Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in on day 14. Hope everyone is doing ok :people_hugging:


I appreciate you more than you know :pray:t2:


Checking in on day 5, feel pretty good, back into my healthy routine and healthy eating, aching a wee bit from the weight training and jogging but letting my poor body have a rest and healing time. Infact it’s a double bonus today which makes me super happy, usually after a major binge I end up buying a big box of Maltesers, fruit & nut chocolate bars and a couple bags of crisps, you know them bags that have about 8 packets in them. The problem is that I eat the whole lot within a couple of hours, I’m not sure if it’s the sugar I crave at the time or if I am just a real greedy pig, a bit of both maybe. Anyway this time round I managed to resist buying them as they were screaming at me as I passed them in the Tesco’s isle yesterday. I’m also keeping myself very present and in the moment, on guard and ready for when them sneaky little thoughts try to ambush my mind and try to convince me to buy a can, not having it, I’m ready for the little terror’s. Hope everyone is doing well and congrats to all those reaching new milestones, have a good day all and be kind to yourselves. x :slightly_smiling_face:


@BJonns Congrats on two weeks! :clap:t2::tada:
@Whereswaldo Hope easier days are coming your way soon.
@JazzyS Nice to see your health improving sun ray by sun ray :sun_with_face::blush:
@SadMemeQueen I don’t have much useful to tell you, but I’m sending you hugs and hope for better days soon.
@Jasty2 Yeah, great way to describe ODAAT. Hope you can sneak bits of rest and peace into your days here and there :wave:t2:
@wahtisnormal Good to see you back. Maybe try checking in here every day and sharing how you’re doing?
@Michelle Good job on directly coming back. You learn, you move on :muscle:t2: God luck on finding a new sponsor!
@tifflynn07 Congrats on 100 days. That is a huge milestone! :sunglasses::+1:t2::tada::clap:t2::partying_face:
@MikeA I’m sorry you’re having to go through such difficult times. Sending support and hugs. How are you today friend?
@GazIrish Good job on working through your cravings and making it to day 5 :+1:t2::sunglasses:

141 sugar
12 gluten
4 dairy
0 overeating/binge

So. Yesterday I wrote about mindful and slow eating. And then dinner came. I got totally distracted. My satiety cues registered somewhere in the background. But when I finally payed attention to them I had already totally overeaten. Classic fog eating. My stomach still hurts.
But I’ve learned a good lesson. I still need to pay far more attention to my signals. Apparently if I don’t, I default to mindless fog eating. Retraining such ingrained behaviour takes time. Moving on.

More game design studies today. In the afternoon a much needed haircut and definitely relaxing yin yoga.

With my husband moved out I can already see how I will need my daughter to pick up more chores around the flat. I’m a bit anxious about overwhelming the two of us, and acting out with unhealthy coping strategies. I’ll stay mindful on this.

Whatever the day may bring, I won’t cope with food, eating or other unhealthy behaviours.

Have a good day friends: peace, kindness, and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 44.

Thank you everyone who came with advice and helpful words yesterday.
I’ve decided that I’m going to focus on things I actually can affect, and that I’m allowed to be happy with what I got without feeling bad for it.
There’s nothing we could’ve done about that tragic accident. And it won’t make the mother and daughter to feel better if I walk around feeling bad for them.

My husband got an new Walker yesterday (I think the correct English word might be Zimmer walker, a steel fram with wheels that makes it easier to walk if you have problems with mobility)
This one have wheels that are made for outdoor activities. So it’ll make it easier for him to go out in the garden, and on short walks.
Today it’s heavy rain, so we’re planning to try it tomorrow, when it’s supposed to be sunny.

Today I’m baking Poppy seed and lemon cake for dessert. A spring classic.

We’ve also booked an hotel stay close to the Old Western theme park for our 13 y/o birthday in June. We’re going right after the graduation, so hoping for nice weather. Never been at the hotel before, and I booked a family suit. Really looking forward to that.

My exercise has started to give results as well, yesterday I was able to do the plan for 30 sek. Might not sound much but I haven’t been able to make it at all before. So it’s a win for sure.
I played around with my 12 y/o did some evening yoga which I added to the routine this Monday. He things some of the poses are a little tricky, so eventually he gave up and Challenged me for the plank instead.
Was so surprised when I actually made it. But I sure needed that win. It was so nice to se some results. It sure isn’t shown on the weight yet :laughing:

Wishing y’all a wonderful Thursday.


Hi, everyone!

Checking in Day 111 technically it’s 112 now but hey, whatever lol.

Hope everyone is doing okay, I’ve been away for about 2 days, maybe 1 full day, I’m not sure. I mentioned my wife would be away for some training this week. The boys, house work, school work, our 2 dogs and their 7 puppies have been keeping me pretty busy. Please allow me to not catch up and just pick up here…lol it’s overwhelming knowing I haven’t read over 250-300 post. It’s been storming here in Louisiana, 75+mph winds and constant thunderstorms. It finally stopped around 7:00pm maybe 8:00pm, still some strong winds outside. Our lights blinked a few times last night, our 4 y/o followed me step for step telling me he was nervous and afraid. Our 6 y/o, we call him “wild bill”, was scared also. I said “ohhh nooo, not you, not the one who picks on everyone, not the meanest one of the bunch, not Mr hard ass” lol he proceeded to tell me EVERY reason why he should be scared. Y’all should know who they slept with last night lol.
Anyway, I’m beat, I’m going to bed. Catch up with everyone later. #ODAAT :heart:


72 days, checking in sober from alcohol

Niece came around with these beautiful flowers for me yesterday.

These colors are hunting me :sweat_smile::cherry_blossom::hibiscus::purple_heart::two_hearts:

Have a good day gang :muscle:t2:


Day 292. Unsettled sleep. Working 8-6 today so not too bad. Off then till Monday.

Up just having a copy. I read some of my older posts (2022) where I had screwed up, but still continued to drink of course…for another year?.. Just seems ridiculous on reflection


Oh man, you are definitely not bored there! I remember when you said you can relate when I posted my husband is leaving for a few days and I’m looking forward to it. Well, for me it was like a little vacation, less work. I don’t think it’s same case in yours situation :wink:
When I was reading your post I imagined my boys (5yo + 2x3yo) in this scenario (storm with thunderstorms) and I’m more than sure they would be scared, following me and sleeping with me as well.
7 puppies?! Cuteness overload! We are waiting for few little kittens, I hope not to much. Our Luna is so pregnant it can happen any moment.
Funny how much similarity is in our lifes yet they are so different :slight_smile:


I did it y’all :smiling_face_with_tear: getting in bed for the night. I appreciate all of you beautiful humans for helping me get back on track :heartpulse:



Had my long bike ride yesterday, a beautiful spring day it was, and got some good produce along the way. Today it’s grey and wettish out, which suits me fine as I have writing to do, journalling, TS, home assignment for creative writing class tonight, some professional stuff, maybe some more personal things too. I’m getting more in the habit of writing and I’m beginning to like it better each time I do it.

Whatever I do, I need to be sober and clean for it because when I’m under the influence that’s all I do and all that happens. Never again or so’s my plan. Have as good day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love. Pic is my favourite sight of yesterday’s ride.

@Teresa.13 Huge congrats and thanks for sharing your milestone with us :two_hearts: :people_hugging:
@maxwell & @Seizetheday Big congrats to the both you on reaching triple digits!!! That makes you sober twins :bouquet: :birthday:
@suechu Double figures already, yay you! Just a caution: wouldn’t it be a good idea to remove the wine from your car and from your life? You never know what happens later. Wine has no purpose in your life no more.
@Lainenicole96 @ @GazIrish Another pair of sober twins! Congrats on 5 days guys, keep going!
@wahtisnormal & @Michelle It’s one day at a time for all of us. I’m glad you’re here, and you’re sober now. We’re int his together :people_hugging: :people_hugging:
@SadMemeQueen Always good to see you checking in Megan. That’s some number you got my friend. Thanks for checking in.


Did the test. Have ADHD. Seeing doctor in 2 weeks time with all my blood test and scan results plus the psychologists report. Feeling really good to get on top of life.

I would NEVER have done all of this is if I was still consuming alcohol. I always figured, what’s the point, it’s going to say bad things. Now alcohol is gone, I’m looking for the next thing to work on.

I’m feeling more confident in myself and my relationship now.

Im day 24 but if anyone is still in their first couple of weeks of alcohol free, stick with it, it really does get better every week, even with a few crappy days here and there.


Day 865

Feeling good, feeling positive.

Don’t have much to share at the minute, home day with my youngest 2 so I have no doubt we will cause chaos, mayhem and carnage which happen to be the nicknames we are given by the rest of the family when they are left just to me to entertain!

So, have a happy healthy and blessed day, Eid Mubarak to all in the community who are celebrating.

Sending love, strength, health and prosperity to everyone!


I love that :joy: not the children will cause chaos ‘We’

Have a fun one :sunflower:


1 week sober! Woohoo! My friend called me this morning to say she is proud of me and to keep up the good work. It made me feel good about myself and encouraged. There are good days and hard days. Today was a good day and I’m thankful for that.


Nice work Elana!


Thanks. Not ear pain, a muscle or tendon behind the ear. Quite hard and still a bit tender for certain. Not sure what the issue is… I’ll keep an eye out for it and if it worsens I’ll need to have checked out.


Hey all, checking in on day 1397. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 13.

Nothing new to report here.
Baked a cake with my sister today. It was fun just to do something.

Will check up on my best friend later, he’s been sick for a while now.

Oh and my mom is getting surgery soon. Gonna have to take care of my sister for a while.

Dad’s here but he doesn’t go outside much. Maybe shopping once or twice but that’s it.

The rest is gonna be up to me. Which is something I both dread and feel excited for. Can’t drink if you are indespensable y’know?

Hope everyone is doing ok. I for one am going back to sleep. :slight_smile:


131 days
Late check in