Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hey all, appreciate all the love and encouragement. Thank you si much @JazzyS & @CATMANCAM :slight_smile:
Oh my i am exhausted today. I normally have so much energy coursinf through me i rarely sit still, but my whole body is tired. Not sure if its the sickness or my period or what, but my arms and legs are so tired. Going to go have a shower and just try to make it through the day :slightly_smiling_face:


850 days! :raised_hands:


@Dazercat much appreciated :blush: nope, love it, thanks for sharingā€¦reading thru the posts, great ideas!


Way to go with your 50 days friend ā€“ impressive add up of day oneā€™s :muscle: Keep it going strong!


Day 329 sober AF.
I woke up this morning pretty depressed again. It comes in waves and it has been passing more quickly lately but Iā€™m still disappointed when it comes over me again like this. Thereā€™s no specific reason for it, I went to bed feeling fine, read until I was sleepy and fell asleep right away and slept soundly through the night.
I managed a shower and got dressed and headed out for some me time as I needed to go out for ingredients for dinner anyway. Iā€™ve also done two loads of laundry today.


Well i made it thru another night shift and am at work right now. I was debating asking to leave early but i think i can push thru until 4pm. All i can say is that I am sooo grateful to be clean. Running on little sleep is slightly triggering for me and being this way currently just reminds me of what i dont want to be like. I have to do another overnight tonight but at least my son will be in school tmrw so i can sleep. Will probably hit the gym tmrw too bcuz im craving a good workout. Other than that my day is going okay. Theres birds chirping outside of the window of our office right now and its really nice to listen to them. Have a great Sunday everyone!

  1. Checking in sober.

Day 309. Spending the day trying to do a new website for my wifeā€™s shop. Nice to learn new skills.


Day #2 sober from everything
Day #5 or #6 away from cigarettes i lost count lol

Still withdrawing pretty hard from cocaine. Feel very little motivation to do anything today. Might just rest and watch the Fallout tv series or something.


Checking in on Day 7. Hi everyone! All is well, another day sober, thank you God for restoring to me sanity and keeping me sober.

Just for Today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.

Wish everyone a Happy 24! #ODAAT :heart:


Congratulations on ur 1 week of sobriety!!


Thank you Jazzy! :heart:


Day 315. Beautiful day today.


Just remember everything is temporary and you will smile again. Sending peace and relief yourway @Deelzebub
From a fellow


Afternoon check in. The day started out pretty good but mentally I went downhill fast. Seems to happen when I take a day off from work. To much thinking time I guess. Anxiety and depression have been a battle for as long as I can remember. Like with most of us not drinking or using to numb it can be challenging. I donā€™t talk about it much or share my struggles with anyone really so just putting on here today. Not looking for advice or feedback just seeing if it helps typing it out. :smile: Hoping everyone here is having a good day or night. :v:


Checking in day 118 AF :blush:


Thanks Steve. Weā€™re in this together :people_hugging:


Checking in on day 121. Tomorrow will be 4 months since I last drank.
Today Iā€™m not good. I have been doing great. Keeping busy, my house has never been do clean, my dog has never been walked so much, Iā€™m reading, got my bike out after 4 years of being a dusty ornament, Iā€™m meeting up with friends as often as possible, Iā€™m listening to sober podcasts , popping on here to read posts, Iā€™m journaling like a maniac & itā€™s helping sort out my thoughts, Iā€™m even stopping to smell the roses.
Except for today I just want to peel my skin off. I had to go grocery shopping & I walked past the alcohol aisle and I 100% do not want to drink however a thought popped in my head that I wasnā€™t expecting. It wasnā€™t I need a drink, it was ā€œitā€™s so shit that I canā€™t drink anymore & make life quiet for a whileā€. Is this normal coming up to a milestone?? The majority of my days after the 1st month have been good/happy days. I just donā€™t know why I feel so angry today.


Day 15 vent

Got up a little bit earlier than normal to give myself some extra time to relax before work.
Went to the kitchen to look for something to eat, and there was nothing to eat which isnt a surprise. Fridge full of food and nothing substantial to eat. And I dont mean that in a ā€œtheres nothing I want to eatā€ way, I mean that quite literally. Since my mom hoards things she refuses to get rid of anything until its already been bad for a week (or longer). Its full of all of the stupid salad dressings and sauces for herself, and her leftover food thats going bad, cheese, etc. Literally nothing meal worthy. Its a regular thing for us to find salad dressings in the fridge from 2019 etc, and if we throw them out, we get yelled at (or screamed at) by her, and she will literally take it out of the trash and put it back in the fridge. Just to start to paint a picture of what its like.
(Should also mention I do try to buy groceries for myself sometimes but its such a mess of a situation because when I do, theres 1) no room to even put the groceries, 2) even if I find a place to put them where I know where they are, she moves all of it to the back of god knows where so it all gets forgotten about, where Iā€™m unable to find it, and 3) cooking anything here is always equally as much of a pain, because of the hoarding situation its half of the work just to find clean pots/pans to cook with, and 90% of the time the stove is cluttered with her shit so theres not even room to cook anything anyway).

So anyway.

Resorted to my usual move in this situation which is to order food. Also frustrating because its just not ideal financially. Iā€™m spending way more money on food than I should be, but sometimes thats literally the only option.
Ordered a healthy meal, it was really good, and I got myself a hibiscus tea that was really yummy, and im grateful that I got to enjoy that.

Didnt finish all of it. So I go to the fridge to put my leftovers there. Back to another daily frustrating situation: no room. So I took out a couple items that have been in there forever, and asked her if we could do something with them. Somehow escelated into her yelling at me, blaming me, being condescending, and saying disturbing things on top of it, like how when sheā€™s dead Iā€™m gonna need to learn how to buy groceries for myself. Cool.
Got even more frustrated and wanted to escape so I just shoved my leftovers in the fridge anyway and now Im in my room with my headphones in, on silent, and since I started typing this post sheā€™s already knocked on my door continuously (despite me not responding to her) and then yelling at me more and saying some more stupid shit that I didnt care to listen to.
Kinda broke down crying for a bit because this is just such a stupid reality I live in. Such simple things like putting away leftovers shouldnt be this much of an issue. And it just makes me really sad.

Sorry for the vent and thank you if you took the time to read this. No need for advice or anything, just needed to vent. If i have enough time after getting ready for work, Iā€™d like to take a short walk in the forest preserve. Its gotten really nice out the past couple days and i could use some time in the sun/daylight.


Having a similar day myself Steve. Hope your day improves :blush: