Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Thank you! I appreciate your kindness. Men are built to hold all this yucky stuff in :wink::smile:


Thats completely understandable. I can relate on the overthinking - its so completely exhausting. Glad you got to talk with your sister about it :heart: weā€™ll figure this out, one day at a time :pray:t2:


Look at you gurl!!
Wracking up 4 months of ODAATs.
Love it


Man, thats one of the things I hate for you guys :weary: Iā€™ve talked about it with my guy friends, its such bs that the world has forced that idea upon society. Its not fair. All human beings need an outlet to express from time to time. Know that youre never going to be judged here :pray:t2:


Thank you @Davina_Davis Iā€™ve tried meditating before but I suppose it takes practice & I never gave it a chance. Is it an app or YouTube video you follow to do your guided meditation?


I use the Insight Timer app, it has all kinds of different guided meditations, for whatever ails you. Iā€™m doing a beginnerā€™s 7 day sleep one at night, and an anxiety/ trauma one in the am. I cannot do unguided yet, these are good starters!!


Wow! That sounds amazing. Iā€™ll check it out. Thanks. I donā€™t think I could do unguided either, thereā€™s too much noise in my head for that lol.


Thank you sir!!! :people_hugging::tada:


. 34


Congratulations on your great achievement. 4 months is a fantastic milestone!!


@Bunto There was a point I reset every morning, saying ā€˜Todayā€™s the last day!ā€™, only for that determination to fade a few hours later. I just checked my reset # (bc I was curious), and it says 135. In reality itā€™s much higher bc there were times where weeks, even months, would go by where I didnā€™t even bother, bc what was the point? That whole time I held onto a glimmer of hope, believing I could quit again. Every day I was miserable from drinking, I thought about everything Iā€™d learned in recovery. Hammering it into my brain. One day it just clicked. The want for sobriety became greater than the want for alcohol, and I was done.

Recovery is never a straight line. What matters is you never stop trying :muscle:

@Steve14 Iā€™ve found this happens to me too on my days off. My job is physically demanding so I tell myself I should take it easy and do nothing when Iā€™m off, but thatā€™s actually exhausting. Iā€™ve learned ways to deal with my anxiety since itā€™s always been with me. Itā€™s depression that scares me. I used to think Iā€™d been depressed at times in the past, until I truly experienced it in my last couple years of drinking. Itā€™s no joke. I think it helps to plan things to keep yourself busy on days off. After the weekend I had at work, the last thing I wanted to do today was anything! But I already made plans with someone last week and feel surprisingly good after doing them. Well done on sharing this about yourself :clap: Thatā€™s not easy. Just know you arenā€™t alone :people_hugging:

@Lisa-B Wow :grinning: Sounds like youā€™re doing alot of amazing work for your recovery! I know thereā€™s many here whoā€™ve suffered the ā€˜milestone maladyā€™, which could be why those nasty thoughts pop up. Just ignore them and remember why youā€™re doing this. For a better life :sparkles: Thereā€™s many more great changes to come if you just keep moving forward!


Day 925 AF

Hey, gang.

I hope everyoneā€™s doing well.

It was chill day at my in-lawā€™s last night. I did get a stomach ache, but I feel better this morning. Woke up and went out for some iced coffees for the wifey and I. Did laundry and cleaned the apartment. My mom stopped by to visit. Itā€™s a nice day out. Gonna take the kids to the playground in a bit.

Another day sober and hungover free.

Iā€™ll catch up with yā€™all later. Take care. ODAAT.


I have a list of things to do and that has heightened my anxiety today. Iā€™m in the auto repair business that I spend 75 hours a week at and usually try and stay away on Sundays. Now that spring is here it just adds more work at the house so was a bit overwhelmed looking around today and adding things to the list. The biggest problem is Iā€™m at work too much and need to hire more help but thats a struggle in itself. I could go on and on with you but this is probably enough for now :joy: Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.


Checking out day 114 AF

Doesnā€™t matter how much working out Iā€™ve done, weight I lost, health thatā€™s improving, first day at customers cleaning gardens, trimming trees, clearing the lawns of debrisā€¦ kicked my freaking arse.
Man I am sore and tired. But back at er tomorrow.

Gonna need to get those muscles back into it or itā€™ll be a long summer.

Would a drink have helped feel better afterwards, not gonna lie, thought on it. Would it have helped later or tomorrow?? Nope! Played it ahead, showered, now watching my Canucks in bed waiting to soon fall asleep. :sleeping:

Goodnight TS folks, be well, be sober!


I had a similar thought earlier. Glad you thought it through! :+1: Thatā€™s back breaking work for sure. You should sleep good and feel like a new man in the morning :muscle: One with more aches and pains :wink:


Checkin in day 119 :black_heart:

I have had such a crazy past few weeks and havenā€™t checked in as much as I would have liked.

Soooooo tired today. Didnā€™t go to bed last night til after 1am and was up by about 6am with the dogs. Went straight to the gym, did laundry, put my sons new gamer chair together for him and now I am laying in bed at 630pm on a Sunday night trying so hard not to fall asleep before 8pm.

Back to the grind tomorrow. So Iā€™m going to enjoy this glass of grapefruit sparkling water and wind down time and try to not to think of all my appointments tomorrow.

I miss talking to you all so I think my new goal for May is going to be trying to spend at least 30 minutes on here a day reading and interacting. Iā€™ve been killing all my goals since January so this might be a good one for me to do to keep the balance of staying mentally well and sober.


Checking in with 275 days without alcohol.
That marks 9 months sober today yeah :+1:
Wouldnā€™t have managed that without your support.
Thank you so much my TS friends.
Have a great start to the new week everyone.


Another biggie!!
Way To Go Anne :raised_hands:


As Iā€™m glad you did Steve.

I know you know work, so not gonna whine. Just will take a couple weeks to get that specific muscle memory back.

I took back my largest client from last year that I dropped because I didnā€™t think Iā€™d do the work for him that Iā€™d be proud of, but he wants us pretty bad, so I agreed (against better judgment) , but itā€™s great cash work so since I gotta pay off the new workout equipment and am thinking on a new truck, I talk myself into it.

Anyway you get some rest as well man, Iā€™m almost ready to zonk out.


Checking in for Day 31.
Last night I had a lot of cravings and thoughts about alcohol. My husband has been drinking again on the weekends so it makes it hard!
Hope everyone is doing well.