Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in day 579 and :one::nine: months sober! Pretty cool to see my next personal milestone is 600 days. In the beginning things felt second to second, then minute to minute, then hour to hour, then day to day, and now sometimes itā€™s month to month. Though I, of course, still have my days where I take it by the minute or hour, Iā€™m loving a life where I feel free.

Wishing everyone a fabulous sober Friday :sparkles:


Day 286.worked from 7.40-2pm
I think today was my day off anyway? I lose track of it working from home.

Going to listen to some music and relax. Aiming to make a kind of chicken rice dish later for me and my dog :slight_smile:


Day 35

A good sleep, again. Itā€™s almost 8 and Iā€™m just getting up. Birds singing, me sneezing so violently they stopped for a minute. All my flowers are blooming. I need to get some more. But itā€™s too peopley! Iā€™ll get everything ready for when it clears out. Make a map with circles. Dig.

Yes @Just_Laura , the gouge runs along the path of totality. What would I do if I had a hotel? :thinking: I wouldnā€™t because I would want everyone to be happy. Ha! Iā€™m a hippie. ā€˜Oh, donā€™t worryā€¦you can pay me laterā€™ :grinning:

I like this calm, relaxed feeling. Think Iā€™m getting better :heart:


Goodmorning everyone
331 no alcohol
262 no vapes or ciggs
0.38 no marijuana
Feeling blessed

Have a good day everyone


Happy Friday all! Checking in on day 268 :v::heart:


Just checking in, day #11 sober from heavy cocaine abuse yessir!!! :saluting_face: :smiley:

Woke up feeling pretty good today, the advice that yall gave me yesterday about my ex helped me a lot, I appreciate it :smiley:

Had a good meeting with my addiction therapist yesterday, he is happy that im still sober and gave me some important advice to help me stay sober. He said because I have a tendency to be very hard on myself, really practice self-compassion and be ready for days where I feel like Iā€™m losing momentum from being sober. :slight_smile:


Glad to hear that youā€™re back on track with the no weed thing homie :smiley: Keep going my guy, you got this!!! :saluting_face: :smile:


Checking in Friday morning. Busy day at the shop so will be a long work day. Will try and get my workout in later tonight but might have to use my rest day tomorrow if Iā€™m here too late tonight. Thatā€™s about it for today so Happy Friday wishes for you all.


@whereswaldo congrats on Day 18, congrats youā€™re here checking in. I like how you put ā€œmeā€ first. Very important that youā€™re doing it for you, be the best version of your self, so that you can be there for the people you love. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@mikeA congrats on 87 days AF. Thatā€™s the right attitude to have, taking it #ODAAT :muscle:t4:

@juli1 congrats on another day (66)! Sorry you didnā€™t rest well. Iā€™m not up to speed on your situation with the landlord. Whatā€™s the situation, if you donā€™t mind me asking? I hope your day gets better.

@mrsOdh congrats on day 38

That is very good boys! Mommy is so strong! It takes some strong individuals to admit they have a problem and get help. & thank you boys! #ODAAT :metal:t4::heart:

@just_Laura way to keep on! 414 days! I think weā€™d all be pissed in that situation, especially when itā€™s their fuck up. That shit grinds my gears. Just like you pay for something and the money comes out immediately but if you get a refund it takes 3-7 business days, well it didnā€™t 3-7 business days to come out of my account. stupid. But yeah Continue focusing on the positive. #ODAAT :metal:t4::heart: Happy Birthday, daughter.

@mno congrats on 1763 days :muscle:t4:. Thatā€™s a nice picture.

@james83 way to go on Day22, James. So glad your triggers didnā€™t last long. You have a great day, as well. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@acromouse congrats on your sobriety milestones. Hope you have a wonderful day!

@MrFantastik congrats on 125 days sober! Iā€™m glad you were able to shake those thought away and not risk it all. Have a good day, buddy. :fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@apes2020 everyone gets a chance to relapse not every gets another chance to recover. Wish you the best on this sobriety journey. :people_hugging::fist_right::fist_left:


everyone gets a chance to relapse not every gets another chance to recover. Wish you the best on this sobriety journey. :people_hugging::fist_right:

I like this quote @K_S Iā€™m gonna start using it whenever I crave coke thanks :smiley:


@Tragicfarinelli keep fighting! :muscle:t4: congrats on 99 days.

@chevy55 congrats on 91 days. Youā€™re hitting the gym pretty hard, I think youā€™re gonna be the guy to motivate me to get in there. Best to you, #ODAAT :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@CleanHeart glad youā€™re here checking in on Day40. Glad the temptations havenā€™t gotten the best of you and caused any slip. Youā€™re stronger than you think :muscle:t4::metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left: keep on keepinā€™ on.

@Lotusflower congrats on 88 days AF and 206 CF. No matter what happens today, good or bad, I will not drink. #ODAAT :muscle:t4::metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@Rob11 congrats on 1203 days! Good luck on the date! :metal:t4:

@Thumper1213 congrats on 164 days! Have a great day! :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left::muscle:t4:

@MooseTracks congrats, youā€™re rockin it! :metal:t4::muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left: wish you a fabulous sober Friday. :muscle:t4:

@Timetochange way to go on 286 days! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Lighter congrats on 35 days, Marie. Glad youā€™re getting and are seeing the results. Wishing you a peaceful day! :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@Charlie_C glad youā€™re checking in on Day 26! Have an awesome day, Charlie. :fist_right::fist_left:

Checking in on day 107! Feel like I just posted saying 90 days. Well everyone, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m blessed and Iā€™m sober. Iā€™m no longer restless, irritable and discontentā€”Iā€™m spreading positivity, Iā€™m vibrating high and loving the sober life. Headed to the zoo right now, wife is driving, better take a picture of this hahaha this never happens when weā€™re together. Happy Friday everyone, have a fantastic day. #ODAAT :heart::muscle:t4::metal:t4:


Have at it my friend, one of my counselors in treatment said this a lot hahaha I took it from her. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Checking in on day 16. :cherry_blossom:


Thank you :blush:
I think they meant more that itā€™s good for all of us that a place like this exist, that people like all of us exist.

And thatā€™s a Very Good thing.

My opinion is that kids understand a lot as long as you explain to them.


Words of wisdom and how true and relevant for sobriety.

Thank you.



Chilling watching Netflix

Happy sober Friday everyone


Congratulations. I simply love new baby news.


Itā€™s a fear we shouldnā€™t lose because itā€™s true. Like fear of certain types of snakes advancing on us, or fear of trains coming at us at speed. Happy youā€™re with us Flo :people_hugging:


38 days alcohol free. Hubby home for weekend. No rain scheduled. I think team effort on tasks today . We started our vegetable garden and could use a few more plants. Gardening is therapeutic.

Wishing all my TS Friends a sober happy day.


Hi Kenny,
thank you so much, also for your activity here.
Right now I canā€™t repeat all the stuff, as it got worse during the day. Hard stuff. Real hard. Tomorrow I will get support by a layer.