Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

I am so pleased wife and baby made your day, plus food always can brighten one’s day. Have a great sober day.


I have done a TON of talking to myself today in an attempt to change my outlook on today and to challenge my thinking/acting.

This morning i woke up irritable AF. Honestly… nothing was going the way I wanted it to and i was fighting things every step of the way. I got my son on the bus and the first thing i did before anything else was pray. I needed to so badly. I had to stop trying to run the show this morning and have my HP guide me. It really helped and was just what i needed. I went out with my wagon and did a big grocery shop. Managed to do that with very little frustration. Will soon head to the gym and then do some cleaning. Oh… and our stove broke last night (or maybe its just the fuse) and so my husband has to take a look at it later. If not then our landlord will be getting a call to see if he can do something about it. Thats frustrating… God give me the serenity! Lol

Since being clean and sober, i have really begun to notice my thinking. Things that would have in the past, gone almost unnoticed. Now, I realize what im thinking and then correct it immediately. Im realizing the effect my thoughts have on me. They arent just thoughts… they effect how i feel and how i behave. If im thinking something judgemental (for example), it effects how i feel and therefore how i behave. So its a circle of events. If I however, stop my stinking thinking at the first sign of it, how i feel and behave improves and i have a better day overall!

Anyway, off to the gym now. Going to release some built up energy :slight_smile: Have a great day everyone!


Day #4 sober from everything
Day #23 sober from my DOC

Attended a meeting today with my sponsor which was good :slight_smile:

I keep tripping out about my ex still ngl. I realize I miss the idea of him, but not necessarily himself. Trying to work through it and move on :smile_cat:


Day 791. I am recovering from a three day road trip with my Mom. Traveling or spending significant time around her makes me mean. I can only hear about how hard it was to raise kids so many times before I snap. Then when you add in the the unspoken “why didn’t you have kids” its mentally taxing. That woman does not see the paradox. One more day off to off gas all this stress before I head back to work.

My therapy will be gardening and cooking. Hang in there folks. Its not worth drinking over.


39 days sober & smoke free

All good :+1:


Day 107
I’ve been proud of not drinking for this long, my personal best by far. The more days you have, the less likely you want to start over.

I live with pain, I have rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years now. I haven’t woken up without pain in 15 years that I can remember. My outside self is extremely pleasant and caring of others, my inside self always tries to have faith and hope.
But today, I’ve missed work. Besides what I deal with daily, I have a pinched nerve in my neck, or vertebrae shifted, if I turn my head wrong, I scream. I have a high tolerance for pain, even my surgeon told me that. But this pain is ridiculous!

I’ve dislocated my shoulder 2x in the past couple years, who knows how, but it’s the same pain.

I guess what I’m getting at, today, I seriously thought about drinking. If I drank enough to pass out, the pain would stop. Maybe I’d even do something drunk to correct my neck/spine to take the pressure off. This pain has interfered with my sleeping for the past 2 nights. This will pass, as everything does, and I’ll go back to my normal.

I don’t talk often (basically never) to my friends, co workers about my RA. I don’t want to hear the: Awww.

I feel if I write this, it will strengthen my ability not to drink, just for a day. :pray:


Checking in on day 971. Everyday seems to be a struggle still. Daughter passed in December, been getting harassed at work everyday for being disabled, just got autopsy results back and was something so avoidable I don’t even know how to feel about it. Minds a big mess but will keep doing what I know how and that’s get through today without a drink. Hope everyone is doing well and stay safe.


Checking in day 107 AF :blush:


I’m so sorry for your loss Chris. :blue_heart:


Day 16. Feeling a little bit lonely. Working a lot to distract myself. Haven’t thought about going out or drinking. When I do think of it I think immediately of how tired I’ll be and cold it is, and the hangover. All the negatives spring to mind.
No energy to work out yet I’m still very much work bed work bed.
I know this isn’t great but I just feel exhausted mentally. My brain worries about what I’m gonna do with my life and where I’ll be in X amount of years. That’s probably why I drank, to be present in the moment and switch off my brain.

Still happily here with you all however. Just waiting on the sunny days to come


Hi Day 17 for me, still hanging in there. Forced myself to go for a swim, felt the benefit after, I find it so boring though ploughing up and down but so good for the mind & body. Will try again tomorrow. Struggling with unbidden thoughts that are used to being blocked out but are now jumping up & down for attention. However, managing to keep them at bay by LIVING IN THE MOMENT (most of the time).


Congrats on 50 days


Thank you. Appreciate the recognition.


Pain used to be one of my top reasons for drinking. I started suffering lower back pain at 16 and in my 20s, it got to a point where it would seize up and I couldn’t walk. If I drank to black out, it seemed to relax me in a way that lasted a few days, so that’s how I dealt with it for years :woman_shrugging:

It’s gotten alot better since I started seeing a chiropractor 10+ years ago, but my neck has become the bigger issue now. I don’t remember the last time I woke up pain free either. I guess I’ve accepted that pain is a part of life. I’d rather feel this pain than the self inflicted pain of drinking, but either way it’s lose/lose :confounded:

I don’t take much medication, unless it’s absolutely debilitating, so I’m addicted to ice packs/heating pads when it gets bad. I hope yours works itself out soon :heart:


Checking in Day 180

“Made a conscious decision to turn our life and will over to the care of God as we understood him”

Ah… that guy again. I really struggle to do this step in my daily.

God I’m so tired. Exhausted mentally from overthinking so much. Default setting = suspicion and mistrust and then anger. And I want everyone to do what I want them to do all the time and everything would be perfect if they did.

But they won’t. That’s not how the world works.

It’s really fun to help people along in their early days. There’s a guy whose 2 months in who asked me something today and he tried to give me advice on the situation… Bless him, he means well but definitely needs to slow down and cover his step 3 before he tries to solve my issues lol
That sense of wanting to feel useful is so strong for alcoholics, isn’t it?

I’m totally okay with step 3 today. It’s been fine, it’s worked well so far. I feel like there’s an amends coming up because I didn’t do a daily step 3 earlier but I’ll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. This was definitely a two way street where I came off worse but… did I? I don’t know. It’s a question for my sponsor, I’m sure.

I’m feeling the promises today but damn, when they said “Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly” they should’ve said “…but usually slowly”


Day 100 AF
Day 218 cocaine Free

Hey all! Work has been going well! Thankful to be back in a position were I can do what I am trained for! Adjusting to the new schedule will come slowly! I have missed alot on this thread I hope everyone is doing well! Peace and blessings :pray:t4::purple_heart:


@ashley_luvz_starz great work on your smoke free timer too – Kicking ass all around :muscle:
@just_laura I have also noticed a pattern of majority of us syncing on bad days or sleepless nights etc. I do hope you are feeling more rested today. OOF – the $$ issues are insane – grateful you were able to clear it up but I’m sure it took time out of your day to do so. Hoping for a better easier day ahead!
@catmancam How are you doing today Cam. Sending you love my friend – hope your trip to your mom’s gravestone went well :heart: :hugs:
@mrsodh 50 days WOOT WOOT great work Sophia! Keep up the amazing efforts. This is very exciting news indeed – I hope your visit to City Hall goes well. How cool of you to put this together. I love your village too :heart:
@laner Sorry that you are unwell and dealing with the flu. Sending healing vibes and hope you get better soon. Great work on 13 days :muscle:
@whereswaldo Yes 1 month and going strong my friend. :tada: :tada: Keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@chevy55 oh man I’m sorry Nick – I do know that can be a bear to deal with. I do hope that you are getting over this episode and are not in too much pain. :hugs:
@PsychoDramaQueen Welcome to the community friend. Great work on your 5 days of sobriety. Grateful you are healing from your seizure (I know they can be very scary). Keep checking in with us.
@wahtisnormal Sorry for the lack of sleep and your long day. Sending you strength and hope your day is going well Zoe :muscle: :hugs:
@jonase oh man that sucks about the hospital. Sorry that your mom has to wait longer for her operation – do hope they are able to reschedule quickly. 20 days is amazing work – 3 weeks tomorrow :tada: Do work on the self care friend – it is a wonderful gift for yourself – especially during recovery.


Day 111.

Going good.



Sincere condolences for your daughters passing Chris🙏🏽


Thanks Jazzy,

All good. Got an online appt with a doc and got some cream to put in 2-3 times daily for next couple weeks, but she thinks it is clearing up.

Did get to gym, tough after 5 days away… but survived and now a truck full of tools loaded and ready for push off for a 2.5 hour journey to fathers to do some construction work in the early a.m.

Take care and thanks for noticing friend :heart: