Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Wait! You planned to drink??

I’m happy to hear that you refrained and was able to implement your techniques to avoid. Just struggling to understand the “planning” part.
I always thought (perhaps wrongly) if drinking or partaking in any stimulation like that it would be more spontaneous.

Welcome back from the edge


Yep I woke up and planned it.
Yh that’s pretty shocking when I read it back!

I definitely feel like it’s only a matter of time if I keep just doing the same thing and not adding more to my tool box.I do have the resources to help myself I’m realising I need to be doing more though.


Congratulations on your 60 days Marie.
That’s amazing!!:star_struck:


Checking in on day 293. I’m just a little under a week behind ya, @Mischa84 ! Congrats!
Congrats to @Lighter , on your 60 days! Keep doing the amazing work!
@SelfLove_42 , congrats on reaching double digits!
Have a good one, all​:peace_symbol::pray:


First post I read this morning! Thanks for making me laugh :rofl: I did sleep pretty good but woke up with some bad allergy symptoms :sneezing_face: Give and take :balance_scale: Hope you have a good day :blush:


Hey Marie.
The Insight Timer app has been a valuable tool for me. Lots of us here use it.
There’s a search engine for almost anything.
I try plugging in ADD but I think it was using the word “add,” but when I plugged in ADHD I got this.
There’s tons of great beginner stuff on there too. I use to beat myself up because I thought I was doing it wrong. Or I couldn’t do it. My mind kept wandering and I couldn’t turn my mind off. I’ve since learned, I been doing it awhile. It’s ok. And I just keep doing it. It’s almost impossible for my to not think about things while I’m meditating. I’ve learned, with lots of practice. Let it happen and remember to go back to my breathing. Like sobriety it takes work. Like practicing free throws.

We got a thread for that too if you’re interested. Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) - #1518 by Dazercat

If you’re strong enough to get 60 days sobriety you are strong enough to learn how to meditate.

Sorry to go on so long. But it’s a HUGE tool in my tool box. And I finally don’t care if I’m doing it right or not. I just do it now because it works. Hell most times I fall asleep. Must of needed it.

Oh and 1 or 2 minutes at a time is also a great way to start. See what happens.


This is really cute. Got me laughing :sweat_smile:


Those sound like pretty great mornings :woozy_face: The shit we put ourselves through!!! Glad you’re not there anymore Joe! About this jogging to work though let’s just calm the fk down :wink::smile:


Just to be clear: You can’t turn your mind off. Never. It’s never off. Not as long as you are alive. It’s like your heart. When it stops beating you know you are in trouble :wink:
Same with your mind. You might not be conscious of your thoughts - like when you are asleep. But your mind is always thinking. Meditation is being actually conscious of your thoughts. As long as you try that, your meditation in on :sunglasses::+1:t2::person_in_lotus_position:t2:


I see. I need to tune my magical jinx powers a bit, but we are heading the right direction :mage:t2::joy:


Mid morning Tuesday check in. All is good over here! Hoping you all have the day you deserve :yellow_heart:


And that was my stumbling block. And it kept frustrating me. And also learning there’s no wrong or right way to do it helped too.


Hi everyone, checking in day 548 AF. Hurtling towards 600.

Haven’t had a great day. I split / broke one of my teeth on Friday whilst eating a mint in the office - called the dentist this morning and they got me in for an emergency extraction :mask:

Still bleeding now as I write this, although it has calmed down a bit. Hoping I’m able to eat dinner tonight.

In days gone by I’d have been reaching for a double bourbon and swishing it around my mouth. Man that would sting so much right now!

Hope you’re all doing well.


Okay so because I’m roughly 65 miles from work and an hour drive. I may have embellished my jogging ability a tiny bit :rofl:.
But yeah I won’t miss those mornings :+1:


Enjoy life on the sunny side :hugs:


I was going to ask if you worked across the street :smile: but didn’t want to come off as a smart-ass. :melting_face:


Day 311.second check in. Work is good. Also got my wife’s new website running. So that was good. Took about two days work. Now it’s just about evolving it.

I know I definitely would have struggled to have done it before I stopped drinking. I would have probably procrastinated… Now it’s a case of tweaking it and adding to it. But the bulk of it is in place. Chuffed. So chuffed I may treat myself to a macdonaflds :slight_smile:


Interesting realization. We do tend to link alcohol with the good, the bad and the ugly. It did take me a while to break all the bonds I had made with alcohol and learning to do simple tasks sober. Glad you were able to enjoy your social gathering ina a sober fashion.

@Maestro oh man I’m sorry…hope you are not in a lot of pain. Do hope you have a quick recovery :pray:t4:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Glad you are doing so well in recovery and reaping the benefits of sobriety. Thanks for the chuckle too


I definitely got a laugh out of that! Thanks Steve, via Joe


Day 63 sober