Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

Ah I feel to send you some big hugs my friend :people_hugging::people_hugging:
Feeling terrified all the time is no joke, it’s draining and then panick attacks as well with all everything - I get dizzy and all sorts so just want to say I hope today goes easy on you, and for me when I’m like this I’m also very lonely and only have my 21 yr old son (who as is my child won’t burden him with my problems, so pretending to be ok is draining also) so when this happens to me which is alot I feel even more alone. So I want you to know your not alone and I understand what your going through, just so you don’t feel so alone through it too.
Not that we want anyone else to suffer but there is some comfort in knowing that someone out there understands how it can feel.
Hope your okay :people_hugging:


Thank you. This means a lot. You are right. When we feel good it’s easy to share and be open. But when I feel miserable I tend to get so inside myself and into my thoughts, argh. Then I feel alone, isolated, it’s an ugly circle.
Isolation is the enemy of sobriety. Connection is the opposite of addiction. I have to be reminded of that every day. Thank you!!!
Now I do feel a bit clearer, I know this will pass, I know I am not alone, and I know that too much ‘inside’ is not going to make anything better. Putting one foot in front of the other will at least get stuff done and may, maybe, make things a bit lighter.
Thanks again.
I also am sorry to hear you’re feeling miserable. Some days just start shitty. Productivity at least helps to pass the time and you might feel at least a sense of accomplishement later on. Sending you hugs and energy to get through this day :people_hugging: :battery:


Thank you :blush:

Yes definitely keep reaching out, no need to go it alone. :sunflower:

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A two week headache can, that’s for sure!:rage:


Having a burst of energy at 1am :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I don’t get angry often, but I’m fuming right now :rage: Like, racing heart, flushed face, pacing my house mad. Fasten your seat belts, it’s story time.

So, 2 years ago I get a call from my car insurance agency. They’re asking me all these weird questions about an accident I was in, who was pressing charges, court dates, and if I had a lawyer yet. I had no idea what they were talking about. I was still drinking and started second guessing myself, scared that it was possible. I was drinking to blackout every now and then, and I would drive to get more drinks sometimes and not remember the drive the next day. So I was thinking maybe a camera caught me in a hit and run :woman_shrugging: Except, nothing was wrong with my car, and I live no where near the scene. I was on the phone half the day arguing it wasn’t me and then we finally figured out it was someone in my area, with my name, who had my insurance, but not my birthday! Not me :tada: Happy that it was resolved and they even sent me a letter confirming this mistake. Haven’t really thought much about it since.

Fast forward to right now. My 6 month auto policy is due tomorrow, which is already irritating that it’s always the day before my daughter’s birthday. I was checking how much it was to make sure I had enough credit, and transfer a payment if not. It should’ve been under $1,000, but it was $1,500! So I’m navigating their site to figure out why this was and something told me to check my claims. The only accident that should’ve been there was when I hit a deer in 2020, but sure enough there was one from 2022…‘hitting stationary object’. Not me! Got on the phone with my agency and apparently they have nothing to do with claims, some other agency does all that. What?! I have to contact them and dispute this, even tho it was their fuck up! I’m still being charged the amount that someone else should be paying and won’t be reimbursed until it’s settled. Why the fuck is this MY problem?! Oh, and their office is closed right now!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: #$%@^&$^#&#?


Oh no, that’s stressful!
If they are closed now, try to switch off from it all for a bit. Because you will be dealing with it over next few days so if was me Iv learnt/learning to stop when something I’m doing becomes overwhelming and frustrating and stop. I’d Look at it like work. I’d set times to deal with the situation then when that times up I stop.
Still working progress me learning this new behaviour.

But yh that’s a bad mistake on their end.
My energy company had some totally different date of birth for me the whole time I’d lived here. And because I didn’t know what the date of birth they had as it wasn’t mine it was a long progress forward for security reasons.
If we hadn’t moved temporarily for the building works id never have known.

Hope it gets sorted quickly. The one thing to make sure of is that your insured still, even though they have a mistake on the system.



Thanks :blush: I honestly felt better by the time I finished writing that. I just had that momentary “I need to vent to someone, anyone, about this right now!” I almost called my parents just to tell the story :joy: I’ve never been one to hold onto anger for very long. As soon as I realized how debilitating it is, I learned to let go rather than stew in it. Look for the bright side. Which is, eventually I’m going to be refunded a great deal of money. Just sucks losing that extra $500 right now. I’m paying about $500 for my daughters birthday party Monday. I lost a paycheck this month being sick. Unemployment didn’t give me my last payment for some reason. Still haven’t seen any child support. I blew through my tax return on debts from last year, which were caused by debts from the year before. This will put me back on shaky ground for a while. Money can FRO! I hate that we need it to survive. And that we just keep needing more and more :tired_face:


:people_hugging::orange_heart: Better days ahead, friend! It will get sorted. It will take a frustrating ton of patience and too fucking long, but it will. Insurance and claim fuck ups can FRO, yep.
But you? You came here and vented your sober ass off and that makes you amazing. As does hosting a bday party for your kiddo AND single-working-momming it!
Proud to be on your side and proud of you! :muscle::wink:


Awe :people_hugging: It felt like I needed to read that. Thanks Emm :smiling_face: I’m so grateful for you and this supportive community :heart:


Oh back at’cha!
I’m having a day where most of my interactions with humans (IRL, on the phone, in work zoom mtgs - basically everyone except TS peeps) have been a little spicy. Crank it up one or two more :hot_pepper: :hot_pepper: and it can all FRO!
Time for a little :sleeping_bed: :sleeping: and tomorrow will be :rainbow: :unicorn:, right? :sweat_smile:


This is maybe the new anthem of this thread :wink::

Stay strong friends!


I have the same with ppl using LOL all the time, sometimes in totally random situations. That’s pissing me off, lol.


Sleep well :blush: here it’s already tomorrow and up to now the day is fine. Sending :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower: to you!

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Getting a histamine reaction from all kinds of kinds… I know this usually spikes shortly before my period. But right now it really is a total pain as I get them from stuff I normally tolerate well like coffee or tomatoes. At this point I don’t know if all my symptoms are hormones, histamine or whatnot. Doesn’t make my trip easier :roll_eyes:


Love it!:star2::star2::star2::star2:

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Flu & coughs can FRO


Turkeys that dig in my garden beds can FRO! :laughing:


Damn dinosaur birds! :turkey:


Oh yeh to all those 50ber, but please explain getting your leg kick checked by a knee, is this just a random knee that happened to be passing? Asking for a friend…