Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Checking in day 83…

It has been an uneventful day, just laying around the house and watching movies.

I have been in a bit of a funk the last two days so I am just doing my best to keep my mind busy or occupied by reading or binging tv shows. It’s seeming to help.

I hope everyone is doing well… :black_heart:


1 week smoke free that’s terrific. I have read lungs start healing immediately. I too fought that battle and have remained smoke free for 3 + years. Keep strong.


Two weeks is amazing!!! Keep it up friend!!


Day 13. Tomorrow I started Holy Week. I hope to live it well


@rob11 Great to see you checking in Rob – how are you doing? Congrats on your 39 + months of sobriety!
@seb 40 days is amazing work friend – great work on the 5k hike – glad you had a beautiful day for it.
@butterflymoonwoman Sending you so much love my friend. I am grateful that you had a chance to cry it out – totally understandable to be that angry. I can’t even imagine all that you are going through. Also very glad that you are able to find gratitude in this situation. I know that can be hard at times but we do need to look for the positive as I think positivity draws positivity. :people_hugging:
@deelzebub Thanks for your thoughts love. I do hope you were able to get out for your walk and feel better with the outdoor air. Your pizza looked amazing tonight – I love your Saturday ritual. So happy for socializing over coffee :hugs:
@chevy55 Thanks friend – appreciate you! Glad your wife is home. Have fun with your mini road trip and game tonight
@rookie Yeah day 40! Absolutely the best feeling to wake up hangover free!
@noshame Yeah to 4 months of no THC – your days are really stacking up all around :muscle:

I loved this and you most definitely are not alone. You are loved and supported my friend. Grateful that you are reminding yourself of the horror of day 1 and that thought will keep you from going back! Flex those sober muscles and go forwards!
@sobrietyforme 2 weeks is amazing work – keep stacking up the days
@ashley_luvz_starz YEAH to almost getting to the 1 year mark girl! So excited and looking forward to celebrating with you. Kick those cigs to the curb. We will be here to help support you – check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread for tips and support also. :hugs:


@acromouse I have a small air fryer that is the size of my coffee maker and easy to use and clean. It has truly changed my life. Try shopping around – I’m sure you will find one that may work for you. I know some toaster ovens now also come with a air fryer option.
@timetochange Remind yourself of how far you have come and all the efforts you are putting in daily – you are strong and should be proud of your accomplishments. The sense of failure sneaks in when our addict mind tries to take us back to our old life. Keep pushing forward :muscle:
@lile01 YIPPEEE!! :tada: if your body is asking for rest and you are able to do so then rest my friend. I slept sooooo much in the beginning of my journey. It gives your body time to repair itself and heal. Way to go on your 2 week milestone! :muscle:
@tomek Congrats on your 1 week smoke free! That is a great accomplishment. I was in a mood for some time after I quite smoking – you just keep pushing forward and hopefully the mood will get better soon too!
@tifflynn07 funky moods can FRO – hope all your tactics helped and you are able to relax and unwind this weekend.

Checking in on Saturday evening
458 days free of alcohol and weed
873 days free of cigarettes
Not much going on today. Had a rough night as i had a bad migraine on top of everything else. Glad i was able to be rid of it by the time the sun came up. Did manage to have a dream where i was drinking and smoking and luckily i was in a half sleep state so i picked up on it being a dream and shooed it away. It was a disgusting feeling for a second and was very grateful to have figured out it was only a dream.
Got to spend some time with my brother today as he dropped by to check in.
Not much going on - no answers as of yet from the test and now thinking it will be Monday some time till i hear back.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love. :heart: :heart:


Day 5 today. First weekend in a very long time alcohol free.


Huge congratulations on your first week smoke free🎉


The last 36 hours have sucked. I have not drank any wine. Today is day 180 af.
Spent a good part of yesterday with my son and his family at the hospital for one of there other family members. The person was taken in the morning by ambulance, passed away at 8:46 pm last night. This person was diagnosed with lung cancer back in 2018, never told anyone, and chose no treatment. He has smoked like crazy forever. This person lived with them and was my dil grandpa. Everyone is just kinda in shock.:cry: Thanks for letting me vent.


Thinking of you all during this difficult time :people_hugging::pray:


Checking in
Thought id maybe take a second to check in with everyone. Last night was a rough night. Maybe got 2 hours of sleep combined. But thankfully today my son seems to be on the mend. He had lots of other tests done and received other kinds of medication. We played numerous games of Uno and its almost 7pm… so almost time to wind down the day. Then ill relax abit and head to bed myself. Hope everyone is doing okay :star2:


So glad to read your son is showing signs of getting better :heart:
Hope you get a good rest tonight and I have you all my thoughts and prayers :pray:

Big hugs :hugs:


That’s great news, Dana!


So glad to hear that your son is doing better. God bless you all. :purple_heart::pray:t5:


Oh that’s such great news my friend. Hope he continues to heal and get better.
Sweet dreams :zzz::people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh I’m so sorry for your past 36 hours. Sending you hugs and comfort :people_hugging::people_hugging:.
Great work on your 6 months of sobriety. Grateful that you have maintained this during your difficult times.
Glad you came here to vent. We are here for you :pray:t4::people_hugging::heart:


Thank you!


Thank you!:face_holding_back_tears:


I am sorry for your tough times. Hang in there. I agree here is a great place to vent. So much understanding from all our sober friends. :hugs::butterfly:


Day 6

I woke up at 8am , Today is Sunday so my office is off.

I had a cold shower and made a smoothie with Almonds, Peanuts, Oats, Raisins, Banana, Honey and Milk.

Im grateful for the sleep quality i got yesterday night beginning was terrible but now my sleep is improving.

I know weekend gets cravings more because we are not busy but i never think for that.

Im planning for 1 hour walk into hypermarket:)