Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in day 119 AF :blush:


Scrubbing the house down! :muscle::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Checking in Day 29 AF. That’s all x


Congratulations on your 90 ODAAT’s Juli


281 days sober, just a little over 9 months. Feeling good, no physical desire to drink but mentally am a bit preoccupied by the idea still. If anything this is demonstrating just how powerful the addictive nature of alcohol is and psychologically how much more there is to deal with than just a physical refusal. Mind over matter is powerful and utterly possible with a strong group pf people around you giving support, thank you for all your help and guidance everyone.


Checking in on Day8. Thankful for another day sober. Today has been good and things will continue to get better. I’m claiming it. :muscle:t4:

It’s just me and my boys until Wednesday evening. Mom is out of town at a conference for work, with her favorite co-worker, she’s my favorite too because that’s who I get my seamoss gel from lol

Getting homework done with boys, and then it’s off to a meeting.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

I can’t commit to being happy all the time, but I can commit to being grateful, one day at a time.

Happy 24! #ODAAT :heart:


@HoofHearted thanks for the move. I don’t know where my mind was hahahah.


No worries, I do that all the time too! :laughing:


Check out, Day 115 AF

Day 2 of lawn work was easier today though I popped my knee, cursed, then hobbled for the remainder of the day. Ah to be young again. This old man pays the price for a wild life it seems…
I am a comedy of injuries it seems. Yesterday I must have had a dozen stab wounds from branches while I was chain sawing tree branches. But the property is coming along.

Tomorrow work on lawn equipment in garage, as my gym equipment is supposed to be delivered and set up tomorrow and wife goes in town for some orientation in her new job.

That said, I’m tired from a good days work and now the wind is blowing something fierce outside with water spray from waves hitting house. It’s a good sound to fall asleep too.

Gnight TS fam


Good evening TS fam! Hows everyone doing this fine Monday :slight_smile:
I managed thru another overnight. But today i really felt the effects of not sleeping. I struggled to find the energy to do anything honestly, at least in the morning. My hubby just got home at 4pm and im went to the grocery store as we need to fill our fridge and cupboards. I got the May schedule for my son. I do have a nurse coming in for May 1st and 2nd which is great! But our full time nurse is off until May 15th meaning theres some shifts needing coverage. Theres 6 shifts in May as of right now with no coverage. The scheduler said she would do her best to fill them somehow. My son is feeling a little bit better but will be staying home from school tmrw again. Going to make supper shortly, have a nice hot shower, and hopefully relax a bit before doing another overnight shift. Much love :heart:


Day 926 AF

Hey, gang.

It was my day off from work. Dropped the kid off at school, went for a 2 hr walk, and watched Batman Returns. Batman Returns was my childhood flick. It felt like an entirely different movie watching it as an adult. It’s definitely not a kid-friendly movie, :laughing:.

Not doing much right now. Listening to music. Feeling the walk. Gonna take the lil man to the playground in a bit.

It’s back to the grind tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone! ODAAT


Good to see you checking in, mate. I’ve been craving Reese’s and Kit Kat. I might sneak out for some.

Those numbers are lookin good. Keep it going! :muscle:


I hope you get the coverage for your son, friend. Hang in there.


@mel6 Well done on your 9+ of sobriety! Great to see you doing so well and experiencing the lovely benefits of living sober! Keep it going strong :muscle:
@k_s Looking fly Kenny – just saw you on the selfie thread. Great work with 8 days friend. Hope you and the boys have a good time together. Love me some good Sea Moss –was just introduced to it during the pandemic.
@chevy55 OMG friend – please do be careful – only day 2 and branch stabbings and popped knees :astonished: We need Nick in one piece :wink: Hope you get a good nights rest with that lovely sound
@butterflymoonwoman I do hope the shower and some relaxation help my friend. Best of luck with the overnight tonight. I am happy to hear that the little man is feeling better. Grateful that you will have coverage at the beginning of May but really do hope they can fill in all the slots and not ask of any more overnights from you. Do hope these people get their collective shit together. Sending you love and strength :people_hugging: :heart:

Checking in on Monday evening
495 days free of alcohol and weed
910 days free of cigarettes
My goodness my eye is really being a pain in the ass! I have tried ice and warm compresses. Even done triphala soaks - still hurts and swollen.
Got out for a quick walk and got caught in the rain - was absolutely lovely! I do enjoy a warm summer type rain.
Started watching the latest season of American Horror Story with brother. It is ok so far – i will stay hopeful that it will get better.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Keep posting your sunrises!! @Chevy55 its crazy the differences in sunrises/sunsets around the world. Your view is gorgeous!

i agree its a blessing to see the sunrise *after a good nite of sleep and not an all nite bender


Congrats on 120 days!! @tifflynn07


Ah, man. Hope ur eyeball feels bettah.


Thanks friend :pray:
Hope you’ve enjoyed your day off :hugs:

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The job interview went well. First time I wasn’t totally stressed out before and during such an event. Even if I don’t get it it’s a good experience and gives me confidence. Today it’s my experience work day. Looking forward to that. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Oosterpark.


Awesome Mno, interviews or anything similar freak me the fuck out, glad yours went well and even if you don’t get it which I’m sure you will there are positives to be taken from the experience