Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 400
That calls for a check-in!

I should be alright, I should be okayā€¦ nothing bad happened, days just keep rolling by and sober days keep stacking up.

Itā€™s still school holidays here and next week I start my new volunteer management position. I still have some training to do. It shouldnā€™t be a big thing, but Iā€™m slowly starting to freak out. Why have I agreed to take on this position? What do I need to do? How does the computer system work? What if I get asked questions and donā€™t know the answer? What about my questionsā€¦ who do I ask?
So yeah, atm Iā€™m just trying to hold it together, because I feel like im way over my head with this. Iā€™m not thinking of picking up a drink, but at this rate the UK is heading towards a chocolate shortage :wink:

On a positive note: Iā€™m off to the big shopping mall with my daughter today.


HolySquid, 400! Mighty impressive work you! Big congrats. Congrats also on challenging yourself. Thatā€™s where growth occurs. Good reminder for myself too. Enjoy your shopping day with your daughter.

edit: Itā€™s the 400th post in the thread too! :crystal_ball: :woman_mage:


Congratulations on 400 fellow cephalopod!


400! Frenetic clapping with my (two) hands. :clap::clap:
Mini reminder:
You donā€™t actually need to have all the answers. Youā€™ll figure it out on the way! Itā€™s gonna be fun, youā€™ll see!


22 days.

Feels like a lifetime ago I stopped drinking. Itā€™s great to know Iā€™m going to keep feeling better every day for a long time. I also know that now is the time to really stay focused and not slip up. 1 month is coming up quick then the milestones start taking longer.

When I quit smoking, for the first year when asked if I smoke or if Iā€™d like a smoke, Iā€™d say no, I havenā€™t had a cigarette for 2 months, 5 months, 6 months etc. once I got to a year, I started just saying that I donā€™t smoke. Iā€™m going to do the same with drinking. Once I get to a year, I just donā€™t drink. Iā€™m not a drinker.


:wink: 10-4
@acromouse No not hypnotizing :sweat_smile:


:rofl: :heart: Keep ridin friend :heart: :rofl:


Hello, Day 11 here.

Going to a meeting later in the evening. Otherwise just trying to survive and make plans with some friends for when I get better.

Itā€™s unbelievable that I still maintain some friendships even after everything. However, this should be the final straw for me. The moods changed drastically.

They donā€™t really show it because they are both too kind for their own good. But I can feel the distrust and the lingering resentment.

Guess thatā€™s just the consequences of my actions.

I should really just be grateful that they are still in imy life. So Iā€™m gonna try to do just that.

Hooefully everybody else is okay. :slight_smile:


Day 3. Struggled with sleep, so nackered. Going to have a relaxing day today and get in to some of the stuff Iā€™ve been missing since my drinking got a lot heavier over lockdown. Get my art stuff out (or buy new) and have a read. Have a great day everyone.


Day 168.
Been working a lot,some days I feel overwhelmed, trying to put one foot in front of the other, the struggle is in the struggle :upside_down_face:


Congratulations @HolySquid


Day 39

Itā€™s too early so I might as well check in. Stormy day with egg-sized hail! The weather report really said that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Actual eggs might be preferable to egg-sized ice bombs! I just got a new roof after the last hail event. Iā€™ll take rain please. :slight_smile:

Happy to be sober. Bad sleep but no hangover. It will be a good day.

Have an excellent day :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Day290:) working 7-3 today then grabbing some fresh air. Will also do some readingā€¦ And just reflecting on where I am at with things.

I do knkw before this time of not drinking, I found it really really hard to stop. It took me about three years to get back on track. Three years! So Iā€™m going to stay pretty humble about this all forever


Hey all, checking in on day 1395. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on a well earned 100 days JenƩ

Super proud of your accomplishment.


Wasnā€™t it spectacular?!? So glad you got to see it!


So incredibly tragic. My condolences. Alcohol absolutely kills.


Nice work HS!! Thatā€™s like 4 complete bingo cards in the 100 day challenge. Yer busting it. Way to go.


Keep on keeping on Danny. That sleep will come.

Art eh? I was a pretty decent art student in my day. What a great pastime to have to distract and be absorbed. Hopefully weā€™ll get to see some of it down the road.


Well day 95 AF

Thank you @Steve92, @JazzyS, @K_S and others for your note on school mate. Itā€™s shitty when you think the only way out is to do something so final. It leaves a large hole for the family and friends to figure out. Just sad really.

Otherwise, got my hour superset done yesterday that I failed on two days previouslyā€¦ just exhausted I think for the first attempt of that weight increase, but persevered. Got the bike ride in with wife for an hour. Met a new landscape client for summer that we will take onā€¦ have 2 more I need to meet this week sometime also.

My time lapse of eclipse didnā€™t take but we had front row seat over the water for a cloudless spectacular. It was pretty surreal. It grew so quiet for those moments when it was completely covered. Eery.

Today I am finally building the two walls in container storage so I can move all my landscaping tools and hang properly. Then the little shed that is used for them currently will be moved across my driveway (by stupid brute force and a couple logs) to its new resting area and I willl convert into a sort of greenhouse/garden shed for my wife. Needs new floor, new roof, polycarbonate panels on roof as well as a window and glass door to let in the light. Iā€™ll surprise her with a little deck on the front where she can prop a chair and a little coffee table to sit and enjoy her gardensā€¦. But shhhh, that will be a surprise. Weather is finally decent enough to stop hiding out insideā€¦

Wow, this is a mouthfulā€¦ haha
Anyway. Loving 95 days sober life, losing weight, getting fitter and being productive and proudā€¦ what a life this is!!
