Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

@SenshiHime welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Shel75 congrats on your vape-free month+ :tada:
@Twizzlers congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Noshame congrats on your week of no marijuana :tada:
@Tomato welcome :blush: congrats on 12 days :tada:
@CHASE.E.U congrats on the new job :tada:
@Timetochange congrats on 30 days :tada: enjoy your time off :blush:
@JonasE congrats on 3 weeks :tada:

1347 days no alcohol.
812 days no cocaine.
327 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Only slept from 1:30-2am and 5-6am Wednesday night.

Met with the guy yesterday. We had a nice chat for an hour, with the sunshine directly upon us.

Came home, my dad dropped off some old photos he’d found. I will probably start looking through them at the weekend as it could potentially be very emotional as they’ll be from before my mum passed away.

Went for a haircut.

Binged again yesterday, worse than the day before. Twice.

Have been in and out of a sugar coma since around 4pm yesterday. I’ve been suffering the consequences all day. Just about feeling more with it now.

Now I’ve caught up here.

This evening we gather at my Dad’s for my step-brother’s birthday at 5pm.

I’m really looking forward to refocusing from tomorrow, and getting back on track with no disordered eating behaviours.



Thank you! No, but it’s a great idea to try a guided meditation. Will try this weekend


I don’t think there is a contradiction here. Gratitude is a wonderful and life affirming practice. I have found it the best antidote to foul moods and general negativity.
Taking a good look at our lives and acknowledging the parts we would like to see some change coming to is an act of courage.
Both gratitude for and a clear look at our lives are IMHO skills and practices necessary for a good life.


Honestly I think this would muddle things up too much. You’d both have to re-negotiate your roles every time you meet and even professionals don’t do that. That’s why a good physician will usually not treat a family member, friend, or colleague but refer them to someone they trust.


Will Def have a look Billy, yep I have the insight timer app :grinning:


Day 31 :white_check_mark:

Feeling a weird feeling but not giving it to much thought or letting it take over.

Keeping busy going to cook some curry.
Helped my son build a unit for his TV. This really helped distract me from silly ‘want a drink’ thoughts.
Can’t be bothered to cook or do anything but what else am I going to do ? Have an internal battle inside my head … Rather cook and keep busy lol.



@chevy55 sending you loads of energy my friend – already got a lot of work done and I’m sure you will be exhausted tonight. Wishing you luck with today’s tasks – Drive home safely.
@chase.e.u loved reading this and so very happy for you. I know some people get a sponsor from the very beginning and others wait till they are more stable in their own sobriety – you know your mind the best so reach out to one when you feel ready. IMO it can be someone as close to you as a friend and boss but you would have to be aware going in that they will be more in your face as you see them daily but that may be a good thing. :thinking: Your sponsor and you need to have a good honest relationship – so find someone that you do click with and how you respect to take criticism and hard truths from.
@wahtisnormal Ohi’m sorry that you were triggered and felt the strong urges. Hope you were able to fend them off. No good will come from drinking. Unfortunately, we will still encounter people and situations which piss us off and get right under our skin. We have to find a healthier outlet of how to deal with them and not allow them to take our peace. Hope you were able to get some zen from the podcast. Sending you loads of hugs my friend. You are doing great with your sober time!
@ceejayboi great to hear that you were able to change meds and are also working on your cravings / urges. Keep up with all the efforts friend – it does get easier. Great to see you back and posting.
@TIMETOCHANGe Way to go with your 300 days friend. Amazing work :tada: :clap: Keep going strong :muscle:
@james83 loved the ice cream treat – way to go in getting to the gym (I’m sure it helped release some anxiety / stress). Sending good vibes – hope all goes well with your son’s consultation and operation.
@iamthechange SOOOO very lovely to see you posting. Totally get why you left and I’m sorry for that. You do need to protect yourself above all else first. 140 days is so amazing friend. Glad to see you still stacking up the days! LOL – the shopping to fill in the new space is the best part – have fun with it all :people_hugging:
@misokatsu Oh I’m so sorry Flo for the loss of you classmate and dealing with death in such a manner today. It does make you think of the fragility of life and I agree that we should not just numbly go coasting along. What is the correct answer on how to live our lives? Not really sure – I think we do our best to be the best version of ourselves and try to live a happy fulfilled life. This could be different for each of us so we each have to find what brings us joy and fulfillment. :hugs:
@jonase Way to go on your 3 weeks! Glad you are feeling better – another sober weekend ahead – keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@john_connor1337 Way to go in pre-planning for tonight. We will be right here too if you should need us. Glad you are finding a healthy way to deal with the urges and that they are weakening… stay diligent my friend – you are crushing it! :muscle:


@suechu Way to go on 19 days AF! Not boring at all my friend. I basically slept for months when I first quit… do whatever you need to keep you sober and everything else will work itself out. :hugs:
@laner The nightmares can be scary and disturbing. I try to meditate as I sleep – have a light meditation going all night long and I think the happy vibes help keep my mind subconsciously away from the bad dreams. (this does not work 100% of the time but I have found that my nightmares have reduced significantly).
@mikea I am sorry that you are struggling Mike. Way to go with your 102 days of sobriety. I am sending you a virtual hug my friend :people_hugging: I do hope that the therapy helps you and you are able to find some work soon – don’t give up hope.
@charlie_c Way to go with your 40 days Charlie! Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Many healing vibes for a quick recovery.
@butterflymoonwoman sorry you had the 24 hour bug – glad you are feeling better today. Do take it easy as I know the body goes through a lot when healing from an illness. :hugs:
@catmancam Yeah those photos would have been very emotional to look through. Hope you had some happy tears too. Makes sense that you binged my friend – do be gentle with yourself. I have seen your counter stack on the days and I know you will get there again. Have fun tonight :hugs: :heart:
@twizzlers way to go with keeping yourself busy and finding ways to push the thoughts right out of your head – they need to get a move on. I’m sure you will cook up something lovely for your body and soul – enjoy my friend :hugs:

So i did have a good appointment yesterday with my new primary and today with a different OB as mine is on an personal emergency leave. Both went great and i have many new tests and referrals to follow up on. Glad that i have not lost all hope and we still have things to check and test. ODAAT. I feel mentally good at the moment (did not wake up this way – really wanted to drown myself with alcohol – luckily that notion didn’t last as i was running late for my appointment). Slept like shit but the coffee is doing it’s thang!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


What do you mean by meditating as you sleep? I try to keep a sleep schedule and have a routine to try to make it easier. Like not having caffeine after a certain time and listening to relaxing music or something nice before sleeping. Can you give an example of what you do for helping you sleep without the nightmares? My worst problem is the sleepwalking when it happens. I usually ask my neighbor to tie my door shut from the outside since I have no lock and I have the tendency to go outside when this happens which has gotten me into some sticky situations…but either way the dreams keep me from getting proper rest and cause me anxiety the next day.


Day 41 no alcohol & smoking

The days are flying by so quick , its been a great day :grinning:

Longest ive not drank is 3 days if i can remember think i was ill :joy:but this is first time ive quit drinking

Ive smoked for 35 years gave up 5 years ago lasted 3 weeks failed, gave up again 21st December 2023 was going ok :+1:

Got drunk failed February 10th 2024


Checking in on day 537 alcohol free.

Been a poor week for me, unable to work out as I’ve been laid low with a case of the man-flu, which as you’ll all know is the absolute worst kind of flu :rofl:. I’ve only just made it into the office the last few days :wink:

I’m hoping it starts to lift over the weekend.

Hope you have all had a fantastic sober Friday and enjoy your weekend.


Day 52 . Hip surgery Monday. Fighting anxiety. Sponsor said if you act erratic, life will be erratic. So hard trying to stay calm and positive. God grant me peace calm and positive energy. Thank you to all my sober friends


Day 80
Just a short checkin.
Every day matters.
My mood is dark.

Peace :v:t2:


Cheking in 2y3m20days sober as f***!! The last few days have been good! Actually good, the anxiety, the pains. My days are still a struggle and shit is going on, that I have been dealing with long time now. But I feel good!! I wish it last for ever!


@laner for me I do deep breathing and my meditation is a combination of deep breathing and inhaling / exhaling the lords name (a combo of meditation and prayer). I do also play a meditative prayer in the background that I have on a constat loop (low volume). Let me find the link of something similar online and I will send to you in a PM. You may also look into some meditations on the Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) thread that may help you. I am sorry that you are also dealing with sleep walking and the nightmares – the combination of the two can be scary. Hope that you are able to find something that helps.
@maestro Oh man the man-flu is a bear to deal with … sending you healing vibes friend – hope you recover soon :pray:
@tailee17 sending you peaceful vibes Lam… hoping you are able to find calmness and peace and not let yourself get anxious over Monday’s surgery. Hope all goes smoothly for you and you will be on your road to recovery very soon :hugs:
@juli1 HELL YEAH – 80 days is amazing Jules! Sorry that you are working through a dark mood – here for you if you need to talk. Drinking will not solve anything – you are showing some impressive strength in stacking up the days and working through life’s lifey moments.
@wakikki So good to see you checking in my friend. Amazing sober timers girl :muscle: Glad you are feeling good at the moment. I know we have to hold onto the good days and make the most of them when we get them. Hope you have a wonderful day :hugs:


Thank you for the help! I will try nearly anything to get through the nightmares and get a non scary/non-sleepwalking sleep. I get so freaked out with the sleepwalking that I end up barely sleeping. Then I’m tired all the time. And the dreams (mostly memories made more intense in my dreams) get me all out of wack during the day.


totally understandable and i’m sorry that your dreams / sleep walking are keeping you from getting rest. I do hope that this helps :pray:

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Checking in day 109 AF :blush:


Yes I will try it! Thank-you. I’ve tried a lot but am always looking for new things to try


Checking in another day sober and vape free. I think i have everything straightened out at work. I’ve been working on it all day and just did a final check in with my boss. Another hour and i will officially be on vacation. I have nothing packed and we are leaving first thing in the morning. I’m not feeling the usual stress to get everything done RIGHT NOW, which is good. Im looking forward to having a week off work and time at the beach, but other parts of the trip im not looking forward to. I have a plan to deal with all the drinking that will be going on around me and im not worried that I’ll drink. It just gets awkward at times. It’s definitely a reminder that i don’t want to go back.
Hope everyone is having a great sober Friday!