Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Work is over and im finally home. Super proud of myself for going in this weekend and managaing everything at home.
BUT… i get home and my son is sick, yet AGAIN! This time its a runny nose and chest congestion. Ugh… i cant catch a break i tell u. Im actually getting angry at this point :triumph: I was so mad that i started crying and blaming my HP for everything thats been happening lately (which isnt like me at all) and then of course felt bad for being mad at my HP, so apologized lol So here i am just going with the flow. They say acceptance is the key to ALL my problems today. I have been fighting things lately bcuz i want a sense of control but in all reality I have no control over whats happening. I have no control that we have no homecare. No control over the fact that my son is ill. But i have control over how I respond, which is what im going to focus on. Hope the night goes well even tho my boy is sick. Tmrw we will both take it easy


Awe thats gotta be really hard being around ur husband drinking. I wouldnt be able to manage well if my husband was using around me. Take care of urself and do lots of self care. Ur doing amazing at 31 days :smiley:


Wow! Yay!!! Congratulations on 9 months!!! Amazing work friend :smiley:


@deelzebub 329 days is amazing work friend. Can you upcoming year milestone have anything to do with the mood? Impressive work on pushing yourself to be productive – I do hope it helped kick the depression to the curb. Big hugs :people_hugging:
@k_s WOOT WOOT 1 week is wonderful Kenny – keep working on your recovery and stacking up the days :muscle:
@steve14 Hope you were able to turn your Sunday around friend. I totally get being overwhelmed with work at home when you are always at work… I do hope you can find time to rest my friend and hopefully find some help at work.
@lisa-b Oh man Milestone Malady is so real and it sneaks up on you hard. Coming up on 4 months is amazing work. You are really working hard on rewiring your routines and working your recovery. That addict voice will creep in and try to distort you. Do not listen to it and be pleased that you are not adding literal poison into your body. I had and still have many angry and or sad days that just hit out of the blue. I do let myself sit with the feelings while also doing things that will help improve my mood like listening to a favorite song or doing an activity that I enjoy. Hope you were able to have a wonderful day – looking forward to celebrating 4 months with you tomorrow :hugs:
@wahtisnormal oh man that does sound frustrating and I do hope that venting here helped. Also hope you were able to get out for that forest walk – sounds absolutely delightful. Would you be able to purchase a mini fridge for your room? Not sure if that is an option where you are - It made my life easier when I moved in with my brother. You are doing great work Zoe – very proud of how you are handling your surroundings and protecting your sobriety.
@abbynormal great work on day 4. Insomnia is a bitch and I’m sorry you are dealing with it – it does get easier. A few things that have helped me are: a warm bath/shower before bed, a warm tea, lavender oil on pillow or in a diffuser, a full body mindful scan (where you start from your toes and scrunch them tight and then release slowly… go slowly up your body till you reach your eyes), a meditation (we have a meditation thread here to check out), deep breathing…. Hope you are able to get some good rest soon. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@davina_davis WOOT WOOT spring is springing and you are rocking it friend – 4 months is amazing work :muscle:
@chevy55 oof that is a lot of hard work – hope you are able to rest those muscles and not be in pain for tomorrow. Way to go on playing the tape forward – no good comes from drinking. Have a nice cold seltzer water on hand to quench your thirst :wink:
@tifflynn07 So lovely to see you checking in friend… you have been missed. Way to go on crushing your monthly goals. Hope you got a chance to rest and relax today – happy Sunday!
@happyfeet WHOOHOO Anne – 9 months is amazing work! So happy to see you popping in and happier to be sharing this milestone with you :hugs: :tada:


Oh for fucks sake – sorry I had to say it for you! I’m sorry love. Don’t blame you for getting frustrated and pissed. I am proud of how you have been and are handling all of this. You are so right- we can’t control anything except for how we deal with what is in front of us. I do hope that you are able to find some time to rest before your overnight tonight and sending loads of healing energy to your son – praying he recovers from this overnight :pray: Sending you and yours loads of love and hugs. I do hope it starts getting easier for you soon my friend. :mending_heart:


Haha u made me laugh with that :rofl: Thats exactly what i was mumbling under my breath earlier. Mind u, i wanted to scream it instead. But ya… i felt sooo angry at God (even tho i know this wasnt Gods doing) and then i began questioning what i was supposed to learn from all this? What is the lesson here? I cant catch a break lol once i get homecare tho it will very quickly return to normal. Just gotta push thru. Hugs to u Jasmine!


i totally get this Dana and it is an understandable reaction. Do scream and shout – He can take it. I know i get frustrated myself and scream to Him not at Him at times (sometimes at Him and apologize like you said :laughing: )… I am sending you loads of love my friend and energy to push through. Appreciate the hugs back :people_hugging:
Do hope you get some good homecare soon and your son starts feeling better soon too


I don’t reply often, and I appreciate people who take the time to reply to me but I try to read every post each day and give likes as often as I can. I get frustrated trying to reply to individuals and then having to scroll back up to find where I was. I suppose I want this to be an enjoyable thread to come on daily and not put pressure on myself to reply to people even though I think what they’re saying is really interesting. Thank you everyone for posting on here daily, and those who reply to me.

Day 42. Glad that’s off my chest :sweat_smile:


Checking in sober tonight :blue_heart:


Way to go with your 1+ month of sobriety friend. Grateful you were able to get past the cravings. Keep up the hard work on protecting your sobriety and stacking up the days :muscle:


Its great to have you here with us on this journey. Don’t ever feel obligated to reply to anyone.

This is a safe space for all to just be and the check in’s help all of us (reading and posting).

Great work on 42 days friend :muscle: – keep stacking up the days and sharing your journey with us :pray:


@Butterflymoonwoman Acceptance truly is the answer. Once I finally mastered it, everything became much easier. I wish I could give you advice on how to accept(:smirk:) acceptance into your life, but it sounds like you’re already on your way :+1: You are definitely being tested with all that’s going on, but I think you’re passing with flying colors! Rather than wanting to escape, you’re facing it head on and responding exactly how you should. Naturally. Hope your boy gets better soon :people_hugging:

@Whereswaldo When I joined this thread, I was very overwhelmed in the beginning. Just catching up can take such a long time, let alone responding to everyone. Know that no one here is expecting that of you. If you do want to respond more often, what works for me is to write down the people and topics I want to jump in on as I’m reading, and then write back at the end so I don’t lose my place :+1: And then there’s days I read and don’t feel like engaging with anyone, and that’s alright too. Whatever works :muscle:


I got to bed so late that I set an alarm for noon just in case I didn’t wake up earlier. I woke up at noon :sweat_smile: I met my friend around 2 and we went thru the entire (huge)basement before packing up our treasures and hauling them back to my house. So grateful I have her help. Since I don’t have a man around, or know anyone with a truck, I couldn’t’ve done it without her. I had a few things in a pile to donate that caught her eye, so I was happy to repay her in some way.

Tomorrow I plan to clean up my new stuff and hopefully start in the areas where everything will go. As excited as I am to change my space, I have to remember to take it bit by bit. Can’t get to it all in one day. Gonna wind down for what I expect to be a good nights sleep :sleeping: Have a wonderful day :sparkling_heart:


Good morning everyone, I have been through a few really bad weeks mentally but I’m slowly pulling my mind out the gutters and am getting to back to basics, focussing on eating well and getting exercise and obviously staying clean, keep strong everyone and keep your thoughts away from the dark side


Glad you took care of that thought, kicked it right back where it belongs: the dungeons!
Well done :facepunch:



The first week back on the job after my vacation was fine. I’m having a job interview this morning but it’s good to know I still like my current work. There’s no tremendous urge to leave right now, just some things I like a bit less and possibilities to better myself in this new position I feel. And it’s a five minute bike ride from home instead of a commute of more than an hour. That might be the biggest reason to look for change as I’m starting to dislike the daily travel time after two years. Anyway, going to have another coffee and prepare a little bit. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


*Day 2049 :walking_woman:
2 weeks before holiday :confetti_ball:
Had a nice weekend filled with activaties and chill time as well. Hubby and I are training for a longer walk like 40 km ore so (24,8 miles).

The weather was stormy yesterday but went out for a walk anyway.
Today? A early walk and work.
And I won’t drink. I was just thinking: how long ago was my last craving? I think months, maybe half a year? And those cravings are minor and easy to get through.
I’m still so happy I pushed trough and got rid of my bad habit. Addicted for life, I know. But my recovery gave (and still does) gives me so much.
Still growing! :seedling:
Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


Very impressive numbers you got there C.
Where’s your holiday?


Spain, Calella.
Leaving may 13th and going by bus :hugs:
Longing for sun to warm up my cold Dutch bones…


Never been. Sounds fabulous.
I’ll think of you in Spain on my moving day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Day 30 is here and all in all I can’t complain. Might be time to work more on the self care aspect though. So far I’ve been keeping myself busy with surrounding myself with other people. From one coping strategy into the next I guess. I’ll try to tone it down a notch. I’ll have to be ok on my own at some point.

Hope everyone else is having a good day! :slight_smile: