Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hey all, checking in on day 1406. I hope everybody has a good one!


@DresdenLaPage Great work on your 6 months Josh! That is a beautiful share and i’m sure a great feeling to have experienced. Glad you are someone safe for this woman as she gets her sober legs stabilized.
@chevy55 WOW that looks great Nick! A lot got accomplished in a few days. Have a wonderful weekend (hopefully will find time to relax).
@juli1 some days just start off wrong for whatever reason. I do hope you were able to turn the day around and are having a better Saturday Jules. 81 days girl – this is mighty impressive. Sending you love my friend. :hugs: It is ok to sit with these feelings from time to time but the key is to know to not let them overpower you. You are a badass Jules – hope you were able to get a walk / stretch in. Swimming tonight is something fun to look forward to as well.
@lighter Way to go with your 50 days Marie! :tada: :tada: So very happy to read that you had a few nights of good sleep :hugs: keep up with the efforts friend – hope you continue to reap the amazingness of sober living

Checking in on Saturday morning
Not much going on - will try to go sit with my brother as he has a festival to work. I am not well enough to really help in any way but may be able to step in for a few minutes if he has to use the bathroom LOL. I am going to take my TENS unit with me as it helps me stay upright.
A beautiful sunny Saturday here - wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in 55 days no PMO. Continuing to just work on my thoughts and urges. they are process. I am just glad to be having some continual sobriety. I am hopeful to keep moving forward


346 no alcohol
277 no vapes or ciggs
8.64 no form of marijuanna

Waking up was rough thismorning but i did it , and got my chores done. Leaving for work in a few minutes. Its a cloudy rainy day today. Makes for low motavation but i have a baby, its not up to me

I collected ssi for a long time. Never worked hard. Pretty much lived day to day with nothing to look forward to ever sence i got diagnosed with schizophrenia. Then i met my wife. Huge turning point in life. Then my wife got pregnant, i got a full time job and life has hounestly kicked my ass ever sence, totally worth it. The future is scary to think about. Can i do it?

I just live one day at a time greatfully sober

I hold no grudges to anyone. Concider forgiven snd forgotten. I also apologize for my actions. Im just going to let it be. I just want to live for my family, and my family alone.

Take care everyone


Today started rough because of a bad night of sleep…bad dreams again. I went to the bazaar for shopping and when I came home i went on a hike. I didn’t have the energy for a long one today but it was good to move and get out after being in sick for a few days. I had a bit of a crisis when I was cleaning my place. I found a bottle of alcohol and it was difficult but I am proud to say I was able to dump it out getting rid of it. My friend came over and she searched my place with me to make sure I don’t have any more surprises like that. I hope tonight I will sleep better and not dream.


It’s fantastic you’re quitting smoking Mira :innocent:!!! maybe check in here too:

Lately it’s been pretty busy down there with some fantastic people putting in fantastic efforts to kick nicotine addiction in the butt. And joking aside, personally I can say quitting smoking changed my life. For the better. Changed my outlook on so many things. Many congrats on your decision and all success to you!


Strong Laner! Excellent work on getting rid of the bottle, and of letting a friend help you with searching for any more left behind contraband. Hoping for a better night for you friend.


We beat Barcelona! In Barcelona. So happy :smiling_face: Didn’t go to yoga today as my legs are aching from yesterday’s body conditioning class. It’s fine, I’m accepting it. Done a few bits and bobs, will probably watch a movie later.

Happy 24 :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Thank you! It made me feel good to get rid of it!


Day 179.
Grateful to not have hangover this morning. Made a meeting and doing some chores today, Hope everyone has a good day!!


2083 days alcohol free. 88 days weed free


Day 33.

33 days and nights of not having to tell myself that tomorrow will be the day I stop drinking, stop being hungover, stop making a fool of myself, stop doing things I shouldn’t.

33 days of feeling proud of myself, having calmer emotions, less anxiety, better mornings, better memory.

Have a great day all.


Checking in on day 283. Wishing all another day of freedom :peace_symbol::two_hearts:


Thank you @CATMANCAM @acromouse amd @JazzyS for your words of kindness and support :heart: you all are soooo appreciated!

Good morning TS fam! I had a good rest last night. Trying my best to get as much sleep as possible before next weeks overnight shifts. I dont expect anyone to fill next weeks spots as i spoke to the Part-time nurse last night and she wasnt even told that someone may be coming in over the weekend to train with her. In order to have another nurse here, they must train with my son and if no one is coming over the weekend, it sounds as if ill be on my own next week (at least for Mon, Tue, and Wed). On Monday, I am definitly going to purchase some healthier snacks for the overnight and Im also going to reschedule 2 appts that my son has next week so that instead of him being home (where I have to continue staying awake), my son can go to school and i can rest during the day and try to gain some normality. I will do my best and have my HP to help me thru this.

Recovery wise - Im okay. But have had the occasional thought to use. Probably just due to stress and feeling overwhelmed.

Health wise - im doing not too bad. Had a couple days where I ate more than I would have liked but today is a new day and will focus on nourishment for my body. Since my stomach bug, I actually have not had any cravings for sweets. Which is a good thing!!

I really hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. I dont work today as my husband has to tattoo so i have the day off :slight_smile: Hope you all are doing well in your recoveries :star2:


Good morning friends, day 41. Busy night up and down with Linda. She’s feeling a little less pain today and was able to sleep a little better. She’s feeling some burning in the surgery site but we read that is a sign of nerve healing. So, another day forward. I remind her she’ll never feel this bad in the future once things heal up. Kind of like all of us.

Have a great day!


Congratulations on ur decision to quit smoking! U definitly wont regret it :slight_smile:


Have a nice weekend everyone :four_leaf_clover:


Checking in for Nr 22.

Going to visit a friend for some coffee and maybe a late night drive. So much has happend there past few days but I’m feeling more optimistic. :slight_smile:

Finally managed to get some basic self care back.
Also gonna try to cut down my cigarette intake because oh boy did that escalate since I’ve stopped drinking. :sweat_smile:

Anyways, I hope that everyone else is staying strong and that your weekend is relaxing.

Have a good day! :slight_smile:


Not that I’m having a bad day, but that definitely made me feel better :smiling_face: Love knowing there’s people in the world who just want to make others happy. We need more of that. Thanks :heart:


Checking in on day 321 alcohol free.