is a work of love. Love for myself, for the folks around me and for the whole world. One day at a time. Love.

@JennyH Congrats on making it through your Bday sober! That’s a big one for you I know. Coming here instead of giving is a big tool. Keep going!
@Steve14 That’s awful Steve. So sorry. Such a waste and all around so very sad.
@Chevy55 Thanks for being here and sharing friend. We’re truly in this together.
@MrFantastik A third of year is pretty cool! Congrats friend!
@Chosen2001 Congrats on 10 months Chris!
@MrsOdh Hoping your tea experiment brings the desired benefits Sophia
@SoberWalker A bit jealous of your meeting. Well, I got my writing course for now. Hope it will be nice. Want to tell what your volunteerring for?
@acromouse Happy preparing! Something to look forward too. What’s your destination?


Thank you, I’m lucky that I have time to do This experiment. And I’m sure the spring will arrive to both of us soon,spring cleaning or not. :blush:


Good morning, checking in on Day 9. Thank you all again, being here with your support made all the difference. Now husband is back at work so feeling like the danger of it being a special occasion has passed. I still have the week off so will be here a lot.

Spring was definitely here in the SE of the UK yesterday, hopefully everyone else in Europe will see it soon. It is rainy here today but I don’t mind after such a beautiful day yesterday. Can’t believe you have snow @MrsOdh I was just thinking a couple of days ago that we didn’t get snow this winter here.



Hello hello hello

Perfect morning. Woke up before the rest of gang, shower, yoga, our april fit-challenge (man, burpees again…), coffee. Kids bodies are still confused after changing time, I couldn’t wake them up today. Had to play some happy songs on speaker, sing, dance :sweat_smile: we had some good laughs when they finally got out of bed. Sacha was a bit late to school but he brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, we had some fun, so that’s important.
Now I have a time for 2nd coffee and then I go to library for my Dutch lesson. I’m not sure if I will keep coming to this one (every Thursday I go to one library and every second Tuesday to another), last time, it was my first time there, except me were only 3 men and their dutch level was much lower than mine, I dont think I can learn something there. But definitely gonna keep going at Thursdays. I will see today how it feels. No pressure.
Today Sacha have his first meeting with speech therapist. Finally. We were on waiting list for ages. I’m very curious about that. Unfortunately I must take twins with me as well cause my husband gonna be still at work and I have nobody to stay with them. The therapist said it’s not a problem, it’s just first meeting, maybe 25 min, only this time I must be there with Sacha and I can take twins with me. Well, ok then :sweat_smile: I just hope they won’t go full ballistic there.
So that’s the plan for today.
Wish you all good day, good night, bon appetit etc :wink: :blue_heart:


Wow, I am exhausted just reading that! I had forgotten how tiring (but fun) the younger years can be. I do miss it. My son (now 14) had severe speech problems and now speaks beautifully. In fact, when he started to talk people used to say how posh he sounded because of all the intervention :rofl: Hope the appointment goes well.


I have a 14 y/o too. He’s high functioning autistic, but didn’t say a word before he was 4.
He was completely silent.
Doctor said not to worry, that he’ll talk eventually. And he did. In both Swedish and English.

His brother now 12 couldn’t say R (which is common here since Swedish have a special rolling R sound like in Spanish)
Until he was like 8. Nowdays he mix between Swedish, English and Spanish sometimes in the same sentence. :blush:


Checking in for Day 5

Still feeling somewhat foggy and tired. Thankful that it is the school holidays so have been having some relaxing days at home with the kids, watching movies and playing board games.

Did have some thoughts earlier about drinking, but have pulled myself out of that. But have turned to ice cream and other junk instead for now, but do not want that becoming a bad habit either. One step at a time.

Hope everyone is doing ok! :people_hugging:


Arnhem. It’s only a 2h train ride. We looooooove the Zoo there and the Open Air Museum. And both work even with a bad weather.


I’m sorry for your loss. Sending bright light and positive vibes your way.