Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

It’s a fear we shouldn’t lose because it’s true. Like fear of certain types of snakes advancing on us, or fear of trains coming at us at speed. Happy you’re with us Flo :people_hugging:


38 days alcohol free. Hubby home for weekend. No rain scheduled. I think team effort on tasks today . We started our vegetable garden and could use a few more plants. Gardening is therapeutic.

Wishing all my TS Friends a sober happy day.


Hi Kenny,
thank you so much, also for your activity here.
Right now I can’t repeat all the stuff, as it got worse during the day. Hard stuff. Real hard. Tomorrow I will get support by a layer.


Day 98. The depression I am going through is tough and gets bigger by the day. A lot of good things have happened. I know that response and activity from my family is slapping me around a bit. No desire to drink, still working on being better with this crap that accident, 6 months ago, have given me. I need to remember that the #1 thing is that I am alive. Alive.


Morning friends! Hope everyone is doing well!
I am thankfully feeling a little more myself today. I decided to not take my sleeping pill last night to see how it would effect me in the morning and i actually had more energy upon waking up. My sleep meds are ‘as needed’ meds but i have been taking them basically every night bcuz my mind doesnt stop when i lay down. It usually would take me 2 hours to fall asleep. It did take me longer to fall asleep last night but surprisingly i feel more rested now. So will probably try this again tonight. Obviously if i really, really need my med, ill take it but if i fall asleep within 30-60 min, i can handle that.
Today my son and i have an appt for his wheelchair. Im going to do laundry also when we return. And then tidy up a bit. Not much else to report right now. Feeling refreshed and grateful!


Day 2669. Checking in from my vacation in Lake Tahoe, CA. It’s snowing outside, which I am not used to being from Southern CA. Hope everyone has a happy sober day today!


Checking in day 95 AF :blush:


664 days AF
5 days cocaine and weed free

Climbing the walls today. I’m so restless and irritable. Got a friend who is drunk and sniffing who keeps calling me to come out and they say they have a ticket for me for an all day rave tomorrow. I seriously couldn’t think of anything worse. I’m ignoring their calls now.
Usually I would be getting ready to go out. I’m lying in bed trying to watch films and eat snacks but I can’t settle. It’s a tough day.
Good news. I threw all my weed and bits away today. I was hanging on to it ‘just in case’. But it’s gone now. Relief
I need to do something but I can’t focus. I might put some music on and do some cleaning, or stay in bed going stir crazy lol
It will pass
One day at a time
Might check in again a bit later on x


Hi Dana,

Much like yourself in a way, as I have sleeping pills that are take as needed. I haven’t taken in over a month, and before that rarely as I don’t wish to become dependent on them. But like you I used to toss and turn and stay awake hours after trying to go to sleep constantly. My brain just wouldn’t shut off, ever!

Someone mentioned guided meditation so I YouTube’d it… well I dunno if I stumbled onto the right one off the bat, but listened almost nightly for two weeks (never making it to the white noise part after his talking about 25 mins) and I was asleep in typically 10 mins.
Now I do a refresh on it once per week (like last night) and usually with the refresh, I’m out in under 15… and without I have found I doze off now in like under 10 mins…

Can’t say it works for everyone, but can’t hurt to try as it sure as hell worked amazing for me…

Link is to the YouTube channel


827 days AF. Happy friday and weekend to you all. Have the weekend off, so no alarm on tomorrow morning :raised_hands: :tada: No plans tomorrow. Sunday we will go to birthdayparty for my cousins son. I hope the anxiety will not be present, and ruin everything!

Oh yeah, and the snow is back! Its april, we want the spring!


The wood was delivered today, they called to see if it could be done today. Very happy about that!
Going to spend the weekend painting it all then start the building of it Monday.

Glad your writing class is going so well :slightly_smiling_face: and for sure we do need human interaction. Hope therapy was okay and your doing okay :sparkles:


Thank you KS :raised_hands:


It’s 5:51am, little man has been awake since 5! The 2.5 year old going on 10 decided he’s part of the 5am club. Cheers mate!
I used to dread weekend mornings because I would usually be hungover and just not be able to deal with his shit. Now I’m realising it was my shit. He’s such a good kid with a great attitude, I just struggled to regulate my emotions and got frustrated easily.
Now here I am, as I write this hearing a crash and an “uh oh” as he attempted to put his porridge bowl into the sink by doing his signature yeet. I didn’t realise how hard it is to clean up porridge off the floor :face_with_peeking_eye: doguum time.


Oh, day 19 today too! Woo hoo.


Hi all, day 5 today. That’s all x


Day 8! Really struggling right this second with some stressful realizations, and crappy weather. & the excuses could go on & on. I’m going to go home and just try to focus on my housework and kids and my H20 intake. At least water won’t make me feel like shit in the morning!



Husband still away, I am so calm :relieved: 22pm, already in bed, dont have to keep company to nobody. Dont have to see how he’s getting more and more tipsy, or listen to his smart-my-ass monologue (because its Friday which means he would buy coke). Tomorrow I will find the kitchen and living room in the same shape like I left it today. No empty cans and bottles, no cigs butts in the sink, no stink… Already happy.

Maybe if he would be away for longer period of time I would start missing him. But it’s only 3 days so I enjoy it a lot :slight_smile: Almost no stress (well, except kids but they are just a kids so its different kind of nerves).

Make long story short - happy and relaxed :relieved:
And I wish it to all of you :orange_heart:


Good to see you @apes2020


Early eve check in!

Sis called to talk about gift for my mom. Wanted to put all her animal’s pics in frame(past and present) in it for a Mother’s Day gift. It was a nice thought by her, but I was being pissy cause my mom does and always has cared about her animals more than her kids, grandkids and great grandkids…sis said, well that’s mom, she’s always loved her animals more than us… so I told her do what she needs and I’ll chip in whatever is required, but I could care less about it, or Mother’s Day in general other than for my wife…. Little peak inside my feelings toward some family members. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom, but I just refuse to try to hard to get her attention any longer.

Anyway, sore as all hell… my goodness, my glutes, groin, hips, hamstrings are all just killing me yesterday and today… I have one of those little Tens, localized zapper machines I’m gonna try for first time tonight when I crawl (literally) up to bed, so I can increase my weight load for tomorrow’s upper body day… woohooo!!

Took both doggos to a local trail network for a 10k hike, and now just about to plow into wife’s homemade thin crust pizza (cheat day, even though it’s only 650 calories and I still have over 2100 to go if I chose too for my daily limit)

Wish you all an amazing pain free night, and best wishes for a healthy active weekend…

Shot of pizza wife made me: :heart:


Pizza looks delicious! Enjoy it sounds like you earned it.