Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in day 18

I have to always go back to the app to check my time because I never look at it, I go straight to the TS button lol.

I’ve started listening to The Naked Mind. Mind blowing stuff that puts all these little things that I’ve had or experienced into a nice neat audio book that has cemented by life-long commitment to sobriety.
Highly recommend it to anyone here.

I am doing this for me, my kids and my wife.
I have this absolutely amazing opportunity to raise two beautiful children and help them have an incredibly content and happy life. This is my goal.


Please reach out Haley.
Stronger together. Your words.
We will be here through the weekend with you if you like.
I’m grateful you’re back.



Didn’t have good sleep.
Hammering thoughts about the situation with landlord as soon as I woke up.


@Lisa-B I used to do that exact thing when I was sick. At first it was ‘That old wives tale says to take a shot of whiskey when you feel a cold coming on’. Then it turned to just drinking the whole time until the sickness was gone. Pretty sure that just extended the suffering :roll_eyes:

@Lighter The build up for this eclipse is crazy. I’ve been reading that several hotels nearby have canceled reservations that were made monthes ago with no explanation. Pretty sure they just want to price gouge last minute.

@Timetochange Weird you mentioned tinnitus. I’ve had very minor bouts of it for years, but I’ve been experiencing it a lot recently. Maybe the weather? :thinking:

@suechu Welcome :pray: I remember body odor being extremely noticeable in the first week sober. I was sweating so much, especially my feet (they’ve always been stinky, but this was next level) My breathe smelled like death as well :nauseated_face: It’s your body flushing toxins. It gets better soon :blush:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 38.

My cousin called yesterday and desperately wanted to come over.
She’s on Easter break and was probably tired of hanging around with my aunt.
I live my aunt, I’m the only relative from my father’s side who talks with the family on his side.

Not sure how I became the cool cousin, since I’m about 20 years older than my cousin and says pretty muytge same things as my aunt does. But I’m glad I’m the one she feels she can turn too. She calls pretty often just to talk, or when she doesn’t agree with my aunt. :smiling_face:

A little nervous for that visit, she’s only been here once before. My aunt’s family is rich, their apartment and summer house both by the sea is perfect in every way, and always perfectly clean. Our house, well… let us just say it needs plenty of renovations still. We collects dust and spider webs in the corners too. If someone asks I usually says that I want Halloween to feel authentic :laughing:

Finally managed to get a doctors appointment for my 14 y/o today. I’ve been chasing that appointment for about 4 months now. Called them yesterday and said that they have to fix this asap. Luckily they had something who canceled their appointment today, so I got it.
Let us just hope that they will write that medical referral to the psychiatric hospital now.

Long post as usual today. But I have to share this conversation I had with my boys about this app yesterday.

Me logging in here.

My boys: What’s that app, sober times? What’s community?

Me: It’s an app with people from the entire world, who had decided that they don’t want to drink alcohol or be addicted to other things anymore.
Community means something like a group of people, or a society.

My boys: So you’re saying that there is a society with people who wants to stay clean and sober, and that you’re a part of it?

Me: That’s right.

My boys: That’s… That’s, Very Good, Very Good. Tell them that.

So from my boys to all of you.
Very Good! :blush:



Today was up and down. Very hard to wake up this morning. My eyes were so heavy but I caught myself before letting them shut again for ‘just for a minute’ :clown_face: Once I showered and got to work I was fine. It would’ve been the most boring day of my life except I didn’t know I was training a new girl, so at least I had someone to talk to. Very easily at that. I like her, and she seems like she’ll catch on quick.

I wrapped the presents my daughter already knew about (bc she wanted to open them :joy:), but wasn’t able to buy any other surprise presents. When I finished wrapping them, a wave of sadness hit me. I actually cried a few tears. Highly unusual for me but I think I’m just exhausted and overwhelmed by everything going on. This here explains what’s been weighing on me today if interested. It’s really fucking irritating.

I did call the other agency and put the dispute in motion. Nothing will happen for at least 30 days when I’m mailed something from them I have to show my agency. Then another 90 days at least to take it off my record. Not gonna see any reimbursements for a while :face_exhaling: Just trying to think of the positives. I just paid every bill I have so I really don’t have much to worry about aside from the party Monday. Better get some rest bc it’s my daughter’s birthday tomorrow! Want to have a great afternoon with her before she goes back to her dad’s. Which, btw, just got fired today without reason! Not gonna think about that. Goodnight all you rockstars :star2:



Writing class was and is nice. I’m happy I joined. Both the writing itself, and the stuff we are learning and challenged to practice with, and the social aspect. This group of (young) people I would never have met otherwise. And who I’ll very probably not make friends with but that doesn’t matter. Not every interaction needs to be deep and meaningful but we all do need interactions with other human beings. I sure do.

Meeting my therapist this morning. That’s good, got some stuff to talk about although specifics are hard to come up with right now. She’ll help with that. And tomorrow we’re going to have one day of summer. Gotta enjoy that in between the wet days. Will plan something nice. Have as good a day as you can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@CATMANCAM One day at a time friend :hugs:
@Hayleylujah Happy to see you back friend. One day at a time for all of us.
@Twizzlers So excited for your catio project friend! Keep us all posted here! :tiger2: :house_with_garden: :carpentry_saw: :hammer_and_wrench: :construction_worker_woman:
@Englishd Nice one Derek.
@Butterflymoonwoman Hoping you’re finding some well earned rest Dana. :zzz:
@Juli1 Sorry for your bad sleep Julia. Please be absolutely sure that trying to deal with the situation by using old coping mechanisms (like drinking) isn’t going to help with anything. Quite the opposite. Hugs friend. :people_hugging:
@MrsOdh We’re doing dialogue in writing class. That one form you just brought a tear to my eye :smiling_face_with_tear: Love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Just_Laura Sorry Laura. That IS infuriating. It will be resolved though right. Deep breaths. Sleep well X


Day 22. Woke up super early and am heading to the gym for a spin class this morning. I was out for dinner last night at a favourite restaurant and the only one not drinking. Was triggering for literally seconds but then my brain shut that down quickly, interesting. I can guarantee I’m the only one who went to the meal last night off to the gym before 7am today!

Have great days all


135 sugar
33 UPF
6 gluten
— dairy
6 overeating/binge

With the food choices available I’m pausing my dairy counter for the vacation. Instead I’m going to try a caffeine free day as I feel it might be worsening my anxiety episodes.

I had a good night, my daughter’s migraine is gone and we are ready for the zoo.

Let’s all try for a day of peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


125 days
Good day at work. Quiet, as I was in a role today that is generally quiet. It did give me a chance to do some training with some of the guys on the crew helping them to further their qualifications.
We have a bar at work for after shift, today I had the briefest of thoughts to go and have a beer after work. Just a fleeting thought that I pushed out of my mind.
Before that thought arrived I was thinking maybe to go and just hangout and have a 0% beer. Aftr that thought I figured best not to risk it and just went home.
Back to work tomorrow. Looking foward to another good day


Good thinking on the bar stuff friend. We can see the addicted mind at work, looking for wriggling space and a way back into your life. Well spotted and well taken care of. On we go. Good night.


I envy my couch potato many times @tailee17
For example when I have a busy day ahead :wink:
Like you mentioned, early recovery is a lot. Sometimes I felt like such a circus acrobat who tries (and manage) to keep all those turning plates on sticks above their head :hugs:
A plate for non drinking, a plate for the husband, one for work, one for our children, one for friends, one for family, one for housechores, one for working out, etc.
Sometimes a plate felt. And sometimes I choose to get some out because there were less important and I had to focus more on the other ones. 37 days is great Tam! You will get your balance, give it time.
And for the couch potato? I wouldn’t trade our lives ever despide my minutes of envying her. She sleeps, eats and repeat.
Boring!! :joy::sweat_smile::joy:


That’s so nice of them, and also very smart of them to realize what it’s all about. I know they have to be very proud of their Mom. :purple_heart::heart::purple_heart::heart::purple_heart::tulip::tulip::tulip::tulip::tulip::tulip:Big thank you to them :rabbit2::black_cat::rabbit::peach::kissing_heart::blossom:for them. @MrsOdh


Yep. No words. Day one. Kept falling down that rabbit hole. But climbing back out again i shall commence again.


Love your resilience :muscle:


Get back up and at them x


99 problem days, but the drink weren’t one of them.

Keep fighting :muscle:t3:


This old fart 13,717


564 days AF - 2 days Nic Free

Been sick the last week, no gym, managed 1 day of work othehrwise its been nothing more than resting and eating.

Going to attempt the gym tomorrow because i hate slacking and im feeling well enough to get back in there.

Have managed to cut smoking right back the last week and a bit so i have finally had a couple of smoke free days consecutively so heres to keeping that going.

Hope all is well sober whanau


Just back from the Doctor’s appointment.

He said that our 14 y/o is s textbook example for Autism. (We already knew that) But besides that there’s was absolutely nothing to worry about.

He might weight way under the average but he still grows length wise. He might be having some special eating habits, but if we let him, he will regulate nutrition himslef as long as he has access to all he needs to do so.

And if he only wants to eat powerbars he can do that until he gets tired of it.

I already knew this, but having schools from all sides, and family pushing us to feed him, pushing him to eat more made it so nice to hear that we can just keep on doing what we’re doing and don’t have to worry.

Now I just need to get ahold of the school nurse who haven’t been available all week.