Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hi everyone, checking in day 548 AF. Hurtling towards 600.

Haven’t had a great day. I split / broke one of my teeth on Friday whilst eating a mint in the office - called the dentist this morning and they got me in for an emergency extraction :mask:

Still bleeding now as I write this, although it has calmed down a bit. Hoping I’m able to eat dinner tonight.

In days gone by I’d have been reaching for a double bourbon and swishing it around my mouth. Man that would sting so much right now!

Hope you’re all doing well.


Okay so because I’m roughly 65 miles from work and an hour drive. I may have embellished my jogging ability a tiny bit :rofl:.
But yeah I won’t miss those mornings :+1:


Enjoy life on the sunny side :hugs:


I was going to ask if you worked across the street :smile: but didn’t want to come off as a smart-ass. :melting_face:


Day 311.second check in. Work is good. Also got my wife’s new website running. So that was good. Took about two days work. Now it’s just about evolving it.

I know I definitely would have struggled to have done it before I stopped drinking. I would have probably procrastinated… Now it’s a case of tweaking it and adding to it. But the bulk of it is in place. Chuffed. So chuffed I may treat myself to a macdonaflds :slight_smile:


Interesting realization. We do tend to link alcohol with the good, the bad and the ugly. It did take me a while to break all the bonds I had made with alcohol and learning to do simple tasks sober. Glad you were able to enjoy your social gathering ina a sober fashion.

@Maestro oh man I’m sorry…hope you are not in a lot of pain. Do hope you have a quick recovery :pray:t4:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Glad you are doing so well in recovery and reaping the benefits of sobriety. Thanks for the chuckle too


I definitely got a laugh out of that! Thanks Steve, via Joe


Day 63 sober


How’s the new hip? Doing your pt?
Congrats on the 63


Thank you so much.
I’m grateful to be here again as well.
This time I’ve make some changes to really make it last. No stressful job that takes all of my energy and focus. No “friends” that creates extra stress or drama.

Just peace quiet and calm.
So not everyday in the meaning that life gets boring more like everyday in a stressful chaos.
Luckily I’m done with that.

And so grateful that y’all are being here and welcomed me back. :heart:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you


I feel that too dear friend. Please work your recovery (harder?). Invest in the stuff that helps you. Is it meetings that help you? Go the the first one you can find! You never know if you have another quit in you. Hang in there friend. Stay sober. Hugs.


Day 52 sober & smoke free

It only Tuesday knackered already roll on the wk end :sleeping: Also its great being a straight head :heart_eyes:


Thank you :people_hugging:
I do need to add more tools and get to meetings. I have never really totally committed to AA. I have been to about 6-7 meetings in my life.
I think it’s time now.

Hope your doing okay :sparkles:


I’m good thanks friend. Making myself a meal.
Personally I feel it’s even more basic. I feel you didn’t fully commit to sobriety yet. When AA can help you with that, great! We need our peers for sure. :people_hugging: :two_hearts: :people_hugging:


Yeah you have to have some treats! And hey I’ve been on my feet all day and a little choc feels better than booze!


Checking in for some sanity and empowerment. I find a bit of that and some comfort here with you.
I only slept 3 hrs last night - my daughter has a fever and needed lots of daddy TLC last night while my wife worked overnight.
I feel barely alive in my workday today.
Better day tomorrow to be had - it has to be.


I never looked at it like that (I couldn’t see that in myself), I wouldn’t of probably recognised this until later and I’m grateful for you being honest and sharing this with me.
I agree and I feel maybe I haven’t fully admitted to myself I have a problem. But I do know moving forward being sober is important to me and I am going to give it my all because this is a chance I have and I’m lucky to have been given another :people_hugging:
Thank you :sunflower:





Hip good 1 week yesterday. A little sore from being on it more than I think I should. Extra strength Tylenol only pain reliever taking now. Sobriety is really no consideration. Thank you for asking.

Relationship with someone who does not understand recovery includes no heavy chores and requires sitting., makes emotional life excruciating.

You have a great day.