Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

So lucky I saw a total solar eclipse today, sober. The clouds broke up as it started to get dark. The sun shrank to a fingernail, then suddenly a ring with a black center. Most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. Dramatic. Birds screeching until totality, then they just went silent, the air got colder and you could hear people cheering. Fantastic.

:white_check_mark:day 38 :heart:


Thank you my friend. Individual therapy today and was such a positive session. Just what I needed.


Beautiful day. So sleepy now. So happy to have had the day witj my daughter and that its so nice out! Working on a few things with her around communicating. Off to bed now :slight_smile: Work tomorrow and Im happy aboit that xo. Sleep tight everyone happy 24.


I lost another old friend to alcoholism today. He was 40. Today was my day off and while I didn’t have big plans I spent the day sleeping. Now I’m eating pizza in bed and reading books. Stay the course folks. Alcohol can kill you.


@EarnIt congrats in 100 days, Jené. :muscle:t4:

@tailee17 congrats on 40 days. Self control is something I could use some work on as well. I hope therapy will start to get better. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Leigh231 welcome to the community, good job on 2 days. I’m glad you’re feeling okay. I remember the sweats and hallucinations—I take it as you’re detoxing and having withdrawals? Medical detox is the safest way. Hope you feel better soon, buddy. :muscle:t4:

@JennyH congrats on 15 days, Jenny. Keep on keepin’ on. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@NewBeginning1 way to go on Day17/18. Hope you come up with a game plan for your days off, an idle mind is the devils workshop. Think of the things you like to do, that don’t trigger you to use. Keep on keepin’ on. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@james83 keep on kickin’ it bro. Congrats on 25 days. :fist_right::fist_left:

@danny81 glad you’re here checking in on day 2. Hope you had an amazing day. Staying busy is good. Keep on keepin’ on! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@MrFantastik congrats on 128 days! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@MrsOdh congrats on 41 days, Sophia! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:
So sorry to hear that about your old neighbor. That is tragic, I can only imagine the amount of pain they’re experiencing right now. :pleading_face::pensive:

@Chevy55 so true! Congrats on 94 days!
I love it, man. Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:


@sigurdurerik congrats on 701 days! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Tragicfarinelli hopefully you’ll get some rest tonight. Congrats on 102 days, keep on fighting​:fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@Pattycake congrats on 271 days, Patricia! :muscle:t4:

@Timetochange so glad you found a “thing” that’s works so well for you! Congrats on 289 days! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@eric_ptr keep on keepin’ on. 14 days!! Sooo happy for you. :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@Noshame congrats on all of your sobriety achievements! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@Lighter Congrats on 38 days! Hope the solar eclipse was everything you wanted and more.

@Alejondra you are enough. Congrats on 245 days sober! I hope you can practice gratitude and find those reason why you are. I hope you’ve had a good day and you’re able to get some good rest tonight. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@sober26 welcome to the community and thread. Congrats on 14 days! Once I stopped drinking, I found it very hard to fall asleep, and also stay asleep. I tried to everything that was recommended. Reading, listening, blind fold, melatonin, journaling. I had to start taking something for sleep and slowly start trying to wing myself off. Remeron and Doxepin are the names of it. I hope you find something that works for you to get some rest. I remember as a kid, I would be the first one up, last one to fall asleep, hated taking naps…as I got older I was wishing I could get some of that time back and finally get that sleep I missed out on. Hahahah. Now I love naps and bedtime. Anyway I know I’m rambling. Congrats and welcome! :metal:t4::muscle:t4: keep on keepin’ on!

@JonasE seems like your boss is very understanding, that’s a major plus, hope all is well. Congrats on day 10! Keep on keepin’ on


@Lainenicole96 I understand the “just trying to survive” vibes—congrats on day 3! Glad you have a potential “sober friend” on your hands. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:
Wish you the best with that.

@Seizetheday congrats on 98 days AF, Hannah! :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@suechu congrats on day 8, Susan! :muscle:t4:

@Kvee congrats on 30 days! Keep on keepin’ on!

@Charlie_C congrats on 29 days, Charlie! Busy is good. Keep up the good work. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Juli1 congrats on 69 days, Julia. :muscle:t4:

@nick_1985 congrats on all of your sobriety achievements, nick! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Hayleylujah busy is good and so glad you’re feeling much better! I’m sure that picture makes you very proud as well!

Night check in. Day 108.

Just a regular night over here, y’all. After school activities, homework, dinner, baths, quiet time, now getting boys laid down for bed. I have no complaints today, but if I did, it wouldn’t matter hahahah. Hope everyone had a fantastic day.
#ODAAT :heart:


Nasty disease. I am so sorry for your loss Emilie :broken_heart: Sending you hugs and love :heart: :people_hugging:


Day 15 I told myself i was going to do this daily and that lasted like 3 days. I have been busy with NA and work. I am so thankful for finding NA. Like most things i do i have gone all the way in on NA. I am developing friendships with other guys that also ride harleys and they have planned out a bunch of rides this summer. They call it riding for recovery i am super stoked about it all


Checking in 43 days under my belt. had a good long day. Got to see the eclipse today. That was super awesome. It was a nice change of pace for my normal work day to only work half a day. Looking forward to getting back on a normal work schedule.



The eclipse was pretty cool. As usual, western NY weather stroke again. Party cloudy in the morning, moving into total overcast from 11am-5pm, then sunny by 6pm. Our totality was at 3:18 :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Around 2:45 it began to get noticeably darker. We walked over to the park next door and the only other people was one of the newer couples in my building. You couldn’t even tell where the sun was in the sky, but when the time came, it got dark real fast. The streetlights came on! The neighbors began to play Total Eclipse of the Heart :joy: Then it felt like it got lighter even faster then it got dark. Such a weird experience. It was really something.

A few hours later we went down to my daughter’s birthday party. I felt like I was rushing so much and was a little stressed on the way but after a few minutes, and guests arriving, I calmed down. It was a nice little party. I hadn’t gotten an rsvp from her best friend but she showed up anyways, which made me really happy for her. Then, when we were leaving I asked her dad “Wait. How are you getting home?”, bc I never asked him, and he goes :man_shrugging: Well, he’s sleeping here again bc I was not about to take him home tonight :unamused: He’s excited to wake up with her and be able to put her on the bus bc he never has. I was happy to think I could sleep in, but I’m sure I’ll get up anyways to make sure everything is right and ready. Hope you all had a great day and next 24 hours! Until then :heart:


Good morning all, awwwww I’m buzzing this morning, only day 3 but feel great. well it’s just turned 4am here in the UK, I’ve just finished my meditation, only intended to do 30 mins but tbh I was that deep I ended up doing 45mins. I love mediation, I’ve been doing it about 30years so get deep really quick, no mind chatter and that, I few minutes after I put my attention on my heart center it’s like my body dissolves and I just become vibrating energy, connecting with my true essence, bliss. I always start by giving gratitude and thanks for my last relapse or any bad things that have happened to me because I believe it was meant to happen to teach me a lesson, another step closer to success, then send my love and healing to all those around the world in need of it, then just sit there in bliss. So now it’s off out for a 3mile walk/jog, it’s only like 4:10am here so no one will be around, whoop whoop, just me silence and nature. Then home and look through my charts though but no trading until after the US CPI data release tmoz, must stay disciplined. Anyway hope everyone is doing fine and have a great day all…X x x


. 11

Zoom Out :mag_right: :jigsaw:


So sorry for your loss :disappointed_relieved::sunflower:


Thank you. Therapy I think is making a positive change already.


Thank you,you don’t have to be sorry about that.
It was a nice mentioning. And there’s no way you could have an idea about my earlier post.
It’s one of many, following all the posts on the check in thread is sometimes a difficult task.


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 42.

Thank you all for your condolences.
It’s all very tragic.

Yesterday I was mostly on the phone, with family, extended family and friends about this house fire.

The entire community and church has got together to help the surviving mother and daughter in a way I’ve actually never seen before.
And there’s a lot of fundraising going on on FB.

Me and my family (and extended family) raised a little bigger amount of money. All the clothes and other items we could get, that they needed asap. And my sister who’s a close friend the surviving mother’s sister. Made sure that the family got it personally from us yesterday. Instead of waiting for a fundraising to be done.
We also told them that all of us is here to help. And if there’s anything we can do to help they are welcome to contact us anytime.

It felt good to be able to make some kind of difference for them even if it’s a small one.
You feel so powerless when things like that happens.

But I slept better tonight knowing that we at least did something.


Day 296. I went on vacation last week to the beach alone. I didn’t leave the house except to buy food. I isolated and binged on YouTube and video games. It felt good to not have to worry about the anxiousness of social interactions but I’ve become aware of how much time I’m wasting.

39 year old male. Never married. No kids.

I think I’m destined to be eaten by cats.


Good to have you and your movies here @zzz
Keep on trucking :wink: :truck: :articulated_lorry:


*Day 2029 :walking_woman:
A close friend of mine is in rough waters lately. She has had a brain tumor 10 years ago, had an operation and recovered. Kept minor side effects like looking for words in a conversation and trouble with focus. Last year she got more problems with speaking and also physical problems. The doctors discover that she has brain atrophy :sweat: A short wile after that she felt and broke her hip and shoulder. After a long time in hospital she is home now but can barely walk. They had to sell there house because of all the stairs in it and are moving to an appartment next week. She can’t be alone anymore so we made a schedule so family and friends can be there each day to help. She was the co worker I always looked up to because she was alway so positive and authentic. I try to be a bit like her :hugs:
Last sunday I had her on the phone and she was crying, it made me so sad. Next friday we go to the market together. I hope I can make her smile a bit. It’s such a lovely lady. Life sucks sometimes :disappointed:

Picture of my last walk, this time a citywalk in Dordrecht.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman: