Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Now I remember you mentioning it previously. Sounds exiting!
I used to be a refugee kid and the help we got from volunteers was so unbelievable! I will never forget their kindness and help.


Checking in on day 12 I believe now. Urges are strong again. My brain tries to trick myself into slipping up and using again but not letting it get to me this timeā€¦ So im sitting here awake at 4:30 in the morning trying to keep occupied doing other things. Work in about 8 hours too


Stay strong friend! The voice of addiction is a very sneaky, cunning and persuasive one. Good job on spotting it in your mind. Whatever it might tell you: You donā€™t want it. Itā€™s all lies. Remember this: It only tells lies!
Sending you strength and a mindset of tenacity :muscle:t2: :people_hugging:


Day 88

Enjoy :blush:


Creeping up on that 90 days friend, well done, proud of you! :purple_heart:


Day 540

Getting ready to go to sleep at almost 9 am. I have had a really terrible sleep schedule this past week. Hopefully Iā€™ll get 8 hours. Or something close to it ā€¦

So for my trip, I have the rental booked and paid for, and an activity planned and paid for.
And a little over $1000 saved on top of that (so far) for other expenses. Gas /food

Just need to save another 3k in the next couple months.

Is sounds daunting. But thinking back to when I was in active addiction, I could easily spend $1500 a month getting high. Hopefully I can put all that saved money to use on this trip.

Of course, these days I am paying down credit cards (paid 6 completely off!) and spending more on food for the houseā€¦ But Iā€™m gonna try my best!

:people_hugging: Hope yā€™all are doing ok today :heart:


Day #8 sober from daily cocaine abuse yessir!!! :saluting_face: :smile:

Feeling a bit sleepy today, couldnā€™t sleep that well last night but Iā€™m doing good still :smile_cat:


Today is day 50!!

My son is coming home for a visit to celebrate his 10th high school reunion. He did not like school much so I am proud that he is making an effort. He is in such a good place and I am really proud of him. I am super excited to spend some time with him.

Went to dinner last night and my husband had been overserved and fell out of his chair. I was mortified, disappointed etc. The manager wanted us to sign something saying he would not sue the restaurant. I totally understand where they were coming from. We left quickly and I had to leave most of my dinner. Another good motivator to not drink!!

A nice spring day here in the South. Have a great one everybody. :sunglasses:


Seeing you here always makes my day Scorpn. Hope youā€™re getting a good rest. You need and deserve it. Huge hugs and much much love friend. :hugs: :two_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :people_hugging: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :two_hearts: :hugs:


Checking in on day 265. Love and strength to all.:heart::v:


8 days mate!! How good is that!! Iā€™m struggling with sleep too so I got some natural vitamins to help relax me.

Checking in at day 15 no alcohol. Halfway to a month. Letā€™s goooo!


Hell yeah homie!!! Congrats :DDD

Btw try melatonin for sleep if you havenā€™t already, I find it can help you sleep as long as you donā€™t take it too often :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll check it out!! Have a good day mate. See you tomorrow :wink:


Btw not sure what your rules are around sobriety, and Iā€™m not trying to promote drug use when I say this but: I use weed medically, like I use such a tiny amount every day that if you were to weigh out the one bong rip I take before bed, itā€™s literally less than a 0.1g, itā€™s like a 0.05g lol. I find when I use such a small amount like this, the benefits of weed making me not get so much insomnia outweigh the negatives for me :slight_smile:

I find if you donā€™t get cravings/addiction to weed and you just use the same really tiny amount every day before bed it can help you sleep (when you use it as a sleep aid and not as a recreational drug). But, the quality of sleep you get isnā€™t as good as not taking weed and just sleeping normal.

Again, using weed like this isnā€™t for everyone. If you get addicted to weed then definitely donā€™t do this and you gotta be very honest with yourself if you choose to do this, but I find using weed like this helps me sleep better even compared to melatonin since I suffer from bad insomnia ever since I was a kid. I have a medical card so Iā€™m technically prescribed this keep in mind :slight_smile:


Iā€™m medically approved for it too but I canā€™t have any in my system as I drive for work and itā€™s too risky. We lose our license on the spot if we are caught with drugs in our system even if itā€™s medicinal. Besides, Iā€™m thinking weed needs to take a hike too, I havenā€™t had any since I drank last so I might just steer clear altogether. I was a massive bong head in my late teens and think I did a fair bit of damage to the old brain back then. Thanks for thinking of me though man!


Checking in day 93 :black_heart:

Terrible weather here today with tornado warnings and watches all aroundā€¦ it throws my anxiety sky high while my kids are at home in spring break and Iā€™m at workā€¦

Phewwww letā€™s make it through this day sober and safe :heart_hands::pray:t2:


Congrats on 50 days!!!


Oh thatā€™s why there was so much wind where I am lol. Are you in or near Toronto? There was so much wind here last night

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Kentucky is where I live right on the border about an hour from Nashville TN


Day 1200,

Checking in, have a good 24 hours :pray::heart::pray: