Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in on day 39. Second couples therapy today. 1st one did not go so well . I got pissed and let loose. Hopefully today I can hold my emotions in tow.



What a nice day it was! What a beautiful weather! I went with my boys to see some car show. Some expensive ass cars. Not really my thing but boys loved it, especially all the wrooom wrooom sounds :wink: And they could go inside fire truck as well so they were so hyped :slight_smile: I love seeing them happy. If my husband would be home probably we wouldnā€™t go. Cause he would say itā€™s lame. Watching someoneā€™s elseā€™s cars. Yeah, maybe it is lame but if my boys like it, I donā€™t see a problem. And I had fun too. Tomorrow grumpy is back :confused:

Sorry for zylion fotos, I couldnā€™t choose one. I promise one week without fotos :wink:


I hope you pulled the rip cord!!! No one needs that amount of baggage!!!


@Kareness Hi, congratulations on 7 years. :muscle:t4:

@Seizetheday congrats on 95 days AF :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Hayleylujah congrats on 664, it will pass. Iā€™m glad youā€™re ignoring the distractions. You got this. :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@beachmouse congrats on 16 days, Julie. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@EarnIt congrats on 98 days. I hope you start to feel better, and can get up out of the pits. Finding gratitude is good even when things arenā€™t going as well as we likeā€¦thatā€™s what keeps up going. :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:

@Butterflymoonwoman glad youā€™re feeling refreshed and grateful! Congratulations on sobriety achievements. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Wakikki congrats on 827 days AF, I hope the anxiety stays away from you. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Snailer.26 welcome to the community. Congrats on 8 days and sharing with us. Staying busy is good and water is good, seems like you have two good things going. Better days ahead. Hang in there, you got this. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@BJonns glad youā€™re here checking in with us on Day9. Sorry to hear that youā€™re not feeling your best. Practicing acts of gratitude help me out so much, itā€™s take me away from all the shit I see is wrong. This phase will pass, praying for peace and love upon you. :metal:t4::muscle:t4::peace_symbol:

@danny81 welcome to the community and thread. Congrats on making the necessary changes for a healthier you. Congrats on 2 days. Staying busy is good. Hope youā€™re having a good day, buddy. :muscle:t4::metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:


@NewBeginning1 congrats on Day 15, Matt! Keep on Keepinā€™ on. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@james83 congrats on day 23! :fist_right::fist_left::metal:t4:

@Mno congrats on 1764 days, thatā€™s a nice picture. :metal:t4:

@Timetochange way to go on 287 days. The numbers do build up fast, some days are longer than others, but it does go by fast. Especially, when we stop counting. I feel like I was just saying day90 earlier this week. :joy:

@MrFantastik staying busy and service work is good. Congrats on 126 days. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Lighter #ODAAT, Marie. :muscle:t4::fist_right::fist_left: keep on keepin on.

@Chevy55 keep on keepin on brother! Day 92, days are stacking up on you. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:I admire your tenacity of going to the gym and taking care of yourself. :muscle:t4::metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left: congratulations brother.

@CleanHeart you got this man, Iā€™m happy that the access is limited. If thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way, so with that being saidā€”youā€™re making progress and donā€™t wanna go backwards. Keep on keepin onā€™ :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Steve14 congrats, Steve. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Juli1 life is good. Rest well, congrats on 67 days clean. :metal:t4::muscle:t4::people_hugging:


Nice :blush: leading us into battle


Way to make er happen Steve. That is some impress focus.


@Lighter pollen whoops my ass! So so bad. Glad day 36 is better than 35! Congrats, keep on keepin on, Marie. :metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@noshame there always somethings we wished wouldnā€™t have done or couldā€™ve done better. Yesterday is already gone, and tomorrow isnā€™t promised, today is the most important day. Letā€™s make the most of it. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:congrats on all of your sobriety accomplishments.

@tifflynn07 #ODDAT, Tiffany. Letā€™s hope those craving pass very soon. You got thisā€¦congrats on 97 days. :muscle:t4::metal:t4::fist_right::fist_left:

@Amine_33 welcome to the community. Congrats on 2 weeks clean. Keep on keepinā€™ on. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Charlie_C have an awesome day, Charlie. Way to go on 27 days. :muscle:t4:

@Tragicfarinelli congratulations on triple digits! Keep on striving. :fist_right::fist_left::metal:t4::muscle:t4: and congratulations to @Davina_Davis letā€™s goooo! :muscle:t4:

@john_connor1337 congratulations in day 12! Another day sober. #ODAAT.

@MikeA congratulations on 89 days, Michael. :muscle:t4:

@Steve14 congratulations, Steve! Thatā€™s a lot of day ones, and itā€™s inspiring, keep on keepinā€™ on. :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

Checking in.

108 days AF.

Feeling good day today. No gripes or complaints other than Iā€™m drowsy, lol but itā€™s from my meds. Currently headed to nearby city for a circus with the boys. Our youngest son has asked us ā€œare we there yetā€ I know at least 30 times hahaha, heā€™s so anxious. Just another day yā€™all. #ODAAT
Check in later. Hope everyone has a great Saturday :heart:


Those are great shots and looks like an amazing time. Hopefully hubby will come around. You only get one kick at the can when the kids are small and amazed by so much.

Glad mom was there to enjoy with them :heart:


Day 5 almost 6! One hour to go!

Felt like I wanted to drink this evening it was sunny and my friends were. I didnā€™t in the end but when some went home I felt like ordering one. The restaurant/bar my friend owns filled with more people I know drinking and usually I have drank with them. They are already talking about ordering a bag in I heard them. You have these thoughts of oh could be so fun to get silly and reckless. And then I remind myself of how regretful and awful I feel the next day. For a stupid thought of what if. Always the thought of a night out is better than the reality. I keep telling myself that.
So I ordered food to go and now Iā€™m on my way home to enjoy it and get in bed.

They have the same nights every night Iā€™m not missing anything new. Just remember that.


I broke myself Kennyā€¦ haha

My new weight stacks in the superset broke me. I could only deliver 5 of the 6 sets of the routine. Failure!! :persevere:

But mark my words, I took as a sign perhaps a bit of a break then a hike tomorrow and Iā€™m getting after it again Monday morning. I will not be deniedā€¦ Kenny is counting on me :wink:

You enjoy that circus with those boys my friendā€¦ love the dad that you are.


Well, I just bawled my eyes out and acted like a lunatic toward my SO over a SUNKIST, :woman_facepalming: ugh. Now I feel like an idiot, today has been so difficult. I was looking forward to my soda as stupid as that sounds. So stupid to let something so foolish break me.


My new weight stacks in the superset broke me. I could only deliver 5 of the 6 sets of the routine. Failure!! :persevere:

BTW this is actually a good thing that you trained to failure on your sets if I understand what youā€™re saying correctly. I remember learning about bodybuilding that one of the biggest drivers of muscle growth is intensity, meaning like if you did your reps until you couldnā€™t and failed within a certain rep range (or at least close to failure), then thatā€™s actually really good :slight_smile:

Some bodybuilders have different opinions on intensity though. Some people say that you should follow a certain RPE, meaning that youā€™re not always training to failure in reps, and some say that your working sets should be to failure in reps. I personally agree with the latter that your reps should go to failure within a certain rep range, but thatā€™s just me :slight_smile:


Day 271

Just a quick check in to say ā€˜hiā€™. All good here. Iā€™ve been busy with work, children, decorating, gardening & gym and havenā€™t been very present on here, although do try to read something once a day still.
Hope youā€™re all doing well my friends.
Big love, Louise X


Itā€™s all good, it happens :slight_smile: I think your sober date is March 28th correct? I think since you and I are still in early sobriety, your brain might be still rebalancing and whatnot. I kinda still feel sensitive as well since Iā€™m in early sobriety, itā€™s normal. Hopefully it clears up in the next few weeks, you got this homie!!! :people_hugging:


Checking in day 96 AF :blush:


Wouhuuu Huge congratulations my friend :hugs::blue_heart:


Thank you! Iā€™m trying to give myself grace but holy SHIT Iā€™m a basket case. Idk if I just needed an excuse to cry or what but wow that really made me lose my mind. Now I owe my fiancĆ© an apology, and the crazy thing is Iā€™m still kind of salty about it lol I wish I could just CHILL.


An yes that is my date!! 9 days today, I thought the hardest would be behind my but today takes the cake. Congrats on your sobriety!


Love circus, we go every year it comes to our village.

And every year when they arrive I think it would be amazing to work at a circus.
I just love the atmosphere and the circus feeling.
(I know itā€™s hard work,and not that amazing, my husband used to be a tivoli worker)

Wishing yā€™all a good time at the Circus.