Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Oh Steve. I am so sorry for this loss. Be kind to yourself in your time of grief. Sending warmth, love and hugs to you :people_hugging: :mending_heart: :pray:


Huge congratulations to you sober twin! :tada::tada:. Yes, we are 1/3 through the year and keep looking forward :raised_hands:t3:. Have the best day my friend!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


@JazzyS thank you so much my friend, it means a lot! :people_hugging:. I appreciate the amazing person you are :heart:

Good morning all, checking in on day 123. Have the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Feeling good today! Hopeful and proud. Turned down a family member 4 times on the offer of wine. They don’t know I’m starting this journey
Good luck everyone :sunny::sunny:


Day 14 :heavy_check_mark:

Not even having cravings but mentally my mind is trying to convince me … Silly mind! Doesn’t know I am learning to shut that voice down as soon as it starts!


Hey all, checking in on day 1388. I hope everybody has a good one!


The area is very nice. Beautiful nature. Supossed to get rather warm towards the end of the week too.


We used to live closer to the Netherlands, and the bike nerds we are we would use many opportunities to visit our neighbours and shamelessly enjoy their infrastructure :wink:
Especially the area between Arnhem and Apeldoorn is such a treat :heart_eyes:


Thank you Mno. I am grateful. Keeping at it ODAAT!:pray:t5:


Yeah, I love it too. Wandering around there you wouldn’t know you’re in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. This pic is from a biking trip there last year.


Tell that voice it can FRO! Hang in there, sending strength :muscle: And hugs :hugs:


2064 days alcohol free. 70 days weed free. Almost tried a Heineken 0.0 on easter but decided against it. Got a redbull slushie instead before work. Not worth risking 5 years of sobriety to try some b.s. plus the redbull kept me going all night at work.

Got a new job at a hotel right behind my apartment. Im fitting right in and they work with my schedule 100%

Anxiety is better but by no way gone. Taking zoloft nightly and im finally adjusted to it. Also been taking vitamin d and e regularly. Just trying to take it odaat.


Day 32

Much better day so far. So glad I rode it out. No one ever said they wish they had drank last night. So true! Going to read, write and soak in recovery today. And do some normal stuff. I would like to be just a normal sober person. The foundational stuff first. Takes a long time.

A sunny spring day is about to start. More coffee.


My heart just started beating faster :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Tonight I’m going to dream of extensive biking hollidays


Good morning! Day 190 af. We have severe weather today. In the moderate risk for damaging winds, tornadoes, and large hail. A tornado has been spotted about an hour away. So today I will keep the news on for warnings, and enjoy watching Netflix while I can.
Storms, esp severe cause anxiety in me. Glad my husband is home!
Hope everyone has a nice day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I’m glad that you have someone that makes you feel safe during the storm.

I’m the complete opposite,I love storms (except today’s snowstorm, I want spring) if I lived somewhere there was tornados I would’ve been a storm chaser.

Stay safe and take care if yourself today.


We have tornadoes here. I’m a weather enthusiast, and considered spotter training….except for the fact that I’m also very cautious, and tend to run away from tornadoes instead of towards them. Not sure that would work out :stuck_out_tongue: Every time the tornado siren goes off the hair on my arms stands up, I am short of breath and I will hide. Even the cat goes into the safe room without being told. It’s hilarious. @MrsOdh you would love the storm drama around here. :grinning:


Thank you :blush:

Struggling a bit today, feeling stressed out and irritable im not craving an actual drink but want the stress to stop and it’s stress in my head. So going to go for a walk and try reset my day.
Get out the house for a bit and go to the wood shop to find out prices for wood. Need to build a catio that’s specifically fits my garden shape etc… IL do that something positive and it gets me out in the fresh air for a bit.

Hope your doing okay :sunflower:


@acromouse and @Mno it’s called “Buddy to Buddy” and they match me to a immigrant so I can help him ore her with feeling welcome in our country, learning our language a bit and doing some activaties together.


Sounds like a good plan. I felt that too, yesterday. I didn’t want to drink, I just wanted the bad feelings to stop, I’m going to get more active today too. Good luck with your catio ! I got kitty a new scratch pad and she’s over the moon. I need to be so easily content. Working on it! Have a wonderful day, Twiz!