Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

99 problem days, but the drink weren’t one of them.

Keep fighting :muscle:t3:


This old fart 13,717


564 days AF - 2 days Nic Free

Been sick the last week, no gym, managed 1 day of work othehrwise its been nothing more than resting and eating.

Going to attempt the gym tomorrow because i hate slacking and im feeling well enough to get back in there.

Have managed to cut smoking right back the last week and a bit so i have finally had a couple of smoke free days consecutively so heres to keeping that going.

Hope all is well sober whanau


Just back from the Doctor’s appointment.

He said that our 14 y/o is s textbook example for Autism. (We already knew that) But besides that there’s was absolutely nothing to worry about.

He might weight way under the average but he still grows length wise. He might be having some special eating habits, but if we let him, he will regulate nutrition himslef as long as he has access to all he needs to do so.

And if he only wants to eat powerbars he can do that until he gets tired of it.

I already knew this, but having schools from all sides, and family pushing us to feed him, pushing him to eat more made it so nice to hear that we can just keep on doing what we’re doing and don’t have to worry.

Now I just need to get ahold of the school nurse who haven’t been available all week.


Thank you, I’ll tell the boys that their message got through.

Writing dialogue is so much fun.
It’s so much easier to explain a conversation by just writing out the dialogue as well.


Day 91 AF

Happy Friday everyone

Hitting gym for a kettlebell, squat, crunch workout, then hoping to catch a little hike between rain falls. Pretty heavy fogged in day on the North Atlantic Coast, but 5 degs celcius, so take it when I can.
Legs are still killing me from this workout two days ago, hopefully I can stretch them out enough so as not to strain anything.
Trainer wants me to increase weights on my superset that I do every second day starting tomorrow, so that’s back into the suck zone after it became somewhat easier to push through.

That’s all that’s happening here. Pretty quiet as we start contacting our last season customers and some new ones to start back up our little landscape biz. From being an executive to doing a physical, hands on labor job, I gotta say, I certainly am looking forward to the landscape gig for my second season. Fresh seaside air and newly cut grass, is there anything better smelling?? I’m not sure. But I certainly do enjoy it.

Best to you all


Checking in 40 days.

Last day of work trip. Hoping to do the best I can at work and excited to get home. I am checking out of the hotel this morning so I think once I am out. temptations will lighten up.


Day 88 AF
Day 206 Cocaine Free

Good day talking sober family. It’s been a few days since I’ve checked in. Doing good, taking it ODAAT. Starting to see some of the miracles promised when in recovery. I am so grateful for this new way of life.

Meeting with my lawyer next week to finalize family court documents and serve my ex. Starting work at a new school in a week. Nervous for both, but will not use or drink over the fear. Trusting all will be well. Will catch up on the thread later. Hope everyone has the best day ever! Happy 24​:pray:t5::purple_heart:


I can think of a lot of things that smell better, I’m extremely allergic to grass :laughing:

And a lot of other things as well.
My 12 y/o says I’m allergic to everything tasty or fun,even Christmas (Christmas trees,hay, hyacinths,nuts,milk protein,gluten,and I’m asthmatic so no strong smells) :smiling_face:

Don’t forget to rest in between the gym sessions, muscles also needs rest to grow.

Weather is the same over here, very foggy. We only have about +2 degrees Celsius.


Day 1203,

Brought my son to the train station, he is visiting his girlfriend this weekend. He skipped school, his mother called in some kind of frantic way. I hang up during the “conversation” called my son and drove him to the station, explaining the consequences. Among others that he will be traveling without a valid ticket for the time he is traveling. He said he will talk himself out of it if it happens, let’s see if he has some same traits as his dad :joy::joy:

Having a date tomorrow, discussed it with my sponsor. Feels good, we had some phone calls last few days. She seems to like my phone voice she said :see_no_evil:. No rushing, will be hard. Often ended horizontal the first date, no go this time, my mind of course thinks otherwise.

Have a good day :pray::heart::pray:


lol, yeah it can be a bugger for some. Me I love it though. That said new baby smell and new car smell is sweet as well, but I like mowed lawn the best.
As for rest, I definitely try and target different muscle groups on opposing days. They all get their 48hr break and then one solid day off once per week, albeit I try and get a hike in on my off day and soon some bike rides for fun.

Hang in Sophie, that warm weather is gonna get to us soon :heart:, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:… haha.

A pic from one of my customers last summer… what an office view eh?


Day 1333

Not kept up with this thread in a long time. Happy to have a quick look and see familiar names, and excited to see new ones.
Although classes haven’t started yet, have had meetings and endless emails to make me feel back in work mode. And it has made me feel much better: productive, prouder, and able to control binge eating.
Honestly, those fleeting thoughts of alcohol were getting a bit frequent. I kept ruminating on the idea that there is a shop with metal containers of a liquid that could take me away from reality for a while just around the corner. Pure fear that one escape would send me right back into addiction kept me away.
I need to better handle my time off. In my head I know it is a domino effect, sitting around watching and eating rubbish makes me feel like rubbish. And then I get irritable and defensive.
But glad that bed rotting was the worst of my sins. I actually always cooked and did laundry, just not the tidying and extra stuff I planned.


Checking in 5m16d

My sister gave birth to a baby boy and baby girl just before midnight last night! I’m so proud of her; it’s her second pregnancy and the last month has been pretty rough on her just with everything that pregnancy brings. I am full of gratitude today that her husband is who he is tbh, he’s an absolute diamond - Babies are both well, she’s well although both her and her husband are exhausted.

I think I have found the “dream job” (not that anyone dreams about work) so hopefully, :crossed_fingers:, that will come my way! I have a pretty airtight CV and a bit of nepotism on my side so all being well! It’s a step up from a Head Chef role where i would be looking after the operation of many bistros, restaurants, cafes etc and it involves travel to mainland Europe and is about double the pay I’m used to. So :crossed_fingers: fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

So, I mentioned to @MrsOdh privately but as it’s been mentioned in other threads… The very day I closed the door on one relationship, God must’ve i intervened because a beautiful woman who I’ve known a while made a move! She also knows my sister :joy: and over the last 3/4 years, anytime we’ve connected one of us has been dating someone. So that was a feel good after a let down; it’s good to know I’m not totally undesirable :joy:

Sobriety feels really good right now :slight_smile: Just because things don’t always pan out the way you want them to, doesn’t mean it’s not the way it’s meant to :slight_smile:


Day 164
Happy Friday!!Have a great day everyone!!


Huge congratulations to your family today.
New babies are always amazing.

So many things seems to go your way now. It’s wonderful to see.
So exciting with the dream job as well.

My uncle has a theory that we always end up where we need to be. It might not be where we wanted to be originally, but where we need to be. And the souls we connect with are the same souls we always connect through eternity.


My daughter had a phase where she would only eat butter and cheese. Butter by the table spoon. No idea why. Phase ended at some point. Years later child is still doing fine. The times people pestered us about her needing to eat veggies :roll_eyes:


Nice to hear from you :hugs:


Great news all around!!


Minute by minute April. :people_hugging:


I’m not sure how much they bench yet but I’ll let you know lol

My sponsor has been saying to me for a while “You’ll do whatever you do Josh. But you need to let go of this girl and the rest of your life will come to”. There was me thinking if I got the girl, I’d get the life but it seems I was very wrong. I should probably listen to my sponsor a bit more - He had exactly the same situation in his early days so it’s not like he doesn’t know. And it’s not like I don’t listen to him! He told me as it is “You’re an alki Josh, you obsess like the rest of us but give time time - It’ll come to you. God always does”