Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

501 :muscle: chilling watching parasyte the grey on Netflix

Happy sober Saturday everyone


It wonderful seeing your kiddies that happy Mischa.
Glad you had such a good day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:





Day 23.
Just checking in. Still dealing with all the emotions. But hanging in there. Iā€™ve done it before and can do it again :muscle:


I think itā€™s cool, lots of kids love loud colourful cars and fire engines! I know my 5 year old does :blush: (also, 40 year old me does too secretly)


Day 1,127. My husband has been out of town for 2 weeks. It never crossed my mind to sneak drinks because he wasnā€™t around. The gift of 3+ years sober. Building sober muscles. If the poster child for relapse (yes, me) can do it I have hope for all who still struggle.


Thanks bro. & yes Iā€™m counting on you. One of these days Iā€™m gonna post a picture of me in the gym and saying thanks to you. Everyone gonna be shocked hahaha


Day 36 is ending! Sober :white_check_mark:


@steve14 WOOT WOOT 18 months is amazing my friend. Hope you had a wonderful door outdoors today. :hugs: Keep up the great work :muscle:
@mischa84 oh I love it Mischa ā€“ glad you and the boys got to go and have fun. Thank you for ALL the pictures. I absolutely love car shows. Used to go to the Detroit car show and the antique car show every year. Not sure the allure but was always enjoyable for me. Totally a kids dream :wink:
@emerrick way to go with 6 days friend. Great job on resisting drinking tonight and remembering how tomorrow you would feel if you had drank. You will thank yourself for the strong decision you made tonight. Keep stacking up the days :muscle: I see 1 weeks milestone is so close and many more milestones more :hugs:
@snailer.26 not a silly reaction ā€“ especially on the early days of sobriety. I would breakdown over anything and everything. I would look forward to my nightly la croix sodaā€™s so I do hope you enjoy your soda tonight :hugs:
@louloubelle so good to see you checking in friend. See you are days away from your 9 month milestone! WOOT WOOT! You are doing great and I look forward to celebrating your milestones with you :hugs:

Yeah you can :muscle: We got your back too friend - you are not alone!
@mbwoman Thatā€™s impressive friend ā€“ way to flex those sober muscles and hell of a job on your 1127 days! Good to see you checking in

Checking in on Saturday night
472 days free of alcohol and weed
887 days free of cigarettes
Had a lovely relaxed day with sis. Glad she is here visiting. Had a good time with whole family together for a good catch up / laugh session tonight.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Slept decent and had more energy today. When I was getting ready for work, my buildingā€™s fire alarm started going off. I find it crazy that Iā€™m always the only person to see whatā€™s wrong. The panel said it was upstairs but no one answered me. Someoneā€™s gotta meet the fire department when they get there. Finally a couple others came down and we had a nice, long conversation while they figured out what happened. It was somebodyā€™s stove as usual. Because of my buildingā€™s past I keep to myself, but it was nice to talk to my neighbors today. It really is the best group since I moved in and Iā€™m grateful for that. Last summer it was at itā€™s worst. Work was extra stressful and coming home was not relaxing. Hoping for a peaceful, quiet one this year :relieved:

Work was okay. I havenā€™t worked with my friend in a long time so it was nice to catch up. I invited her and her roommate to my daughterā€™s party and their each bringing their son. Been trying to go with the flow over all these money issues that hit me and not stress over the party. My parents said they would help monetarily and when my ex comes tomorrow night, heā€™s gonna help with party stuff (bc I will give him no choice :smirk_cat:).

Anyway. Back to work in the AM so Iā€™m winding down now. Thank you for all the shares :pray: Your stories help me everyday :heart: Grateful for all of you here with me. Weā€™re all in this and stronger together :muscle:


68 days AF

Looking forward to a nice Sunday. šŸŖ»šŸŒ·šŸŖ»

My brother will come around and we will have Moussaka. Installing my office place here again and a new chair.

Now, morning meditation and a morning walk in a lonely field, where I can c rabbits and dears sometimes.

Love you guys :heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober, and Iā€™m happy :blush:
Day 40

All the snow has almost melted, todayā€™s heavy rain and windy. Itā€™s good because itā€™s going to help the last snow melt.

Our 14 y/o was so happy to see the ground again, and wanted to go for a walk today of the weather was nice.

Our 12 y/o was sad about the snow melting until he realized this morning that he actually owns a full rain gear with long wellies, and therefore can go out and jump in the huge puddles that forms everywhere.

I said we can do it together, youā€™re never to old to jump in puddles :blush:

Had a friend over yesterday for a few hours. He is about to move to a town nearby, his daughter has all her activities there, he never liked it her. Now he has gotten a wonderful apartment in a town nearby.

He and my husband where talking about life and work. Said friend is some special kind of welder and has been all over the world working through his life.
My husband has been around Europe as a carneval/tivoli/street Fair salesman worker.
And later he worked with asphalt.

My husband made a comment that our friend have been to so many exciting places.
Said friend replied with: You, to. And at leats youā€™ve had a life and a family. Iā€™ve always only had a job.

I thought about that all night. Made me even more determined to go my way this time, and do my own thing. I refuse to look back thinking well at least I had a job.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.


@Juli1 Enjoy your peace.
@Just_Laura Good to hear you have nice neighbours. We often only appreciate them when awful people move in.
@Mbwoman That is inspiring.
@Mali Wishing you a peaceful day with less intense emotions.
@zzz Hello darkness :sunglasses:
@Bones_80 Congrats on your 500s! :tada::sunglasses:
@Snailer.26 Give yourself time. Be nice to yourself. This turmoil will pass.
@Emerrick Good decision to go home and hit that pillow sober :+1:t2: If it proves too tempting, maybe avoid triggering places in the beginning.
@K_S Hope the side effects of your meds stop bothering you soon :pray:t2:
@Mischa84 I donā€™t especially like cars, I havenā€™t owned one for years now, but I would have enjoyed the car show nonetheless. Itā€™s just pretty, sparkling stuff. Like rainbows and unicorns in a different form. Nothing lame about that :hugs:

137 sugar
8 gluten
0 dairy
8 overeating/binge

Iā€™m back home and back to my normal eating environment. This means for today: keeping my food journal, staying away from trigger foods, eating when Iā€™m hungry, mindful eating, stopping eating when I feel satisfied, taking breaks to check in with myself through the day.

Today I need to get sorted out after our trip, laundry and such. Itā€™s the last day of Easter break so I want to get my weekly review done and prepare for next week.
My husband is going to move out on Tuesday, meaning heightened emotional drama for the days. I really did enjoy three days without it.
Other than that a walk, yoga, a nice day.

Wishing you fine folks a day of peace, kindness, and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Checking in day 20.

Starting to feel better and wake up better. Excited to hit the next milestone of 1 month!


Up at 6.45 to walk to the gym (itā€™s SUNNY at last!!! I believe Andrew huberman when he says you need 15 mins of sunlight in your eyes in the morning).

Spin class then Iā€™m going to take my kids for junior Parkrun. The youngest will complain but the eldest is way faster than me and loves to run.

Neither of these things would have happened without sobriety.

Big game for the football team I support this afternoon but Iā€™m not joining friends to watch it on TV as thatā€™s not something I can do sober yet. Instead will watch with my family.

Enjoy your Sunday peeps.



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I just made it 5 days!! Woo hoo!!!


I am 8 months clean and serene ,after a 25 year addiction to meth and crack.I am slowly building my life back ā€¦Itā€™s hard Iā€™m also in the process of getting my son back too his guardian is being a butthole cuz she thinks sheā€™s still dealing with the old door fiend version of me Iā€™m still just going to keep my head up and stay positive through all of this


Well done for the :five: days Konrad!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Keep it up! :facepunch:


Day 288. Saw a really well priced vintage watch in town yesterdayā€¦ Not going to get it tho. I over think money alot. The sting in my divorce hasnā€™t helped with that

Did tho find a chap on Instagram who mods watchesā€¦ So I may get one to mark 12months when it arrives, as it will. This is for life now.