Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Day 20. Back to the (physical) office today. Woke up at 6 already stressed about it. New car didn’t turn up due to some issue or other, spent a lot of the afternoon trying to get answers but none were forthcoming. But I have a bicycle and it isn’t currently raining so, onwards ! Have great days everyone



Grey skies, rainy weather, it’s OK. I’ve got my homework to do for creative writing class. And home work spring cleaning sort of stuff to do too. So I’ll be occupied. With some rest and relaxation in between. It’s my holidays after all.

No time for drinking or smoking or whatever though. Because that’s in the past and the idea honestly abhors me by now. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Day 284
The soda and ice with a cordial works for me. So that’s good. I don’t really want to have many alcohol free beers if I can help it, but on occasion yes…

Working 8-5today and then on call over night. Bit of a pain but one of those things

Have a fab day folks


Day 15 :heavy_check_mark:
Woke up to am almighty bang - one of the cats had knocked something down - Little Rita :sweat_smile:

10 mins before that a naghbour posted a letter of mine through and I didn’t wake to it, instead in my dream I had post lol all the post I had been dreaming of :rofl:

Well I wasn’t planning to get up until 9:30am. But hey What else is a cat supposed to do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Got to measure my garden today, I know it seems a weird thing but the lay out and other peoples windows I have a fear of going out in the garden. I know it’s not logical and I used to use drink as a way to feel able to go out there.
I know it doesn’t make sense, it’s my garden but It causes alot of memories and triggers.
I guess I can’t avoid it forever - And the only way to get over the anxiety and fear on this one is to just face it I think.
Instead of worrying just step out there and remind myself of the enjoyment I used to get out of being out there.
Anyway not going to make it a bigger thing than it already is. All I have to do is take some measurements.
That’s my goal for today.



@james83 Hope you’ll have a nice bike ride :bike:
@MrsOdh This snow thing sounds positively surreal with the weather forecast showing over 20C for the weekend and we live in Central Europe. I hope everything goes well with your husbands medical appointment.
@Just_Laura Thanks for explaining your roots and traditions. I really like to hear how people celebrate the seasonal holidays.
@Butterflymoonwoman Glad to hear your friend is doing ok. Hope you’re going to have an easier day tomorrow.
@Whereswaldo That counter climbing every day is looking good :sunglasses:
@Caspio Wow!!! 600 days. Unbelievable :partying_face::clap:t2::sunglasses:
@Mno Enjoy your quiet and peaceful day. What is your assignment for writing class?
@Mindofsobermike Good luck hunting for the right parts. Do you know any bike mechanics you could ask? These things have gotten so complicated with time, I always have to ask someone at a shop or I’ll get it messed up.
@K_S I Hope your boy’s health is going to improve soon. Sending you strength for your stressful time :muscle:t2:
@john_connor1337 How are you holding up?

133 sugar
31 UPF
4 gluten
4 dairy
4 overeating/binge

Had another histamine reaction last night. Histamine intolerance and perimenopause don’t mix well. I’m starting to dread the next few days and nights. If this histamine shit keeps repeating, it’s going to be exhausting. I really don’t need to have a panic episode every night. Especially with travelling.
But worrying in advance won’t help. I’ll try to set up a low histamine diet for today and hope for better sleep. Other then that like with everything: ODAAT

Goals for today: Keeping my food journal, mindful eating, listening to my body’s signals, taking breaks through the day for self checkin.

Today is travel prep day. We need to pack and prepare food for tomorrow. Our train leaves early in the morning and we won’t have much time before.
I want to take a nice walk later in the day, some fresh air will do me good, and definitely yoga in the afternoon.

My lovely sober friends, have a day in peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Trust me, it feels surreal for us too.
It’s beautiful, but I would rather have this amazing view for Christmas. Not in April.

Seems a bit local too, I thought it was the entire country, but talked to my aunt yesterday who live by the coast, a few hours drive from us. They didn’t have snow at all.

Hope you’re getting a nice trip, and not to much trouble with your food allergies. (As you know I’m allergic to everything and the world, but I’m pretty much born with that so it’s not a huge issue for me.)
Didn’t get my Celiac and milk protein diagnosis until a few years ago.

I didn’t believe it first, so I kept on as usual. Which of course made me even more sick.
When I finally started to take it seriously and listen to the doctors it was like an aha moment.

Always had stomach problems, always had severe stomach ache after pretty much every meal all my life. Eventually I sobered up and got it checked. It was such a relief knowing it was something so simple. And eating became pretty nice :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful picture.
So curious about your writing class, good luck with your assignment.

Rainy gray days can be cozy, if you don’t have to go out. And if they don’t last too long.
I like them sometimes because then you don’t feel obligated to do garden work or go outside.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday. :blush:


& @MrsOdh My assignment is to take a small occurrence, something minor that happened in my life and turn it into a story. The idea is to stimulate exploring my fantasies and imagination. Which is good (but hard) for me, as it is one of the things I feel inhibited about. When I’m asked directly to use my imagination and be creative I tend to freeze. Part of my inner child self protection mechanism. Don’t show yourself! It’s not safe! So this will be a good exercise.


Hope you have a great trip.


Morning all, checking in on Day 10 (yay, getting into the double figures!) I woke up feeling hungover with that awful moment when you hate yourself for drinking. Nice relief to realise I hadn’t had anything, think the hangover feeling is my residual cold.

I am so overstimulated right now, craving solitude. It was such a wonderful gift my parents did, letting us move in to save for a deposit, but I sometimes feel so overwhelmed with 6 people in one house, and I seem to be the teenager in the set up (my Mum and husband are the parents :rofl:) I joke, but really struggling! Hopefully we can be in our own home in a month or two, and then I can be a good daughter again by reverting back to a sociable 40 something daughter!

Thank you all for being here. I know now that this place is part of my plan, and warning signs are when I start to take it for granted.


123 days
Finally had a nice chilled day. Got the kids off to school then just stayed did some chores round home. Took the old dog for a walk and a swim. Then home to do some more laundry before picking up the kids. Sorted out invites for the youngest ones upcoming bday party

Thanks for the well wishes over the last few days @IamThechange @Mno @acromouse @K_S @JazzyS means a lot


Day 33

Wee hours and I’m wide awake. I’m just going to give up on sleep. I’m feeling upset about it, so why not get up? Some nights I sleep well, others I’m up at 2. I’m going to push through it.

Now I get to read all the morning sunshine posts from Europe! I’m so glad I got up! :sun_with_face:


Morning from southern England! I am sorry you can’t sleep, stick around here and have a coffee or cup of tea :teapot: with us.

Do you know why you can’t sleep? Congratulations on the 33 days, can’t wait to get back there!


Good morning Jenny,

Thank you for answering so quickly. Insomnia sucks, but sometimes if you get up and refuse to suffer it’s better. My sleep is still not back to normal after quitting alcohol. But I hear it’s normal. And it’s not every night. I’m going to do my best to have a normal sober day. I won’t let myself be upset. I might even go open up the grocery store at 6am :grinning:


I’m the total opposite. I’m probably more in my imagination, than in reality sometimes. Make up stories, fairytales and sometimes nightmare scenarios that won’t even happen.

It can be both good or bad I guess.
Writing online or in front of an empty screen than flickers angrily at me is another story though…

When I need to write something I always starts out with a real paper and pencil. It’s calmer and less threatening to me.

A huge portion of good luck for your assignment. You can do this. :smiling_face:


A great attitude! The times I have had to be up really early I have always ended up enjoying the peace of the morning. I am sorry about the insomnia though. I think it is normal, and the sleep you will be getting will be of better quality. I hope you have a good day, and a lovely sleep tonight


Thank you Jenny :heart: I can choose to enjoy the quiet, and run errands/ do chores early today. I find I get in a vicious circle if I lay in bed and/or feel upset about it. We have a lot more choice as to how our days are going to go, sober. I choose a decent day.

Congratulations on your double digits! Glad you’re here- nice to meet you :slight_smile:


Good morning all! Checking in on day 124. I hope you all have the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:

@JennyH congrats on double digits! :tada:


Check in number two.
Had to shovel the road in pic nr 3 this morning, so we could get out.

Now around lunch time it’s +6 degrees, sunshine and it’s all melting away.

Currently laying Inside in the sun, my arms feels like spaghetti after shoveling heavy wet snow two days in a row. :laughing:

Crazy weather for real over here.


Checking in 5m14d

It’s been a kick in the gut finding out this girl is out but in hindsight, shoulda seen it coming.

Sobriety feels a lot easier knowing I have that closure though. And I got some good songs out of it! I write songs still but not often.

Going to meet a buddy for coffee. Will check in again later.