Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

I’ve mentioned it before. I’ll tell anyone who asks
It takes time. Study and lots of patience for it to be effective
Lookup acupressure on the internet and find one that suits your best and makes sense.
I get much relief
It is usually a hand or ear. Take your time, your body will tell you if your doing it correctly


I haven’t been here for a long time but i’m still sober! been having my own health issues as well as my mother, so been focusing more on them. but still staying strong in my sobriety!

Went to meet a friend after she finished work, but they kept her on for longer. she works at a bar but knows i’m trying not to drink, so she kept making me mocktails which i was super grateful for!


Thank you :pray: . I’m going to look it up and try it out as part of my selfcare.


Got up early and ready to head back to school since spring break ends today…then I realized…today is the LAST day of spring break so I just drove there for nothing :smiley: we go back tomorrow :sweat_smile: I guess I get to start my day early lol. Unfortunately after I made my “idk if I can do this” post I relapsed yet again and blacked out so bad that I woke up throwing up. I guess I needed another reminder of how horrible drinking is…I’m on day 3 AF and I don’t blame you if you think I sound like a broken record. I heard a video of a guy saying alcoholics or addicts who say they’re done for good truly believe they are at that time they aren’t trying to fool anyone or themselves, it’s just that the addiction usually catches up to them. I’m committing to this. I want to get in shape. I don’t want to be embarrassed or ashamed anymore. I want to be healthy. I want to be proud. I am fully putting my faith in my God and taking steps to better myself every day. Here’s to another day being productive and sober.


Congrats on day 3 Laine
I was listening to the AA Grapevine’s Podcast a few weeks back. And they were talking about the brain and relapse and how sometimes it just takes time for the brain to catch up to being sober. And each time you try the brain gets more use to it. Sorry I can’t explain it like they did. But it’s a pretty good podcast if you’re interested. If you never give up that broken record will get repaired. Glad you’re here.


Checking in on day 117. Late check in for me today, got up and went fishing with kids super early, spring break for them this week. I hope you all have the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Nice to see you Jenny.
Buying a home and moving is so stressful. I’m in the middle of it too after we closed a couple of weeks ago. Not to mention the rest of life coming at me. It’s so stressful. Keep lurking. Whatever it takes. I’m glad you’re here.


Just checking in to say whats up! It’s Wednesday but feels like it should be Friday :thinking: A couple of decent snow falls here which just makes everything feel harder the older I get. Oh well spring is right around the corner :partying_face: Hope everyone has a good day and let’s continue to do the damn thing :muscle:


Checking in because its been a while… Day 7 now. Doing much better. The urges are still here but are slowly going away… I have been enjoying my sleep again and better mood.


I love this!! Thank you so much. 🫶🏻


I :heartpulse: this. All of this! I know the wanting to fast forward, but there is so much learning and relearning that happens. In retrospect, I can appreciate the good and not so sunny times for what they are, living our life on life’s terms and all that comes with it. I wasn’t living before. One day at a time!


Thankyou :slight_smile: It’s been a bit of a challenge to stay at it the last few weeks. Not so much with alcohol but I’ve definitely been reminiscing, romanticising and fantasising about heroin recently. This too shall pass.


I won’t try to take your inventory for you but in my experience, non-alcoholic beer was just a replacement for alcoholic beer - It wasn’t real freedom from alcohol or the spiritual malady from life. I relied on that non-alcoholic beer just as much as I did the alcoholic one at the end of the day. There’s nothing wrong with drinking pop - there’s nothing wrong with not having anything to drink. Replacement is not the same as freedom for me basically…


Happy Birthday!!!

And thank you for the entertaining read! :smile:

Seriously tho, great to read from you. Sending you the best wishes for the year ahead.
Hopefully it will include time and opportunity for some of your and @HoofHearted’s sober selfie shenanigans! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :orange_heart:


Day 277 second check in

Thanks for the different ideas re non alcoholic beers.

Trying to avoid pop drinks as I don’t like them

Trying some teas and ginger cordials with ice.

Weather is constantly a surprise. Sunshine then hail today


Checking in day 86 AF :blush:


Jim, I like that. Not even wanting to go into the pub. That way lies pain. Nothing good for me over there! I can hear the joy in your words. Thank you :people_hugging:


Thank you everyone for being here, not far off completing 3 days. This is where I kept falling down when trying to do it alone without a real plan. Still not sure I have a real plan, but am checking in here which is progress.


Thank you. I look forward to feeling that way. One of my danger zones is the grocery store, and the first time I went I was scared beforehand. Then when I got in there, the store was crowded, I glanced at the displays, and the alcohol bottles could have been baby formula or canned corn — they did not register as being relevant to me, so I went very quickly past. It will get better. Thanks for sharing- a lot to look forward to up ahead!


It’s always good to see you Jenny. Glad you’re here. You read this one? If not it might be helpful :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging:

If you did maybe read again :sweat_smile: